❓ Your questions about the mission editor and launching user missions in the game

And one last question. What do I do to make all factions to be able to join both sides?

Sadly, but you can’t.

Set Fictional in Teams (sandbox portal settings).

how to take (and is it possible to take?) a screenshot from a free camera without any frames or polygons?

You can select them and press hide to make the white lines dissapear

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You also can use daEd4.debug_boxes_max_distance console command. Set it to 1 or 0.1 will hide all boxes (but not gray ones :frowning: )

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Why can’t I take a screenshot from 3rd person? Well, I can only take a screenshot from the computer itself, and not from the game, but I can take a first-person view.

hi, how do you set timer countdown at the beginning of the game to lower than 20? thanks

Use console commands.

camera.free Gives you…you guessed it free camera movement.

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For custom matches? Or when you just join to server/battle?

For custom match, map you create - before you get the the go button.

Well… Currently isn’t possible to launch custom matches earlier than 20 seconds.

Ah this is what you mean and in the game - when looking at map that first timer? (below your units)

On my map, which is made on the map of Rzhev, bots (both enemy and mine) at 3 out of 5 points accumulate right in its center in a pile, where there is a square that can be stretched and increase the boundaries of the point. And they run in stacks after each other to the other points. I don’t know if screenshots are needed. How can you solve such a problem?

The navigation grid does not work on this map: on the right bank and on the outskirts of the left. You can restore them by placing redints under the landscape (for example monastery _floor or sovmil_missile_terrain_patch). The grid will be created within the renderings, the more renderings the fewer non-working areas, but accordingly the higher the weight of your mod. If I’m not mistaken, the weight of one standard size terrain patch is about 340kb.

I don’t know if I did it right, but having placed floors under the map points and some places, nothing changed at all.

did you update your navmesh after installing the renders? If yes, then I don’t even know how to help, this is the state of the card at the moment.

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@Devenddar You can tell the developers to change the navmesh on the Rzhev map ? Since this does not seem like a mistake, but more like a pre-planned action. At the same time, this makes the map almost unsuitable for a mod and the question arises: why was it added to the map pool?

You can check navMesh in Toolbox.

It works, but it just wasn’t added for all map areas. Probably because… Map file size will be a bit very huge and game still doesn’t use many areas. So there no real reasons to add navMesh there. Same “problems” are present on almost all maps. Especially in Berlin and maybe Stalingrad maps.

Or you can unbake some rendinsts and add some flat rendinsts for roads. There no need to create navMesh for all areas. Just some roads to capture points. Yeah… Sometimes bots will not follow players, but still better then nothing.

Well… And not only about Rzhev. And yeah… After sometime I’ll send document with suggestions and other things.

It’s kind of weird to think that, but okay. Mods are not always with bots or big battlefields.

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no it doesn’t work like that, there will be a lot of non-working areas = bad gaming experience. And the point is not in big battles, but in the fact that only that part of the map that is used in the (invasion) of the game itself is available to us, a step to the left or to the right is not available. I just see how players try to use any part of the map (small or larger battle) and essentially do everything for nothing.

I placed under the map rendis of long highways covering almost the entire area that I need. When updating the navmesh, the entire map and the area I need are yellow, as are the roads at some depth under the map, but bots still seem to accumulate at points.

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