To see a guy being FOR the removal/deterioration of a service we all enjoyed is baffling to me.
Removal of the shop, has no benefits for the player, at all. It’s something less, that’s it.
The only ones who will benefit are df devs who want to bleed ppl more, by making all those gold orders stuff obtainable ONLY through gambling, randomly, thus needing much much more resources, time and frustration on the player’s part, the only loser in this situation.
The gold order vehicles argument is even worse, I have so many legacy units, premium tanks and gold order vehicles that I can literally cycle 3 top rank vehicles in each BR.
I have access to
3x Panzer III J in BR1
3x Panzer III N in BR2
3x Panzer IV J in BR3
3x Panther in BR4
2x Tiger II + 1x Jagdpanther in BR5
This not only used to be the norm, it was used alot back in the campaign system, people kept playing as dedicated tankers.
The fact that I can bring in multiple good vehicles in a row, while new players will never be able to do this is pretty unfair. In the end, a dedicated tanker that keeps playing as a tanker even after death is simply a much better contribution to the team, because he knows the flow of the tank battle, can revenge kill other tankers and can keep applying pressure.
Everyone should be allowed to do this - free squad slots should become a thing.
I agree with this, but Enlisted seems to think that F2Ps should have an experience that is as barebones as possible as means to compel them to shill out real money.
They’re collectible content you can only acquire in limited quantities.
The fact you cannot acquire more than a few over the course of several seasons has made them a valuable in-game currency, and the concept of “what is worth redeeming using extremely rare currency” is why weight is given to actually useful equipment rather than a sidegrade to existing tech tree equipment.
If you want anything past what the game gives you, the only option is to pay up.
For that season. You get more seasons.
For everyone to get a reference:
Battlepass 16 (New) // 42 Days // 15 Jan 25 - 26 Feb 25 (As per announcement)
Battlepass 15 (New) // 51 Days // 25 Nov 24 - 15 Jan 25
Battlepass 14 (Old) // 89 Days // 28 Aug 24 - 25 Nov 24
Battlepass 13 (Old) // 105 Days // 15 May 24 - 28 Aug 24
Battlepass 12 (Old) // 105 Days // 31 Jan 24 - 15 May 24
The old BP alternates between 1 and 2 gold weapon orders, excluding events which may reward you with 1.
But let’s presume the old battlepass seasons gave you 2 per season so it isn’t a pain in the ass to calculate.
In the 299 days featuring the old BP system last year on 2024, you would have obtained 6 gold weapon orders, excluding events. This represents about 6 purchaseable copies of a weapon, of which about 12 different weapons were introduced (1 per faction per season) where you may purchase 4 copies each.
This means you would need to choose up to 6 of 12 different weapons out of 48 possible purchaseable copies. 6/48
In the less than 100 days since the new system was introduced, 2 new battlepass guns were added for 4 copies each season.
This means you acquired 2 of 2 battlepass guns out of all 8 possible copies. 8/8
Now, if we match the number of days between the new system and the old system, you would get 6 of 6 battlepass guns available and all 24 copies. 24/24
You would be getting less variety, but far more guns to equip squads with.
You do not need to choose which content to skip and which to get, because you merely need to play the season to get it.
The people who care about performance refer to Euthy’s datamine sheets, not videos.
I have no idea what gave you this impression.
Misrepresenting an argument makes you incredible, especially since I've already self-quoted my points from older topics to get everyone up to speed as to what the points I made are.
Or you could literally just get everything you would have paid gold orders to get.
The purpose of the battlepass is to maintain a consistent daily user count. If you want content, you’ll have to play enough of this season. Given that you cannot purchase what you missed, I would not assume Darkflow would literally let go of a possible place to monetize.
In spite of the apparent discontinuation of old battlepass equipment, they have repeatedly put them on sale in spite of their apparent “limited” status.
Nothing? That’s disingenuous.
You get 4 copies of a weapon and some random gold soldier. You only get nothing if you don’t play.
I have already addressed this.
The fact you shamelessly cycle tanks in an infantry game and then complain about how a system that used to cater to said vehicle cycling no longer offers you new vehicles is appalling.
Especially when you yourself have likely played long enough to know that these gold order vehicles being their own vehicle instead of a customization option was borne out of the fact that they were introduced at a time before vehicle customization was introduced.
They were never intended to be a convenient method to cycle vehicles.
What pre-merge players have right now is an exclusive privilege.
I like how I’m genuinely addressing arguments in good faith, but no one seems to recognize, acknowledge or even read my points past “oh no he’s contradicting us.”
You’re free to prove me wrong by quoting the points you disagree with.
And what did change now except you have less days to play it to get a gun you might never be able to get again? Dunno why that ain’t FOMO.
Of only one weapon you maybe don’t even on faction basis? Same applies to soldier.
But I forgot, making the player play the game for three months for choice is worse.
And it is still stupid.
You basically we have too much expectation which I don’t even know who is that dumb to make this a point against keeping them and something about cycling vehicles that don’t get fixed anyway.
And who cares when and under which circumstances they have been made if you still get a free upgraded vehicle?
If you don’t like it, just don’t buy them then.
While still not fixing the core issue of cycling. Thank god the US cannot spam T26 tanks that can only be used by one squad anyways while Germany still can spam two Tiger IIs, Tiger Is or Panthers, not counting the masses of premium and event vehicles.
And if Enlisted is a “infantry” game, why do we even have vehicles in the first place? Remove them then.
Which is why they offered another Jumbo for Normandy and another Panzer IV E. so people would not spam two Jumbos or Panzer IV Es I guess…
No, you just don’t make sense. How long does it take you to accept that maybe its not the other people that are wrong but you if no one agrees (excluding two likes)?
Where did I say that it was bad? I gave you context as to the primary purpose of the battlepass.
The fact they haven’t monetized the older new guns from the previous season under the new system is still a possibility, and it may have to do with the still-existing to-be-discontinued old-bp shop.
Yes. A half-assed fix that had an unintended consequence of setting the expectations of players moving forward.
It’s like being offered business-class seating in a plane because all the economy seats are full, but when there is space in economy, you should be in economy.
An issue that only older players that still have their pre-merge squads can exploit, limiting its frequency.
Do you really want me to quote why the old system gave you vehicles instead of camoflage skins again?
Turns out, if you cut off the supply of players with the ability to do this and prevent newer players from doing the exact same thing, it would reduce the rate you see this happening.
What the shop offered was choice. But your choices are so limited that each choice was treated with value.
The removal of the shop also means the removal of any choice and possible compromises. You get exactly what’s on offer, with no need to consider what could have been.
The ability to get everything on offer than to make compromises on what to miss is an improvement.
You tell me. I think everyone here tries to figure out what the hell you think of.
No, I am just asking why it’s bad… beyond mentioning stuff that does not exist and something about expectations because we bought air plane tickets that does not apply here either.
I see you know how the squad system works.
Only old players/ pre-merge players can spam vehicles because they have the squads that allow them to spam them. E.g. the Soviets can spam two (at least) two IS-2 tanks because they own the legacy squad from Berlin and the new Tier 3 tanker squad. A new player can never do that because they don’t own the squad and the IS-2 will never appear in the current Tier 1 and Tier 2 tank squad because they only went to the respective squad that had the tank.
And in I think all cases so far, post-merge GO vehicles only were available for the new squads, further reducing their ability to be spammed by vets, not to mention that in most cases they also have access to double TT versions.
You could see this with the new Jumbo GO that could only be used by the Allied Tier 3 squad but not by the legacy Tier 2 Jumbo squad from Normandy.
So your claim is wrong. New players can’t cycle vehicles/ squads with new GO vehicles because it is already impossible in a technical manner, therefore it is a problem from you that can’t exist and is not fixed. All they got were free tanks they didn’t need to research and spend silver on. And vets still can spam and could only spam new ones if it fulfil very specific technical requirements.
And the root is still not fixed.
And now there is only two choices, buy it or not and not get it for free anymore at all afterwards.
Much better.
No, no rewording of yours does not change reality, which is that we get less choices.
It’s only been a few days, but everyone’s writing skills have improved significantly. Reading those long-winded pieces really gives me a headache. In the future, there will definitely be other ways to obtain the gold card weapons (such as through some small-scale events that are just meant to fob us off). I just hope that they can return to us more frequently, regardless of the method.
it’s simply limited and unique content.
which it used to have lots of sidegrades, and SOME performant weapons.
and, according to your own logic, we’ll never see other sidegrades with this currenty bp system but only improvements?
also wrong.
you had
daily login
buy with actual gold
first required to play
second required to play and pay
third required almost virtually nothing than booting up the game everyday.
the fourth it’s kinda self explanatory.
but, remind me how you can get gold weapons in the new system?
oh right. you can’t beside the BP.
because again, you had in almost 105 days double and triple the amount of guns available in the store to get regardless. across different brs instead of one forced option.
you actually had almost 4 guns per seasons of different nationalities.
same with gold order vehicles.
and tons of more silver.
instead now, few silvers, only 4 guns and 2 skins which you cannot decide.
weather it made it somewhat simpler and guaranteed to obtain 4 weapons, it doesn’t mean much because you cannot decide the weapons in question.
which is far worse than getting more pews pews considering yet again, that you no longer have the choices available + other methods of obtaining gold order.
hell, you could even buy them with gold straight up.
idk how you can justify or see it as a net positive. when in reality, it really isn’t.
having more guns never was the real problem.
especially with all the methods that there were to obtain them.
you are very disillusioned i’m afraid.
only 5% of the playerbase even knows of said spreadsheets.
what do you expect the 95% of the playerbase do if they don’t know of said existance?
they look over videos.
your constant " buh uh ". conquest is bad. maps are bad etc. i leave because of x or y.
not at all when you are the one who just embraced the new bp without logically thinking and understanding what was lost.
which, not to sound condescending, but i haven’t seen many people in favor of the new bp beside you, scav sergei, and other 3/4 people when it was first announced.
Is there some sort of language barrier preventing us from understanding each other?
Are you incapable of understanding metaphors? I can already see you struggle to understand even with even the basics.
You’re agreeing with me.
Your initial question was “how was the frequency of vehicle cycling decreased” and you literally just restated my explanation.
Vehicle cycling is a privilege reserved by pre-merge players. Post-merge players do not have the ability to do so. As the player population grows, the number of pre-merge players does not grow.
Where did I say that? Quote me.
We’re referring to battlepass, and I’m strictly comparing battlepass systems.
Both the old and new systems do not preclude events as a source of unique equipment.
It remains to be said what will happen to daily login gold orders.
Once again, choice requires compromise.
What to buy.
What not to buy and miss out on.
I’d rather get everything the game has to offer as soon as it’s released.
We’re talking about those who care for its performance. That would necessitate excluding those that generally do not care or are passive out of the equation. If their desire for a weapon can be easily swayed by the opinions of others that they require someone else to market the weapon to them, they don’t care to look up the stats of equipment.
Are you sure you’re not mistaking me from someone else who likes to desert?
I know you struggle to understand basic logic and reasoning, but I didn’t expect you to misrepresent whatever criticisms I have regarding maps and game modes to the degree that you are incapable of distinguishing between discussing talking points on the merits of whatever the issue is and the ramblings of someone who is whining about not getting what he wants.
The fact I am arguing with you and everyone else and capable of addressing each point you all make in spite of the constant ignorance is sufficient proof that I have thought about it.
Or don’t.
As mentioned earlier, if you want more BP guns with the old system, regardless of whether you liked the guns this season or not, you still have to play the season to save enough gold orders to buy the things you want in future or older seasons.
Man, it sure is difficult for the people replying to me to understand that choice requires compromise, and it’s better to get everything on offer than it is to decide what to miss.
You’re also free to ignore my response regarding your stance on getting camoflage instead of entirely new vehicles for you cycle with in spite of the context. Unlike some people, I definitely have no ulterior motives when formulating opinions.