Your Feedback on "Battle of Berlin" Campaign

the G is weaker, and historically accurate

Panther F has been replaced with the Panther G

Thanks devs

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Игра исключительная,мне очень все понравилось :+1: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Soviets do not get mg on top of tank, axis do, is that fair?

More uniform weirdness axis flame and mg squad look same? Already mentioned engineers wearing radios looks weird.

What you like

  • The map “Opera Kroll” in Assault mode. Is simply awesome

What you don’t like

  • pay 50 euros to test a campaign. This was the last I paid, and I did because my youtube channel. I won’t pay for Tunnisia. Pay for every campaign is insane. Sorry, but NO MORE PAY FOR IT

What I don’t like:
SMG premium squads better than lmgs, serious they are like mg42 lasers, I think they need some more recoil…


ce que j’aime :
Jeux immersif et prennent. J’ aime la campagne de Moscou. le mode escouade est excellent, de pouvoir incarner plusieurs personne ses vraiment sympa, out comme les amélioration a effectuer.
ce que je n’aime pas :
quelque beug graphique dans les structure.
ce qui n’est pas facile a comprendre :
Construction des barricade, pilotage des véhicules ( tanks, avions ) .

What you like…
Berlin Map. Its a cracker!
Happy to pay a fair price for my enjoyment and for an experience like Enlisted.

What you don’t like…
Only a couple of games completed however, they seem to finish far too quickly. One was over after just three passes in a plane. Maybe I need to stop sight seeing :laughing:

What is not too easy to understand…

Would love to understand Russian… :heart_decoration:

I just want to buy Soviet arms alone.Paywall, $50 price hike, paying for two squads, body armor (ie Vitality perk but as bad)

What you like

  • atmosphere of the battlefield

  • uniform that fit on berlin

  • bayonet

What you don’t like

  • Kroll operahouse is too difficult to defense 2 sectors of last

What is not too easy to understand

  • Shotguns are needed in the current situation(poor of SMG in german), but too powerful to give engineer


  • I think making common volkssturm uniform( like civilian cloth(like over coat with arm band) also quite good idea

What you don’t like

  • I never saw that lost more than 100 point in bridge of croll operahouse invasion
    first, there is no cover for tanks in german side
    second, soviet arrive to capture point too fast, and because of wreckages, german can’t block attacker until they arrive middle of bridge

  • What enemy tanks actually do is different from what I see them. In my window, enemy tank’s turret is looking to the sideor back, but they shoot me

  • Germans get shotguns while Soviets do not. Leads to very unbalanced indoor engagements. Please add the TOZ-B for Soviets.
    Lol, Germany dont have shotguns in Battle of Moscow and Normandy. Simply because Germany never really used them. The US was a big shotgun user
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I think the battle of berlin is a great addition to enlisted.And the New soldiers,tanks,and new outfits look nice,but when are you going to add Tunisia.

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German CAS needs major nerf… (Not to mention that the German air force wasn’t a thing by the battle of Berlin)

They get 500kg×2 bombs when the Soviets get 100kg×2 it’s almost impossible to get the first capture point in the invasion game mode when every 50 seconds two 500kg bombs kill all of your team…

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What I don’t understand:

*LMG and flamethrower squadads are equipped with uniform in german Erbsentarn camouflage (pea dot camo). Problem is that it was only SS camouflage and neither of those squads belong to that organisation (LMG - Fallschirmjaeger, Flametroopers - Wehrmacht). Please make up your mind about that (and other weird choices, like FG42 available for everyone in Normandy).

You can either go for

A) historical accuracy, like it is said on the official website:
2021-05-07 17_49_57-Window
Change those uniforms and other weird equipment choices or just remove them if you don’t want to have any sign of SS units ingame (although they were present in censored form in first open Berlin test). Those unique camouflages would surely be missed, but it’s better than ignoring historical facts.

B) Stop false advertising;
If you want keep that things like they are right now just stop false advertising and promising historicaly accurate game. Atmosphere in Enlisted is great as it is, but bringing “in line with historical facts” promise into the game is inseparably connected with some restrictions.


With the current balance setup, Germany gets 2+ short range viable soldiers while Soviets only get 1. Both sides have a shotgun that can be added, so they both should get it at least until progression becomes a thing, so the shotguns can be replaced with SMGs

First Impressions (more detailed feedback to come in a day or so):

What I like (aka absolutely love)

  • Ability to use buildings to your advantage/climbing.(Great for snipers, but other classes can use it too to their advantage AND both sides can do that)
  • 5 cap point (seriously, replace at least some three point caps with these on all campaigns, because this is first time in a VERY LONG TIME that I honestly enjoyed domination mode (aka conquest).
  • Axis have finaly a shotgun

What I don´t like

  • Censored flags are honestly a crime against art, because they look pretty bad from every point of view, and are really breaking the immersion especially since they are literally everywhere (it is Berlin after all). Every single time I saw them (and I was really trying not to), I had hard cringe.
    Now, I´m not asking you to necessarily allow uncensored flags (like in original… and kinda better trailer), because while that would be appreciated I understand why you are careful. Instead remove all those flags altogether to enhance immersion.
  • Soviets in Krol opera seem to have pretty hard time on first cap and I suspect that they are pretty much getting spawncamped, but I didn´t have a chance to play as soviets on that map yet (random matchmaker luck)
  • Optimization feels weird. While my PC isn´t the newest for a while now, I could still run both previous campaigns just fine, however maps like Krol opera house caused my fps to drop considerably.

What is confusing

  • Live action trailer: Seriously, I appreciate the effort, but in comparison to “actual (not so actual artistic wise) gameplay footage” trailer from alpha year ago was more representative to the game. Live action trailer feels more like a mobile game ad and should be showcased only as a bonus. Also it is undoubtedly more expensive to make (I have no doubt that darkflow received a lot of P2W money, but I don´t think it is necessary at this stage of the game).
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I want to test, but only with russian squad- i really dont want german side, so why i must buy all of them- when moscow has separated squads

Because snail demands money.

Right now try to use the time you have to look around Berlin for free before it becomes ghost town again (after the event).

[quote=“Keofox, post:1, topic:9067”]
What you like

*I like the modeling of Berlin map. It looks very cool. I suggest updating more classic battles, such as the battle of Stalingrad, operation Barbarosa, battle of Kursk, French Blitzkrieg and so on.

What you don’t like

*I don’t like the fact that everyone in the German army has an M30 air force shotgun, which is not conducive to the attack. The German army only needs to hide at the occupation point and guard the gate, and then it can use the M30 air force shotgun to kill the Soviet Army instantly. It’s unbalanced and the game experience is not good.

What is not too easy to understand

  • The price is too expensive!!!