Lets try again: dont remove gold orders

Before they changed GOs, I could get free orders for BP firearms and BP vehicles. I could horde orders from events for the faction I liked and ignore the ones I don’t care about. I’ll say this again, if the Condors had been released in 2025, I would only have ONE instead of the FOUR I currently possess.

This disproportionately affects F2Ps. Maybe whales like you don’t see a difference but it sure as hell makes one big ass difference to casuals like me. So just recognize whales do not represent the player base, our representatives have always been and always should be casuals.

Get that through, damnit.

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This game has something bordering on a toxic positivity issue. I have not a clue on why a such mentality was formed but if I had to guess it is a result of the sunk cost fallacy considering these people have spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars on this game and most likely quadruple digit hours of play-time. These whales have a compulsion to needlessly defend the game, not for sake of dialogue or understand the perspective of another person, but to defeat their own hidden sense of dread that they might have wasted too much of their life and a chunk of their wallet on this leech of a game.

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