Your Feedback on "Battle of Berlin" Campaign

even tho it was

What you like

  • Berlin Atmosphere
  • Bayonets
  • Russian side starting SMG and Sniper.

What you don’t like

  • Maps are bit linear. (I guess its okay)
  • FPS drops when planes are dropping bombs (When you on the ground) There is a sudden FPS drop before bombs hit the ground, and its quite noticeable for me.
  • Germans need a better SMG.

What is not too easy to understand

  • Nothing :slight_smile:

I love the city maps, especially the fact that they are historically accurate, though I don’t know if they’re to scale or not. I wish the boundaries where further out, giving more time for exploration and flanking. I’d like to see more variation in the visibility, more smoke and haze, suddenly clearing…

In the last couple of days it seems like the defenders have gotten a significant head start over the attackers. I have noticed that the Axis defenders can get to the far end of the Molke bridge before the Allies are even out of their bunker. Both sides should get to their end of the bridge at the same time. Then it’s just a question of which side is the more aggressive. Who dares wins.

I hope you are going to do for Stalingrad, what you have done for Berlin. That would provide the opportunity to see more industrial locations, factories, railways, etc.

What I really think is poorly done, intentionally or not, is the whole inventory system. Very hard to keep track of what gear you haven’t distributed.

I really like the multiplayer, it looks very real and immersive

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What you like
Wow!, I loved the realism of the game, and play with squads it’s been a long time since a fps caught me like this

What you don’t like
i dont like planes control, and I would like the squads to be the same for any campaign. I do not like this to level up in each campaign

What is not too easy to understand
PLANES control, and tank camera a bit

Please, write here on all the issues catching your attention. We will carefully study all the feedback and suggestions.

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What you like

  • Immersive battles and scenarios. In addition, the Berlin scene is usually very little exploited in the FPS.

What you don’t like

  • That they do not respect the original flags for being politically correct and do not put the swastikas. Germany already allows you to put swastika in video games, avoiding putting it in these times is something stupid. For that also remove the hammer and sickle.
    Germany lifts ban on Nazi symbols in computer games - CNN

What is not too easy to understand

  • It still feels weird to hear voices in English that mark Alpha, Bravo and Charly points conquests when playing with the German side.
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Yak cockpit view, is the thickness of the front cockpit bars correct, it obscures a lot of the forward view, considering it is a fighter I mean…

If this was realistically how it was, leave it. I use free look, but honestly yak cockpit visability isn’t great, maybe that was a thing.

Just to say again smgs have too little recoil, no need for rifle on soviets

I believe in the ministry garden invasion map the Russians attack in the wrong direction away from the parliament building

What you like

1 Unique weapons.
2 The atmosphere.
3 The Maps are very detailed and unique, also are quite balanced (played for about 10 hours as germans and attackers won 40% of the times while the defenders managed to win 60% of the times).
4 The maps freedom: as a defender my opportunities were endless meaning i could climb lots of buildings, have interesting angles to attack the enemy.
5. All of the soldiers look realistic and authentic.
6.The maps backround aka inaccsesible areas are amazing, flying with planes or being on a tall building actually makes you feel like youre in Berlin (Also while flying in a plane i saw the Berlin Victory statue which was amazing, gave me memories when i took pictures by it a year before).
7. The new weapons feel and sound amazing for e.x my personal favorite the panzerfaust 100
8.There are lots of power positions and in this campaing it feels like engineers are useful.
9. The campaing makes you feel like its a real battle, like youre there.

What you dont’t like

  1. I think that the panzerfaust needs a nerf (i am a main panzerfaust player) The ability to carry 7 or 6 in total panzerfausts is way too good (you can get 7 if you build an ammo box when spawning and refil) because the panzerfaust with good aiming and skill can 1 shot enemy tanks easily. (In my opinion a person should spawn with 4 panzerfausts and could refil to 5.
  2. I dont like that the Russians get the panzerfaust aswell. I think each faction should have a unique weapons. I would replace the panzerfaust with a bazooka or anti- tank grenades (tell me what would you replace?).
  3. The maps need a bit more polish, there are a couple of places where you can fall into behind ruble, a few places where you cant climb fences, also the AI sometimes can get lost in the rouble and get stuck. Also the campaing is a lot more demanding on systems. I usually play on 30-50 FPS while on Moscow i would get 40 - 80.
  4. Lastly i think that in invasion of KIONIGSPLATZ the last objective should be inside the Reichstag.
  5. I think that the 2 factions should have different artillery too by choice of upgrades later when the campaing releases e.x The russians could have the Katyusha - higher fire rate less damage, and the Germans 12.8 cm guns from the Zoo flak tower worse fire rate and shorter barage for more damage.
  6. I dont know if its a bug but when german planes drop the 500kg bomb all of the cover breaks (even if its not too close). mostly all cars, walls and other stuff would break even while being relatively further away.

What is not too easy to understand:

  1. I would like to have an option to change my announcer to my native faction for e.x a German or a Russian announcer
  2. Also found a bug that can be achieved when spawning in the beggining of the match. You need to spawn as the bomber of 3rd volksturm company and immeadiately switch to the panzerfaust. Then your k98 and panzerfaust will be merged together. , .

Anyways hope this helps, and i cannot wait for the full free release! Hopefully the campaing releases in a month or quicker fully.


I like the game very much. great grafik maps and gameplay.

What i dont like. Is the planes they are way to powerfull with the boms they smash my tank allmost all the time the 500 kg bomb is ruin the game.
Allso when you are using guns, please remove the green light, so you dont know where to aim please! make it more realistic :slight_smile:
And please remove markers it is no fun at all. All you do is aim at the markers and then you find the tanks. :frowning:

Спасибо! Игра Супер! Все нравится!) Продолжайте в том же духе!!!

Why is this flagged?
There are no insults and pretty much normal feedback.

I liked the historical immersion in addition to the urban environment
I did not like the skins of the Germans since I felt it as a repetition of the skins of Normandy, they should add more civilian appearances, and although they cannot use symbols of the ss replace them with iron crosses or eagles that will make it more historical, or put them for the North American server or where there is less censorship
P.S. that the berlin beta is not paid, enjoy this map more than normandy and moscow

  1. Pros
    Atmosphere is very beautiful.
    A lot of maps are nice to play on. Some of them have almost no meatgrinder compared to other campaigns.
    I love the distant screaming of Soviet soldiers. Looks like actual war.
    Bayonets are very useful on short range.
    Uniforms are good looking but German soldiers need some reworking
    I love the Reichstag map with 5 capture points
    I’m a big fan of last ditch weapons and I love using them in Berlin
    Last ditch K98 is very fun to use and compared to the regular K98, the Kriegsmodell performs much more realistically (doesn’t have that super-human rate of fire), sights are correct and I don’t have to look at that annoying black colour (pre war modell and war time modell need to switch skins)
    I love using the MP-3008. I’m so happy this thing was added
  2. Cons and Bugs
    During the battle of Berlin, luftwaffe was almost non-existent but in Enlisted, Germans get air superiority by having better bombers than Soviets. A lot of Soviet players refuse to use planes because of that.
    I love using the M30 luftwaffe but I don’t like the full shotgun squad. Luftwaffe drilling has better accuracy than TOZ-B and Winchester 1912 so in urban fight this shotgun is extremely powerful and I’m okay with one squad member being armed with this gun but having a full shotgun squad in Berlin is too much.
    DM-29 was harder to fire on the move compared to the DP-27 but in Enlisted this gun is a straight upgrade to the DP-27. There should be a trade-off
    Using bayonets can be clumsy, if I spam the button for using bayonets, my soldiers sometimes draws his knife instead of using the bayonet. Why give knife to a solder that already has a bayonet???
    T-34/85 seems to be more vulnerable to explosion packs than Puma and BT-7 despite being much heavily armoured. Once I threw an explosion Pack on it and the explosion Pack landed 2 meters away from the tank and still managed to blow it up. This is just proof that TNT packs are bugged and should be replaced by Molotovs for taking down tanks
    Lastly the Panther G. I don’t use this tank because using it feels like cheating. This tank seems to be completely immune to explosion packs despite having weaker side armour than t-34. I also sometimes struggle penetrating the side turret armour with my 85mm gun, armour modell for this tank is bugged so much. HE is weak though.
    I always knew panther is going to be stronger than t-34 and I was happy about it because I love asymmetrical balance but currently, Panther is just too much bugged and and the opposing team doesn’t have a certain weapon that can take out superior enemy tanks

My idea number 1 is to give German teams better tanks but remove or limit the use of Luftwaffe

My idea number 2 is to keep the Luftwaffe but give Russian teams the ability to use 1 more tank than Germans

I honestly haven’t played the battle of berlin campaign much despite having free access to it for one reason. It’s obvious that you’re using this CBT to test new guns that weren’t available in the Pre Alpha test. Theres less than 10 guns for each side to choose from (and most of them are not unique) and its really boring. Its also hard to compare these new guns to their previous counterparts since there is so little variability present now. The current test doesn’t offer anywhere near the content of the Pre Alpha test. And that really kills any mood I have to play for it.

You should definitely keep getting on rooftops in Berlin though. The 3D battlefield is very nice and helps make Berlin unique from the other maps.


What i Like:

  • newer and wider maps
  • Asthetichs and Aspects of maps. very detailed as well.
    amazing as usual
  • Enivorement Sounds in the background
  • new russian uniforms
  • New weapons
  • new aircrafts for both side.
  • New bayonets
  • Reintroduction of panzerfausts
  • elder maps got tweaked in certain areas.
  • “expansion” of capture points including many more points.
  • a piece of the cake for everyone in terms of gameplay
    ( for those who prefers long range fighting, and close quarters. )
  • First Glance of Hetzers.

What i don’t like:

  • Spawns too close and often, factions have clear visual to spawncamp and spawnkill the other faction. really frustrating

  • related to above, entire open streats or open fields with no cover what so ever. making impossible for defenders to defend, or attackers to attacks ( in some areas and maps ), an example, is the invasion of the reichstag. the first, middle, and last point.
    pure struggle.

  • Bayonets being next to pourly perform. a few aspects that i noticed, the character moves the bayonet of almost no inches… and range between actual impact and animation should be adjusted as those are complealty off. last, shouldn’t the damage being a bit higer? maybe it’s just me.

  • Panthers Vs T34s It’s Barely A Fight. don’t get me wrong, both tanks are ok, but germans should not get Panthers as starter tanks. i hope it’s something that you are going to reconsider. otherwise, PZ IV or hetzers could be a good solution ( once they will be fixed ).

  • Despite more points has been included, Opacity Changer it’s not a thing yet, and it’s getting boring getting killed by someone that you can’t see because it’s behind the point you are supposed to attack or behnd a skull.
    i’m aware of the minimal hud ( which i’m really greatefull ) but that one has issues as well. and i end up being almost forced to play with hud. i’ll cover this one in bug reports.

  • 3 days of testing for someone who plays 4 hours per averange, it’s not enough.

  • asymmetrical weapons and the majority of these, are place holders. i get that it’s an early alpha. but i remember that stgs, panzershreks, russian rpgs were present. i just hope it’s just matter of time.

  • pricing the entrance for this camapaign it’s actually insulting towards the players that already bought previous premium squads, and supporters of this game who financially supported this title. because of the next point:

  • sessions feels empty. i mean, sure, that’s good for me as i love PVE experience. but not ideal for a game that should gets feedbacks. and considering that i don’t have all my and some others tester lives to spend behind this game, we try our best, but it’s really challenging.

and lastly,

  • Premium squads
    nothing much to add, i just simply don’t like them as they are there to ruin the gameplay and balance of the game instead of providing something different for players. not to mention, way over expencive for what they offer. with the same price, i can feed my self and my family for 1 month.
    moneys do not grow on trees that’s for sure. but i’m quite sure this title could have gotten better.

What is not easy to understand?

2 panthers with same stats just different stars?
i smell something in the air.

In conclusion,

i’m partially happy.
looking foward for next playtest or directly full campaign when it will be available.


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Alright, I think I saw enough, so there we go!

What I like (aka absolutely love)

  • Ability to use buildings to your advantage which is possible for both teams (no change here)
  • 5 cap point that should replace more 3 cap maps across all campaigns (I haven´t changed my opinion a little bit either)
  • shotgun for axis
  • bayonets as feature (we have been waiting for this so long, and it is finaly here). We need it in more campaigns.
  • reworked Hermann Goering Strasse invasion (cap placement)
  • I failed to find a class that is too horribly underwhelming in this campaign (in contrast to Moscow) with exception of fighters having no payload at all, which makes them useless unless enemy uses bombers or other aircraft.
  • Both tanks feels to be pretty balanced against each other and more survivable against TNT (but I suppose that is because of how inconsistent TNT pack is)
  • To my extreme surprise, copy pasted WT map slapped into Enlisted is actually enjoyable (against all my predictions). Good work right there!

What I don´t like

Sorry, I was trying really hard to give them another chance, but they are just horrible, thus what I said under first impression still stands.

  • Bayonets alongside the expected practical limitations also have too short range that should be improved.
  • IL-2 in comparison to its german counterpart feels noticeably weaker, but I don´t think it is IL-2 that should be buffed. Instead, ME 410 Should receive weaker bombs.
  • As far as I know (correct me if I´m wrong), Volksturm didn´t always wear standard uniforms because those were scarce. Instead they wore clothing that was getting close to the uniforms along with the marking we can already see in the game. Current Volksturm seems to have regular uniforms (all of them) only with marking slapped on their shoulder.

Still having sudden FPS drops for short periods of time (especially after respawning or bomb run (not even facing the explosion). Thus, performance in comparison to both previous campaigns seems to be a bit worse.

  • No assault mode? (But I could have been just unlucky)

What I still find confusing

Berlin indeed have a lot of potential, gameplay wise I really enjoyed this test, so not much has changed from the first impressions I had. Berlin can also be really immersive, but what absolutely breaks it here, is the presence of those damn flags, thus their complete removal would seriously help with Berlin´s potential in terms of immersion.
The amount of work done on bombed buildings interior and options to use them to our advantage is also something I found to be very impressive. Of course, there are also severe scars that I cannot ignore, such as shady way of allowing people to access campaign (50 bucks bundle and giveaway that was a failed attempt to populate Berlin CBT).


Battle of Berlin campaign could really use a map like Seelow Heights.

Large late war planes and especially tanks like T-34 and Panther feel really claustrophobic in the Berlin campaign maps right now.
Most of the time the two opposing tanks spawn almost within shooting distance and line of sight of each other, not to mention the fact that they can at all times be flanked by infantry and exposive charge’d / panzerfauste’d.
While for example in the Moscow campaign Pz II and T-60 are more of infantry support nimble vehicles, the big bulky IS-2 (that was available in the Berlin alpha test last year) will be next to impossible to maneuver between the urban capture points, Panther already is.
And I don’t know about you guys but ever since BF1942 I’ve wanted to drive a T-34-85 against Panthers and Tigers (not against cold war era tanks, War Thunder, no thank you) and not feel restricted to 2 lanes like in CoD (and like it is now in Enlisted’s Berlin).

Suggestion: would be really cool to have a more open, more vehicle-oriented map like Seelow Heights or some fictional Berlin suburb to enable large late war tanks to drive more freely, maneuver and engage each other at distances mpre than 100m away.
Thank you.

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this game gives me the shits , give me hero’s and generals any day