❓ Your questions about the mission editor and launching user missions in the game

I wrote about this above, there will still be non-working places, you need to completely block the landscape and this will greatly increase the weight of the mod and, accordingly, there may be server lags. On other maps, if there are such places, they are hardly noticeable.

Well, that is, nothing can be done about it yet?

my personal opinion is that yes, until the developers themselves make changes

Looks like navMesh size will be around 23mb - 35mb. IIRC maxiumum mod size is 50 mb.

If you unbake all houses, added some ladders and floors to empty or ruined houses + used terraform with 100 radius and 0.05 height (but for some reasons you will need to remove terraforming changes after save & navMesh rebuild and save scene without terraforming changes).
File size without additional rendinsts & details in empty/ruined houses.

No need unbake all objects. Game will a bit edit navMesh automatically (and probably will do it anyways):

Some problems: Well… If you added maaany rendinsts then probably you will need create seperate scene file that contains objects only for navMesh generations.

I’ll later try to add more detail in empty houses and test it multiplayer.

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That’s what I’m talking about, 23MB from scratch. What will be the performance of a game of 10 vs 10 players? Obviously a 40kb mod without these steps would be better if you added a custom profile and a custom bot profile? What if you make changes by adding a couple of buildings from another map? Obviously this is bad. I don’t argue that the mesh can be repaired, but at what cost… And thanks for your responsiveness:)

damn, what if I already have a ready-made map, and the developers change the original version of the Rzhev operation by fixing the navigation mesh, everything will be fine with it, what do you think?

I think they will fix when they decide to use new parts of the map and perhaps there will be some changes to the landscape or changes to buildings, it will be necessary to make corrections to the mod. Something similar recently happened to me in the Ardennes, for the mod I used a city divided by a river, but after the last update the landscape around the city was broken, and I had to switch to a different map altogether. You should always be prepared that the map on which the mod is based will be changed.

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They actually changed some parts of the rzhev map before the final release. On the dev server you could see some buildings that are not present currently like the monastery central building located at the outskirts. Some other buildings were also changed. I will provide pictures when i will find computer


I have a problem with the gun game it not changing the gun when I meet the require amount of kill with the weapon


Amazing. Another error i could never produce.

What is gun_game_mode_score? Never seen that before.


  • Wrong gun name

  • Or gun with wrong ammo?

Can’t help much, as i’ve never encountered this error.

It was an error in the gun number

Two questions: 1) How to create a wind effect like on the Rzhev map? Well, that is, for the crowns of the trees to move and the snow to be blown away from the ground (This also happens in the Ardennes). 2) Is there any detailed guide on the weather, its changes, etc.?

I think it is some kind of effect that you need to place. Search from the effect list

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You will need open scene.blk and replace array to list<t> next to weapons property. It’s inside gun_game_mode_logic entity body and gun_game__levels property. Should be something like it:





If you don’t plan to use selectedSessionWeapon then better to remove them in code. Because they will override weapons and give only one weapon from list in any games (weapons allows you set random weapon in level per game).

For that need to edit wind entity properties.

Sadly, but no. I don’t remember any detail guides about weather properties.

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ok, what properties in the “level” essence need to be changed in order to stage the Battle of Moscow exclusively in the evening? That is, like on the map of Rzhev, Normandy, Berlin, where there is a bright yellow sunset

You need edit level__timeVec property (it should contain only real properties). You can use skies.setTime console command to find best time for your map.

which of these options do i select?
Object doesnt seem to be an option
Also is it actually possible to put a scope on the rd 44?

If you trying to add modifications then object and gunMods in new property name. And then use text and weapon modification slot scope/bayonet/grenade_launcher.

No. It’s not possible.

Is it possible to somehow change the color of broken equipment like here without using coding? That is, directly in the editor itself