Is there any possibility of making decorative corpses on the map or something similar to them? I saw pieces of simple skeletons, but this is a little different.
Try to create dead soldiers entities? Like dev_dead_soldier. Property bodyCleanupTime let you edit time when body will automatically disappears. You also can kill soldiers if set hitpoints__hp = hitpoints__deathHpThreshold. You can a bit rotate them before kill.
thank you, it worked very well. One nuance: can he change the model, for example, to a model of the Soviet winter soldier?
Try to edit human_equipment__initialEquip property before kill soldier.
Equipment will change after restarting/cloning. Here you can find all clothes: All Clothing list ( Updated )
This might have been asked for many times but could someone tell me how to make the snow appear on the streets alongside with the sidewalks
Currently there is too little snow and i would like to have more
Well… Currently time you can’t edit map textures.
However you can add snow using rendinsts or capture point decal entity.
You can find entity code for entities.blk here: Custom Entity Question
But… Capzone decal may slightly reduce the quality of the map detail.
snow_sphere goes into entites.blk.
Where is that? I am completely new with this btw
Next to scene.blk?
Create a new file next to scene.blk named entities.blk and copy the snow_sphere code into it.
snow_sphere then should appear in the selectable entity list.
I made the file but it is text file. How can i make it blk file? Sorry if the question seems stupid but i have never been good with computers
You can select scene and click Right Mouse Button (RMB). After that select Copy. And then click on empty field on your folder using RMB and choice Paste.
Rename file (without .blk in name) and edit it a bit.
Like this?
entities.blk.txt (197 Bytes)
This is a ready-made file, just paste it into your mod folder and remove the .txt from the name.
It shouldn’t. It should be in Create Entity (and also need to clean old code).
After restart in editor I get message:
Mission is missing player teams.
Add at least one mission team.
What it missing? I did lots of respawn points for team 1 and 2… but what else.
You can hide messages if you don’t want see them.
Maybe it bug?
Using Find Entity you can check if you have two team entities (there should be any allies and axis teams or they should have 1 and 2 team id in properties).