A feedback on the Predetermined BP weapons and the removal of Gold Equipment Orders

There’s nothing to compare it to.

And I’m certain that enough complaints for the battlepass system itself existed that the devs decided to make this change.

Just fork over the money if you care about battlepass content.

It’s literally a 1 time purchase with real money.

Most people complain about equipment performance and days rather than cards.
So what did we gain?
False propaganda and enhanced exploitation?

Eat shit if you don’t pay?
What a great method
This is definitely a great hit for new players and free players

BP guns being good is an exception rather than the rule.

Most have a comparable, if not outright better TT variant.

Even examples like the Type Hei 10rd and the Conders which offer things not available in their respective faction’s tech trees are rare among the sea of collectible garbage guns.

They just want you to shill out money for the actual pass since it strips any semblance of choice.