❓ Your questions about the mission editor and launching user missions in the game

This is not working…


Need help, does anyone know what these fields do?

I just know that staticBleed is an unconditional timed deduction

score_bleed__domBleedOn is True when a domination zone gets captured. It enables score deduction. You want that to be turned off

score_bleed_domBleed will determine how much score will be deducted from the team when they are in a disadvantage. Game default is 4

I haven’t touched the rest though


What kind of situation is considered a disadvantage?and whether only the control point of the dominant type will trigger this condition?

Because I have many points on my map, but even if all control points are initially set to be captured by team 1, domBleed is always triggered

For example, in three domination zone conquest mode. Team A capture 2 domination zone, the Team B is in disadvantage.
But from my memory, this is controlled by a property named xxx_penalty, i need to check it.


not working


Even if I control all control points, totalDomBleed still not be triggered automatically

I might have figured it out.

It all has to do with numZoneCapture in the team settings.

Since I modified the reload and value of the initial capture point, this resulted in a negative number or an incorrect value during the dynamic change of this value.

I’ve become a huge editor fan. Are there plans to add more content to the editor, such as more vehicle toys (kv2. etc) and functional entities, or even enable scripting?

If possible, please consider opening more premium features, I am also willing to pay. Monetized asset packs and feature packs may be more incentivized for developers to work in this area.

We are starting to collect your questions. But you can keep posting in this thread. If necessary, we will release another collection of answers.

  • I have observed the structure of blk file. Currently, we can only create entities. How to create the components and templates that make up entities?


I want to create a bomb_site binding on some other type of RenderInst.

I have tried to bind the bomb_site to the tank, the bomb_site can work, but the tank model will disappear directly after the explosion. But I hope the tank can be destroyed, do not know how to implement it?

Also I want to be able to set the damage and explosion effect of the bomb

  • Is there some mechanism to dynamically generate entities, such as dynamically generating bombs or vehicles.

  • Is there some kind of tool to connect two components together as one entity? or connect two entities?. For example, to implement an Opel truck and bind a respawnPoint Component as a mobile respawn point.

  • Can the dynamic weather changes in the editor? such as from day to night, from from clear to snowly. as the ritual in CRSED.

Good news, I was partially successful, andhaving more questions coming.

I tried combining the spawn point with a car, but the spawn point selector in the spawn position screen didn’t move with the car, However the respawn point did moved!!!

the respawn point at the top. (How can I update its position to correct one)


but actually spawn on the car.

and the minmap position also dose not updated



Further experimentation, if i swap the order of the vehicle and the spawn point , the spawn point icon seems to be updated, but the spawn point cannot spawn soldiers anymore.

I think it all has to do with the active and team fields, I can’t lock them on the vehicle, when I get off the car active will become false and team will become -1.

The issue with the map picker location not refreshing seems to still exist

Hi, we need more info about entries.

My questions/suggestions: (might get expanded later)


Some kind of navmesh creation tool is needed, currently the AI only goes in a straight line to the zones. If there is an obstacle between the objective and the spawnpoint, bots get stuck and the user mission becomes unplayable with bots. AI also likes to ignore battle zone bounderies, it unquestionably runs into it’s death.

Could we get access to such tool in the future?


Prefabs are desperately needed, it would make mapping much, much easier

What i mean by Prefabs: Unity - Manual: Prefabs

How hard would it be to implement such thing into the editor?

Currently, the very basic level settings (weather, gamemode and it’s properties, time of day, etc) are stored in many different entites. (For example time of day can be changed in weather entites…)

This isn’t a question rather a suggestion; To increase accessibility of the editor, some kind of general settings menu should be added where these settings can be easily changed. Along with gamemode selection which would for example set the right values for team_mapname_factionname entites

(I mean these) :

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could we possibly get a custom campaign editor?

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How can I make so both the atacking and defending team have limited spawns (like the usual 1000 seen on Invasion mode). I also want to add one defending point for each team so that they have to atack enemy base and defend their own at the same time, i´ve been trying to figure it out but I dont seem to get it to work.


Also requesting mechanism to dynamically remove entities. Such as Removing dead vehicle corpses from certain combat areas. For example, when sector_3 is turned on, remove the vehicle corpse of sector_1 in order to reduce server computing.

In addition, it is hoped that the vehicle corpse can have the some HP value, As the vehicle corpse in Company of Heroes 2 does. When the HP is 0, the corpse of the vehicle will be broken and corrupted.


Hey modders, two questions:

  1. Can we expand the playable area in Stalingrad? E.g. go beyond the railway station, reach the Volga or the Tsaritsa?


  1. Can we modify Berlin’s playable area to make use of the Kroll garden located on the south side of the Opera as well as fighting around the Reichstag?





I tried binding the ammunition_box and opel_blitz_kfz_305 together to make a moving ammo supply point.

But it is currently unknown that this function is completely impossible to achieve.

I believe this is a similar feature request to moving spawn points.

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why not?

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