Lets try again: dont remove gold orders

Yeah, I guess the devs made up their mind on this, nonetheless I still think this change makes absolutely no sense what so ever, and here’s why:

  1. There are so many options to pick from, it gives each player a long term goal to grind for - even long after finishing the tech trees

  2. The gold order rewards in the events makes people grind through them, even if they are not interested in the main rewards

  3. Its the easiest way to bring in prototype weapons without overflowing the game with them - keeping the game overall believable as a WW2 game, because of the 4 gun limitation.

  4. Shuffling the currently obtainable gold order weapons around at each new battle pass season will turn gold order weapons into interesting collectables.

So in conclusion, changing this will have no benefit, the current gold order/events synergy is excellent for the longevity and player retention of the game.

Personally I know for a fact that I will participate much less in future events - simply because 90% of them I only grinded through because of the gold orders, which isn’t a huge issue for me personally cuz I am one of those old school gamers that doesn’t need to grind for something to enjoy a good game… but many here, especially the new generation of gamers need a long term grind goal to keep their attention.

So devs pls reconsider, you are making a mistake.

*forgot to mention that gold orders were also a huge selling point of the battlepass, the devs are literally sabotaging their own revenue at this point.


you see, we can’t let players have decisions.

they don’t know any better :wink: .

oh, and we can’t let them have a single effing battlepass in time despite we told them that there would be no further delays!.

( :clown_face: )

as it goes, yeah, it’s rather too late.


I like how you participated in a few topics about the gold orders being removed, and even made one of your own, but have the audacity to brazenly declare you learned or appreciated none of the counterarguments, let alone acknowledge them.

You listing the positives and saying there are no drawbacks is similar to a used car salesman speakingly strictly about the selling points of the vehicle without any of the flaws, hidden or otherwise, that the prospective buyer has to deal with.

The old gold order system is flawed and is reliant on FOMO.



you must be joking.

because i would " like " to remind you that if you missed them, you were at least be able to get them for a long period of time. sometimes up to 4 seasons.

this new BP is effe all BUT fomo.

if you don’t play said season where such weapons comes from, you’ll miss them forever.

there are literally 0 benefits.

  • choices was sacrified

  • less content
    ( bonus: same delays for less content apparently )

  • gotta play more if you want to get the rank rewards as the bp as a whole was shrinked

  • gutted completely gold order vehicles for meaningless skins that you cant change it’s base camouflage and markings for a vehicle that some people may not even have ( which again, choices was sacrified for few or more guns ).

you call this improvement with benefits?


Gold orders were the most popular reward in all of the game by far.
People used to buy the elite battle pass for them, grind the events for them and even log in every single day just for a slim chance of rolling one.

Now I will get 4 BP guns instead of 2 which is an upgrade, but in the process we lose everything that made gold orders so unique thus making this change a huge downgrade.
I said this before but I will say it again that I dont own more than 3 even of my favourite BP gun so why do I have to take 4 of the same gun? At least give us 1 GO + the 3 BP instead of 4 BP gun thus letting us pick one from the BP shop.


Call me a boomer, but all those many abbreviations give me a headache… let ask google…

Fear of missing out?

In the new battle pass you also get exclusive rewards? How is that any different?


Oh yeah exactly its even much worse now


Forgot to adress this aswell, gold orders also obviously were a huge selling point for the battlepass. Removing them will make buying the battlepass 100% less attractive.

I’ll edit my first post!


Soo you say he only brought up the positives…. Then what are the truly, overriding negatives of the old GO systems that needs systemic change? Every other commenter on this post (along with the many other posts asking NOT to change the GO system) have brought up extremely valid points. You only critiqued them with conjecture and no base of evidence.

The old GO system is a huge reason to play and keep playing. Period. Its uniqueness helps to keep people grinding and look forward to another aspect of the game (other than updates, events, etc.).


I like how you use the word “conjecture” and “no base of evidence” while completely disregarding the first paragraph of the same post you are replying to.

Do you even know what those words mean, or are you using them to sound smart?

I did not bother to repost my arguments because I have already argued against the same people, and both the OP and the subsequent posters have chosen to refuse to acknowledge the counterarguments posted in the previous topics.

To keep you up to speed

  • Choices between which half-decent gun/collectible in stinking pile of garbage BP guns to buy, sure.
  • I’ll acknowledge that this means you get less new content to pick from.
  • Shortening the BP actually means you need less play time to get the guns you want. I’ll concede that delays in the BP are part of life given that non-delayed seasons are a rarity.
  • Gold order vehicles being free max upgrade vehicles rather than separate vehicles was a half-assed measure introduced during a time before vehicles even had customization or camoflage features. Players essentially being given a free vehicle was an unintended consequence that grew into an expectation.

Considering that battlepass purchases are essentially single-time transactions with the company that provides for and even exceeds the amount of in-game currency necessary to purchase the next battlepass, I don’t understand why you seem to imply that people wouldn’t just pay for the battlepass.

You realize that you worded it such that the new BP is not FOMO, right? But I’ll indulge.

And one of the complaints of the old BP was that there are too many guns to choose from and not enough to buy copies with. I understand that collecting a variety of weapons is appealing, but when people wanted good guns, they wanted them in quantities only possible if you had saved enough gold weapon orders over the course of a year, with the alternative being that you pay gold to get those same guns.

  1. You want more guns you wanted to collect with the old system?
    Play the season and maybe get 1-2 copies.

  2. You want more guns to collect with the old system?
    Pay up, or play through multiple seasons to accrue enough gold weapon orders.

  3. What if some new collectible gun you want shows up during the “saving up” period during the old system?
    Pay up or play through multiple seasons like with the previous question.

  4. You don’t want the guns the new system offers this season?
    Just skip it.

  5. You see guns the new system offers this season?
    Then play it. You’ll get a decent number of copies.

You are not punished in your ability to collect guns that you want merely because you skipped a season, whereas you are essentially making a full commitment over the course of over half a year just to obtain enough gold weapon orders to acquire enough copies of 1 gun.

Nice to see you still refuse to acknowledge the points I made in your thread just a little over a month ago.

which it still was a choice.
and most gold orders weren’t made for meta gloryhounds such as your self.

hence, not a valid point at all.

that’s… great.

which means, you also get less in terms of rewards.

previous battlepass prolongued both the playtime and the rewards required to both benefit ( company and customers ).

shrinking did somewhat the opposite.

i can’t disagree there.
but as a pourly thought out concept, it came out to be quite useful and unique.
as it allowed camouflaged to be used and get more stilistic choices. but that may not be interest for everyone ( of course. nor should be ). the main feature was being able to use said vehicles in order squads as well ( for example, japan GOs. where you could use Ho-1 in tanker type III and others ).

save you some silver, and skip the grind.
although, those could have been the reason why were removed.

except it is.

maybe i should have worded it better.
but the message was crystal clear.

which it’s why not being able to get all of them still allowed some players to effectively buy them when said weapons or items would phase out after 4 seasons.

there were reasons and justification.

now it’s all gone and behind limited event.
you want it? well. you better get it.

you don’t want it?
you better not regret it.

and by the time the weapon will be in some video featured for it’s performance you most likely won’t have enough time to collect the weapon it self unless you just yoloed.

which, yes. it is nice the 1000 gold back.
but that’s also an investment.
you either play with time, or buy gold.

it seems to me you are thinking on the very short rewards rather than long term benefits.

literally nothing wrong with having less weapons if that means you can get a different variety at all time.
or, once every 1 or 2 years as " limited brought back " with the gold that you actually grinded for.
and use it whenever you see something you like or need.

it’s kinda ironic from someone who apparently is cool with deserting because of the game allegeldy forcing you the play maps you don’t like, or because of others etc.

which, sure.
as it goes for the BP, you may decide not to get it if you are not interested.
but here is the catch. you are forced to go through if you want just a skin, or X / Y because you have no other ways of obtain such item.

so it’s a false notion as well.

so far, no concrete real benefits beside the: " i like it because i get more pew pews. even though i can’t decide which ones i get ". at the cost of more content, and basically most people opinions and preferences.


Dev’s response?
YARN | Talk to the hand. | Terminator 3: Rise of the ...


Weren’t they already like this half the time?

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If FOMO is the worst flaw, I guess we can accept it that one.

And hey, at least you could still get some gold orders for free while with the new one, ya get nothing.

Now you dont get the gun you want and no chance to buy them later again.
MUCH better, we just cant see it.

And now? Nothing.
Again, MUCH better. No choice is still better than few “bad” choices.

And again, jokes aside, where is the bad part?

Yeah, just wait like at least three months or so + the mandatory extensions to maybe get the faction you want.
Not counting that it is a weapon you actually want anyways.
Again, MUCH better, we are just too stupid to see that.

Like in the old days?

Not to mention, before we got vehicles, actual vehicles.
Now we get skins.
Again, MUCH better because lesss clutter. Too much choice is bad.


On the other hand of the spectrum, regular F2Ps get screwed over since they have zero control over what they can and can’t purchase. You get one gun and that’s it. You can’t horde them for your favorite faction or purchase multiple examples of the same firearm. I currently have FOUR Condors SMGs, had they been released within these two seasons, I would have exactly ONE unless I shilled out the big bucks.

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Probably because your points are stupid. Who said we wanted “more guns” and that’s it?!? and again this is a F2P game buddy. People like the freedom of choice and to look forward to having that choice instead of having stuff just put on us (I don’t really care for a bunch of guns I might not use like the new PPSH-45) and maybe I want to choose some of those old battlepass weapons as time goes on (but without the GO I have no way of knowing, especially if your a new player). Sure I could just skip this seasons BP but then that DF losing old and potentially new players (it does help keep the player base stable). If you want to spend your REAL money on stuff go for it but you’re in the minority on this issue. You imply a bunch of crap that no one is complaining about, hence your arguments are full of conjecture as your making up stuff with info you obviously don’t have or are making up to try to make a unpopular point.

To see a guy being FOR the removal/deterioration of a service we all enjoyed is baffling to me.

Removal of the shop, has no benefits for the player, at all. It’s something less, that’s it.

The only ones who will benefit are df devs who want to bleed ppl more, by making all those gold orders stuff obtainable ONLY through gambling, randomly, thus needing much much more resources, time and frustration on the player’s part, the only loser in this situation.

Imagine. That’s literally, being against virtue.


The gold order vehicles argument is even worse, I have so many legacy units, premium tanks and gold order vehicles that I can literally cycle 3 top rank vehicles in each BR.

I have access to

3x Panzer III J in BR1
3x Panzer III N in BR2
3x Panzer IV J in BR3
3x Panther in BR4
2x Tiger II + 1x Jagdpanther in BR5

This not only used to be the norm, it was used alot back in the campaign system, people kept playing as dedicated tankers.

The fact that I can bring in multiple good vehicles in a row, while new players will never be able to do this is pretty unfair. In the end, a dedicated tanker that keeps playing as a tanker even after death is simply a much better contribution to the team, because he knows the flow of the tank battle, can revenge kill other tankers and can keep applying pressure.

Everyone should be allowed to do this - free squad slots should become a thing.


I agree with this, but Enlisted seems to think that F2Ps should have an experience that is as barebones as possible as means to compel them to shill out real money.

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Well technically 3 infantry squads is all you need, but playing vehicles as a free to play seems like a “demo” to me.