❓ Your questions about the mission editor and launching user missions in the game

You can hide messages if you don’t want see them.

Maybe it bug?

Using Find Entity you can check if you have two team entities (there should be any allies and axis teams or they should have 1 and 2 team id in properties).

Great, what re the exact object names or types? Or how to create them…

They’re in Mission teams and don’t have boxes. Click to any area = create them.

Should be something like it:

First team with 1 id and another one with 2. Any allies or any axis teams.

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Other one, run speed of soldiers over time in editor seem to got somehow higher, how to reset/adjust it?
Also it would be helpful to get blk files on existing mods coming in bin format so that we can learn more and much faster, even on earlier versions - if someone has issue… They re not public.
It would hugely prefer take time to investigate issues that are already in different mode solved, encourage mod creators… Any Idea how to get basics blk files?

The question has already been asked, and it worked for me, but now the question has arisen again, how to add snow from the maps of the Ardennes or Stalingrad to the map of Moscow? Which input fields need to be changed and what needs to be changed in them? I entered all the lines from my previous maps completely, set the same values, including from the map of Moscow itself, this time with snow, but it no longer appeared. Previously and now, snow was made in ShaderVars.

It’s okay. Some first soldiers in squads a bit faster. You can just use another soldier without it. All soldiers contain little box. You can select them and check property entity_mods__speedMult. If it’s 1.0 then speed is default. Esle you can a bit edit it.

If you want edit speed for all soldiers and also in multiplayer then you can create game_mode_units_modifier entity and edit game_mode_soldierModifier property. Need to click on + next to name. And then add some soldier properties (for example entity_mods__speedMult) as real.

You can ask Bazsi37. Maybe he knows how to do it.

These posts may be useful:

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But how can we create weather conditions such that there is snowfall in very cloudy weather? Is this even possible? There is already snowfall, but how can we do this with the weather so that only dark cloudy weather remains on the map forever?

You can add snow using camera_snow_heavy_template or camera_snow_light_template. If you want to add custom weather then you need to create it. And remove any chances inside level entity. Need to open level__weatherChoice and set 0.0 next to weather names. Sometimes you will need also click to weather entity and edit weight property. Set there 0.0.

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the corpses you taught me to make complement my cards very well. But is it possible to plunge into cruelty and somehow add to the map:

  1. Permanent marks/puddles of blood that won’t go away?
  2. Damage on the bodies of soldiers, that is, bloodied or without limbs

my camera after death stays red and doesnt show map for me to choose where to spawn. How do you configure this feature?

You can try to use RI decals.

Well… I currently time don’t know how to do it.

Probably you accidently remove respawn_camera entities? Try to create two camera and set respawnCameraForTeam.


Bro thanks so much u have no idea how much this helped!

any ideas
How to create realistic bot that falls on the ground when you kill him? (he is frozen after death)
How to set/attach bot operate existing machinegun in building/sandbags ?(bot doesnt shoot out of bunker)
Is there a group_activator for bots creation (bot events creation, make them do something)?

You mean downed state? Something like it?

Try to turn on hitpoints__alwaysAllowRevive. If you want do it with 100% chance then you can set 0.0 in hitpoints__downedKillChanceBase. You can also decrease hitpoints__deathHpThreshold. Like set it to -100.

Oh. You probably use old soldiers entities (new ones contain _base_soldier or _moon_soldier in name). And it’s looks like bug.

Well… Probably you can’t do it normally. In game bots use MG/HMG maybe because of navMesh and squad ai. If you use lone fighter mode and MG/HMG inside capture point area then you can try to use default bots? Put nearby respawn point. But I dunno if it will works.

Nope. Using entities.blk you can try to create something like it, but it will be hard to do.

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It helps. But if I create ger_base_soldier even with +human_melee_charge
he doesnt shoot, what the latest version of smart bot (command) that shoots? (possible to create sniper with weapon holding, aiming next to his eyes?)

No need add it anymore.

Doesn’t shoot? You created it from Soldiers section? If yes then check properties and turn on ai in sandbox if you want test.

About aiming i’m not sure, but yeah you can scope or other weap mods to some weapons. For that need to add gunMods inside human_weap__weapInfo.

Also you need edit human_weap__template_deps_list. Add there items/ammo. Probably something for server/ai behavior.

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How we add lightning and thunder? And how changing cloud.

You can do it creating lightning_animchar_manager, lightning_volumetric and lightning_panorama entities.

For that need to create any weather entity (but not weather_choice_created and falling_weather_effect_template)
Also you need disable any chance for random weather choice in level__weatherChoice that in level entity. Set 0.0 next to weather entity name and in weight property.
Or you just can some time click on - for clean level__weatherChoice.


Concerning the cloud, wich parameter I have to change to turn cloud dark grey?

Hard to tell… Probably just editing color for some atmosphere/ozone properties will change it.