Here’s something to think of. Before the BP change, F2Ps could horde orders for a specific firearm or faction. Here they are forced down to exactly ONE gun for each of the four factions. I currently have FOUR Condors, if the Condors had been released after the BP change, I would have exactly ONE.
Sooo then you just wait 30 days until the next battle pass (unless it gets extended, then maybe 40 days) and do that one if you want. I completely understand this dynamic. And if you’re concerned that you don’t play enough, then just don’t buy the BP. I got the BP and I play a total of an hour a day, and I finished the BP in 20 days. Not really a big concern imo.
That being said, am I exactly pleased with this change? No. However, I think that most everyone can’t see the forest for the trees. @Stein_Grenadier has some good points. I do think that getting the BP shortened in this instance is a (some-what) good thing. He has a good point about how you didn’t get as many guns. Was that a bad thing? No, I don’t think so. I think that a better fix would’ve been to keep the old BP (and keep the playerbase happy) but shorten it (so that you get more rewards quicler).
Another thing; so what if you don’t want the new guns in the Battle Pass because they “don’t fit your nation” or “I don’t need them”? Why not just have the guns, especially considering if you’re planning on working on other nations at some point and could use some extra stuff for them, even if you don’t use it right away? Everybody has certain TT guns they don’t like to use, so they just don’t use them (or use them in very very rare cases). Couldn’t the BP be like that? It’s almost like one of the new events now where they just give you certain guns (the Fedorov Rifle for example) for completing the tasks. I’m almost certain that you don’t use every event gun that you’re given because some of them are trash. Couldn’t we view the BP in this way now?
Again, I don’t really like the changes. I liked having a choice better. However, I really don’t think that this new BP system is horrible or is game-ending or deserves the heated discussion that’s ensued because of it. Things happen in games that not everyone likes. Just facts of gaming. It’s really not worth acting like this. It makes no difference how learned or logical you are if you hurl insults at people, they just won’t listen to you even more, and how many valid points you make if you’re unkind in making them. Can’t we just act like adults here and discuss things instead of whine and complain and argue and insult? Can’t we just accept that maybe people disagree with you and acknowledge that they’ve made some valid points, even if you don’t like the changes, or think that their points are worse than the old BP system? I think the people arguing for the BP changes are just trying to help everyone understand maybe why these changes happened.
Seriously, I dislike the changes of the BP (other than the shortening of the season). I feel like I need to make that clear, or else someone will chock me up with the supporters of the change and rip me to shreds. However, like I said above, I don’t think the changes are horrible. We just have to adapt to these changes. DF has made it pretty clear that they don’t feel like listening to the playerbase RN.
FYI, I’m not trying to direct this at any one person. If you feel like my message speaks to you. then maybe it is for you. I’m not trying to trash other people or put y’all down, I’m just trying to return this to a discussion instead of a tantrum.
you are not understanding main issue about new BP format. removal of GO and BP shop. is more weapons per BP season good? absolutely. but you know how this could have been made much better? if they simply left BP shop and added 4 GO instead of 4 mandatory BP weapons.
currently new BP has only positives for people who have bought BP, have all weapons they were interested in from BP shop, are extremely active and/or dont take any vacation/trips. if you dont satisfy all of those conditions, new BP will be downgrade.
I think I made that point in my post. I do understand the main issue. I don’t care for the change away from choice and not having GOs and the BP shop. I just don’t think it’s such a big deal that it deserves all the crap that’s been hitting the fan lately over it.
I will concede that. However;
Like I said, it literally takes an hour a day to get the BP in 20 days. That’s not a lot of time.
What do you mean by only positives for people who have bought BP?
Also I don’t think I made myself perfectly clear in my original post
The points I’ve made are my initial complaints about the BP changes. I’ve thought about it a lot since then, and while those are still my complaints, I’ve realized that it’s not going to fundamentally change my gameplay or make Enlisted miserable for me. I completely understand where everyone is coming from and can agree with arguments on both sides. I would have much rather DF change the BP to be shorter but kept the BP shop and GOs. That is a much more player-friendly environment than this latest change. I think that DF went too far to the opposite extreme in trying to fix a few of the problems of the old BP, and, in doing so, upset 99% of Enlisted players.
it is big deal when you are going from better service to worse one, specially cause it didnt take any effort to maintain current service(aka BP shop and GO). only positive stuff in new BP is 4x BP weapon (vs 1-2 in previous one) and “no more BP extensions”. that “no more BP extensions” is already dead in water cause we had first 2 season already extended. negatives on other hand are many.
not all people have 1 hour of time for 20 days in a month for playing games(or one specific game). i can easily be out of town for week or two at last minute notice and sometimes i play other games and dont want the chore of playing 1 hour daily cause BP. with ~3months per BP i could easily have time to grind harder in some days and take couple of weeks for other stuff.
also f2p players need more than 20 days even in ideal conditions
f2p players are getting f-ed with new BP. before they could get 1 GO from BP + ~3 GO from events in BP season with 0-7 GO depending on RNG from daily login rewards.
now they removed GO from daily login rewards, no GO from events and they get 3x1 mandatory(shit) BP weapon for faction that they maybe dont even play. before they could have saved those GO and bought 4x good BP weapon for any faction.
I will agree with that. When I was referring to a ‘big deal’, I meant that it wasn’t worth being irritable with each other over differing opinions. My apologies for not making that clear. I do agree that it is a big deal and we have every right to be upset with DF over this, I just don’t think it’s worth the insults towards each other and the overall animosity that has happened in this topic (from all sides).
Yes, that I can also agree with. I do think that maybe a little longer than 30 days would be better, but 90 days (plus whatever extension they add) is a little overkill imo. By shortening it to 45-50 days (plus an extension would make it more like 60 days), we’d get much more rewards in less time, and maybe that would allow people like yourself to have more of an opportunity to finish the BP.
Like I’ve stated above, I agree whole-heartedly with this. Having a choice is much better than being forced to have a gun you don’t want. I really wish DF had changed it so the BP is shorter but with the same rewards. I can’t really argue with you on this, because it’s a very valid point. All I’m trying to say is that there is some benefits (okay, not a lot, and the cons are a bit more valid imo) and we can really only see how this is going to play out. DF knows our concerns, and that we’re not happy, so maybe they will do some tweaking in the near future. It already seems like they noticed that being given skins wasn’t really pleasing to the playerbase and are already back to just giving us new vehicles.
No, they only give planes because planes have no camo options.
Giving away GO skins for planes would mean unlocking options for them that the devs were unwilling to spend time and ressources for.
here is list of negatives of new BP format(vs old):
no GO and BP shop
ultra FOMO with only ~1 month to finish BP and get weapons/vehicle skins(vs 1+ year with BP shop)
mandatory weapons (vs free choice)
f2p players get 1 of each BP weapon (vs GO that gave choice)
no login streak GO rewards
no event GO rewards
less room for taking time off the game (BP seems more like chore/job).
vehicles replaced with skins
less content. in slightly more time(105 days for 3 new BP seasons vs 90 days in old BP season) you get 3 weapons and 3 skins vs 4 weapons and 4 vehicles.
BP are still delayed (although they promised they will be on time) making BP even more worthless regarding content
here is list of positives:
4x BP weapons inside BP (vs 1-2 GO). although you will still get less BP weapons cause of removal of GO from events and daily login reward
100 extra gold every 35+ days for people with BP (vs extra 100 gold every 90-105 days). triple income(but who actually cares about 1$ vs 3$ income for ~3months)
50 extra gold every 35+ days for f2p players (vs 100 gold every 90-105 days). 50% more income, but it is easier to actually just work 1 hour on any job for income multiple of that.
Sure is nice to see people still call the new BP FOMO when the old BP literally forced you to make compromises on what content to get and what content to consign to never get, and literally gave you the option to pay for content you missed for monetization purposes.
Do you understand what battlepasses in videogames are intended for?
To incentivize users to keep playing.
No one is forcing you to play a BP season you don’t want with the new system, whereas with the old system, you need to finish the existing season AND the upcoming season just so you can even save enough gold orders to buy more than 1-2 per season.
Which was the consequence of the devs half-assing the battlepass system by giving players unique vehicle camoflage without a functioning vehicle customization system.
Old system seasons were intended to last 90 days.
New system seasons were intended to last 30 days.
That BP seasons keep getting extended is a tale as old as time.
In the same amount of time:
12 copies total of 3 guns you have no choice in.
A choice of 4 different guns which you can only pick 1-2 copies of.
Time to go on a different tangent addressed to everyone who likes to use the funni word.
People seem to be misapprehending and misusing the term “FOMO”
Are people purposely deafened to the fact that in the old system, they proclaimed that they would be permanently removing older battlepass content SEVERAL TIMES, gave you TIMERS of WHEN THE CONTENT WILL DISAPPEAR, and then went on a 50% SALE FOR GOLD DURING DECEMBER?
And then, when they saw the opportunity to, when it was time to adopt a new battlepass system, they reneged on their proclamation that older battlepass content will no longer be available, and then shamelessly put all previous battlepass content up for sale with a timer, just so anyone with lingering interests can then spend on it.
The developers literally made gold orders a stupidly scarce resource and limited not only how much new content you can get, but they limited the length of time you can get this content on the premise that you would be making a compromise.
“Fear of missing out”
It’s a marketing trick intended to milk money from players.
Even funnier, almost everyone against the new BP system would gladly say “The new BP system offers you less content” but would gladly gloss over the fact they don’t have every piece of content available in the previous battlepass formats in spite of playing multiple seasons out to full.
The new system gives you all the content it can. Whether you pay for that season’s pass and commit is completely up to you. You’d be refunded for that season, anyway, so why not play it out?
The “FOMO” people are talking about with the new BP is not a deliberate product of the developers intentionally limiting the quantity of gold orders to redeem in a shop as to create an artifical scarcity to monetize. It is instead a consequence of a player willfully not making a commitment to play the game.
But sure, “nuh uh, the new BP system is more FOMO because I’m a busy busy guy with no time to play the game and its shorter seasons in spite of the fact I get reimbursed for the original cost on completion”
I disagree, what else should I say? you are exaggerating how rare gold orders were, I own plenty of gold order guns, and I am not one of those that cycle through battle passes - 80% of my gold order guns came from event gold orders, I think since beta, I got one gold order gun and two gold order vehicles out of the daily log in crates, I think that about every 5th BP I even managed to finish to get some free stuff, the rest came from events, and the couple of BPs I actually bought.
ALL that while I was able to specifically choose what gun to get.
I have 4 Mondragons, 3 Gewehr 43 kurz, one burst Breda, 4 MKb 42W, 1 MKB 35/III, 2 Pavesti SVT, 1 Cönders, 3 Knorr Bremse MGs, 4 Lathi MGs and even 3 T20E1 rifles - yeah even I play Allies from time to time.
I use every single one of those gun ( except MkB42W, powercreep and bad BR placements made it useless)
I chose every single one of those guns with full intention, I love them, I use them, technically I even payed from them because of the few times I got the BP, but now? I will skip 80% of BPs because first of stuff not from my main faction and second because of stuff I wouldnt like anyways - HOWEVER, once there drops a weapon I really really wanna play with, I will be forced to buy the BP this time, BECAUSE OF REAL FOMO - which before wasnt an issue, because AGAIN I was able to save my gold orders for stuff I liked using.
I simply disagree with you, non of your point make me like the new system, its simply a downgrade in every aspect - yes every single one, your argument that you get more stuff because the BPs are faster over and you get 4 guns right away is simply a facade.
yes it is FOMO cause you either get them in 1 month or miss them forever. with old BP you had 1+ year to choose what you want. yes, you would miss some weapons, but lots of weapons just werent interesting and most people wouldnt play them cause they main something or weapons are just too weak for its BR. now you may easily miss interesting weapons cause e.g. you were on vacation for 2-3 weeks or you were new player who didnt know if he wanted to play the game or not so he didnt buy BP at that time.
just to be clear i am not saying that old BP was perfect. it definitely needed boost in number of awarded GO and if they gave less content and more GO it would have been much better solution.
what is speculation? GO are going away so they will not be awarded. they already replaced soldier GO in ranks with 4k silver. certainly i hope that they will actually provide decent rewards instead of GO, but i hold no hope. at best we will get either mandatory weapons for events or lootboxes with old BP weapons. at worst we will get silver.
and other BP games have it solved much better. most of the games have ~3 months BP with no limit to daily tasks/xp. sometimes i have 5 hours in a day where i can play enlisted, sometimes i have 0. making me play when devs want and not when i want and have time when i paid for BP makes BP shit. at least with old BP you had more flexibility on choosing when you wanted to grind and when you didnt. taking 2-3 weeks from the game wouldnt “penalize” you and now you cant even go on a vacation without knowing that you missed out on BP.
like i said before they could have easily buffed number of GO and people would be happy. also outside of worst collectors, most people dont want lots of BP weapons cause they are either for their non main nation or they represent sidegrade or downgrade to existing TT weapon.
old BP is 75+15=90 days
new BP is 30+5=35 days
3 new BP 35*3=105 days
shall i quote you where they said we wont have any more delays with introduction of new BP?
currently we have 1st season with 50 days and second season with 42 days. so instead of getting ~3 seasons for same time period, we are getting 2 seasons. maybe i should have corrected myself and put 2 weapons and 2 skins vs 4 weapons and 4 vehicles.
*8 copies of 2 guns you have no choice in. 3 months have already passed since introduction of new BP.
is anyone against more GO? find me any single person here that is against more GO.
also i dont care for lots of old BP content. i dont care for lots of new BP content (e.g. these guns in last 2 BP season). i get what is interesting and unique (e.g. sword pistol) or it is OP compared to TT(conders, RMN-50). in old BP i could have easily saved for weapons that i found interesting and bought 4 copies cause i had year+ to save GO to buy them. if new BP had 4x GO in it and devs introduced 1 BP weapon per season lots of people wouldnt even complain about new BP.
you are completely wrong. it is deliberate cause it forces f2p players to pay up for BP if they want 4x good weapon in one season. before they could easily get 4x good weapon without paying. also it is deliberate cause it forces players to play due to extremely limited time availability for certain weapons. so new BP is founded on FOMO.
also closing of shop is another FOMO cash grab(some forum members have spent hundreds of dollars on certain BP weapons) and i suspect that extension of BP and shop closure is last minute FOMO cash grab.
well excuse me for not committing my life to the enlisted/DF/gaijin.
it is more FOMO cause it is play this month or miss the content forever. reasons on why i cant play and will miss out on content that i want cause of short BP season is other thing. you need to differentiate between what makes new BP bad cause of FOMO elements and what makes new BP bad cause it is short. both are bad and their combination is even worse.
this entire discussing with him is pointless - “FOMO” isnt even the main argument or the issue anyways, but him keeping on his stance that the new BP is much better because the old was FOMO is ridiculous.
@robihr , @Stein_Grenadier , I think y’all are both right in some capacity and have made yourselves clear. Is it really worth this never-ending discussion about who’s right or who’s wrong from opinionated perspectives? Can i suggest maybe, just maybe, ending this discussion here, seeing as the argument for the new BP has been laid out clearly and the argument for the old BP has been as well? Is there any need for beating the dead horse any further?