❓ Your questions about the mission editor and launching user missions in the game

Add postfix game_rendinst_decor or create entity with postfix +game_rendinst_decor.
After that in properties you should turn off RI collision ri_extra__hasCollision. In screenshot with many soldiers in ship I also turn off animchar animchar_render__enabled. For ships you can remove vehicle collision and use RI collision, but: ship will ignore walls and objects like ghost.

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Have you a txt example because i don’t understand and know the exactly syntax to set “attachTm”
start probably by : (i want to change driver and passenger position)

transform:m=[[1, 0, 0] [0, 1, 0] [0, 0, 1] [365.569, -11.6708, 358.439]]
attachTm:m=[[1, 0, 0] [0, 1, 0] [0, 0, 1] [0.75, -0.25, -0.35]]
cameraOffset:p3=0, 3, 0


It requires some simple computer graphics and linear algebra knowledge.

It is a 3x4 transformation matrix. The left side 3x3 part represents the scaling, rotation, dislocation and other transformations of the object, while the rear 3x1 part represents the coordinates xyz of the object


How to change propertes for weapon that placed around map by mapper/modder?

For that… You just need edit property customProps! Yeah!
This property allows us to save edited properties when you pickup weapon!

So… When you create weapon then you will note that this property is empty:

Just to click to plus and then write initialComponents after that select object:

After that remains only write any weapon property inside initialComponents. For that click to + near with initialComponents and write any property:

For example… Let’s give to weapon ability refill weapon from 2 team (Axis) ammo boxes:
For that we adding these propertes and fill em. And also I’ll change weapon model (animchar__res) to old kar98k when pickup weapon. It’s just for final stage and for more visible results.

As result we got it (I clone it before then pickup):

As you can see in screenshot… It’s success! Even weapon model changed!
Good luck in making maps with many-many unique weapons :slight_smile:

I noted this property when second time tried find way how to add gunmod (scope/grenade launcher/bayonet) to weapon. I decided recheck it because of TommyZZM question.

Sadly, but we can’t add gunmods to weapon because of unique gunmod & weapon ID that reset after map restart.


No, we can.

How to add mods (bayonet, scope and grenade launcher) to weapon?

Just need to add gunMods property in customProps.
For that find customProps and click to plus. After that write gunMods and select object:

Then we need click to plus near gunMods and write scope or bayonet and select text.
I decided to add both mods to this weapon:

And write their names.
As result:

You can note scope and bayonet in weapon.

But yeah…
You can’t set mods to weapon that can’t have it. Like add scope to gewehr 43 kurz.
And also with this way you can’t visualy change weapon model that placed around map.

You can check what weapon mods can be added to weapon. For that check property gun_mods__slots:

Keep in mind that it doesn’t show grenade launcher.

How to add grenade launcher to weapon?

The method is exactly the same as in the last question, but you need write grenade_launcher instead scope or bayonet.

And after that need to place ammo in map. In screenshot I add schiessbecher_grenade_launcher so… I need to place around map scheissbecher_grenade_item.
As result:

You can note grenade icon.

Well… It seems that maybe not possible to set another grenade launcher to weapon.


Earlier I wrote how to add bots with weapons.

Now I want update this with information how to add mods to bot’s weapons.
For that you need to change bot weapon to this weapon that can contains any mods.
After that in weapInfo we need write ammo for this weapon.
Example: I write weapon pre_war_kar98k_with_scope_mount_gun. So ammo is mauser98k_magazine.

So… Here we click to plus. After that write gunMods and select object.
In gunMods we again click to plus and write mod that we want to add (bayonet , scope or grenade_launcher) and select text . After that write weapon mod name. As result:


Property item___name in most cases works well - if “item/someth%” is seen in lootable object, just edit this atribute and problem solved. BUT - now I wanted to use GrW34/8cm germany mortar - and this happend. Even I changed “item__name” - this changes only label in “looting dialog”, not in “menu / change weapon dialog” (check the att image).

Anobody knows why and how to solve it? Tnx, it looks ugly :wink:

I think you need use customProps property for that and write item__name there.
Info about customProps in this post.
But i’m not 100% sure.

customProps uses for replace some code after pickup. By default it reset.

like this?

Yeah. Should work after pickup.

unfortunatelly not ;(

There also another text properties. Maybe item__name only for pickup, but… gun__locName is for display in HUD?

Whoops. I just note… That you didn’t added initialComponents maybe because of that.
Here not big info how customProps works.

I found out same “probable trouble point” - all Item/Weapons do have some systematic values (like “granatewerfer_36”) - but this 8cm GrW 34 has “Granatewerfer 34” in same place - which can mean, that there is missing link to “label definition” in game core

item__name also for display in HUD:

So yeah. You forgot add it in initialComponents.

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I think you can forgot about it. Or it used in killlog.

testing both… will see soon
EDIT - nope sir, still same result. Probably this item is missing someth, that cannot be overrun by edit in our level.

But - why your “generated” item reflects changes to HUD and I got other result?
Generated - what does it mean?

MAP text labels - can we place some information (like “Someth useful HERE”) that can be visible to one side (axis/allies)? Or some icon, like ammo resuply post.

I can use “red arrows” (but people will be confused) or “vehicle supply point” - but this is visible only when “in vehicle”. Any other options, visble for “foot soldier class” ?


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Can we modify range for especially mortars? 200m for light ones, 500m for 80mm… I was experimenting with modification of this value, but with no result. Probably “range of mortar” is controlled by other way.

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