Your Feedback on "Battle of Berlin" Campaign

Also some complains on somy locked doors/intentional barriers:
[Pic can not be uploaded, I will try it later]

More than have of doors is blocked in a hall way, just makes me feels “restricted”.
I know Berlin campaign’s maps are extremely complex than all other maps. But since the high price of you want us to pay. It need to be special.

Some additional feedback, engineer squad on axis, looks like tank drivers with headphones, why would they be equipped with headsets?

Please Devs give us our AA equivalent for soviets, and on other campaigns too, already mentioned mg42 on soviet eng. Although I know this is a placeholder as I can see the icon in eng options is showing soviet weapon (?)

I just found a bug about this headset:

The forum is so broken!

On PS5 some other feedback, anyone firing blanks, even as a sniper I was clearly shooting the targets, but sometimes I didn’t get any hit markers, I was crouching, not sure if debris on ground was stopping rounds, but in my scope it was clear, is the map fully optimised?

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I had many cases where hitboxes don’t line up with the visuals on Berlin.


Some more feedback on ps5 the range finder on p-faust is upside down, if you are firing 150m you have to use 50m viewpoint.

Also Soviet Yak, Flaps indication says Landing when down, not combat??? Not sure if this is a bug…

Some planes only have limited flap options.

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Limited ok, but off and landing, anyone corroborate whether yak had no combat flaps?

Where is the IS2 and King Tiger from Berlin, hope they will be coming back.

Love The Game And The Berlin Expansion Is Superb! But Devs Please You Guys Already Took Away Cross Platform Play (Which Should Def Be Brought Back As A lot Of Players Bought This Game For That Reason) But Now You Guys Are Taking Away How Many Squads We Can Take Into Battle, Come On, Your Better Then This Leave That Area Alone It Was Nice Having Multiple Infantry , Planes and Everything!. Fun Game Overall But Hope These Points Are Addressed, Shouldn’t Be A Premium Only Thing That’s Just A money Grab.

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Noticed something on Opera House invasion Ps5, you don’t need to open doors, you can simply walk through them. Please fix, latter stages of map.

whats there to complain about with the F?

The F has now been changed to Panther G, but it seems much weaker, from the update today, I checked the weakpoints it has two on the cheeks, which are near base of turret.

More feedback:
Axis engineer squad all have headphones and shotguns, unlike soviet with one shotgun and 3 rifles. (I know stage 2 close but doesn’t help axis right now)

T34-85 gets 2 stars in terms of level, panther G gets none, the two star version says classified.

Sekret dokumentz. :shushing_face:


What I like:
Nothing because I couldn’t get in because of a ridiculous price tag.

What I dislike:
The absolutely ridiculous price tag.

What’s hard to understand:
What made you think that that price tag would provide for the game. If you’re greedy that early, then I’m already angry.

Keep up the good work.


What I like:

-The fact that berlin still gives me the best experience (as it did 1 year ago on alpha) in enlisted so far.
the maps are, still the best ones (imo) , destrucion all around the buildings and the multiple routes one can take as a urban fight its just amazing!, all interiors with furniture, destruction and the feel of imersion its on point there. by far (imo) the best map designs.

  • the 5 point conquest game mode, like in the alpha, its fun, way better than current 3 point conquest we see on other campaigns . this should be the case on every campaign. the map is bigger (apear to be) and teams keep rotating point after point. isnt just “capture this and hold or die” scenario. making conquest (in this only case) fun to play.

  • Berlin invasion , the american embasy first objective was a nightmare for atackers to grab (ofc a organised team could do the job) , the 1 room objective was too much too litle. the bigger objective was a plus and a great design choice.

  • the Opera map, the one that starts on a bridge, great for tank vs tank at the start, but, AI on russian side seams to fall on the right ledge of the bridge (germany perspective) . please check this.

-the dark aspect inside a close house, imersive! should stay this way on dawn/night. The atmosphere overall its just on point!

the mp40/i. dear god what a beauty!! needs animation on sliding to 2nd magasine and an option to only reload 1 of the magasines. i remember a video on about it (youtube) and they reloaded the magasines as normal ones. not the full package as fast as we are reloading right now.

this one : The WW2 Double-Magazine MP40/I - YouTube
The reload animation isnt correct. even if its a game. the block that both mags clip didnt slide as fast as it does. it was ment to shoot one or both then reload both or 1 clip. / shoot one , slide and either shoot the other or reload.

-did i state the fun factor? ;D

What I dislike:

i did bought the 50 euro squads , so i was able to test, what i already tested 1 year ago. prety much testing the changes we , did test year ago. minus campaign/ and the opera map.

  • empty servers, make me not wanting to play it and test it as much as i would. i m just fighting random bots …

  • i have the oportunity to test it,and give feedback , but, on the other hand i have a premium time ticking down, and i m not gonna waste it on a campaign i cant level yet. sorry.

What is not too easy to understand:

nothing. everything is still as easy as it was on the first alpha. propz for that. (imo)

final note: - open the tests, so everyone can test it, for a week 2 what ever. more feedback and proper one. if, you wanna keep introducing premium squads, sure! but make them an option.


points to note:

AI keeps jumping and falling on windows multiple times befor climbing them (was present in alpha)
AI keeps falling on the river side on the bridge map. (soviet side bots , right on german prespective)
some doors on opera map, doesnt have colisions. you can pass inside them without open them. present on second objective , the house with a small tunel befor the objective to the right.

the 5 point conquest its a must on every campaing. it forces squads to move around more. isnt " i have 2 points i win, why bother go for the 3d one"

as much as maps feel good/imersive, doors that cant be open didnt gave me a good impression, coming from a game that we can open prety much everything

ty for changing the G variant to F. on panther. seams more correct to begin with.

also. either body armor, or vitaly perk. not both.

Assault maps, on loading screen apear as “assult”

this. this is also something i truly want to play. 1000 tickets fly by too fast. longer games and with various dificuts present will or should give even more war feel.


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Good point about CBT vs Premium time, I have been playing Berlin since CBT and bought packs, but have hoarded a bunch of orders, over 30 silver on each. Waiting for this to open up, am I wasting my time, I am only level 10 across all other campaigns…