Your Feedback on "Battle of Berlin" Campaign

I get to play the free weekend on Berlin, here i go

What you like

  • The atmosphere, the environment
  • Even when flying all the smoke gives you that feeling of chaos
  • The detailed and original uniform and weapons, specially for Germany giving that feeling of “last chance”
  • Building a MG nest with engineer
  • The 5 captures points on conquest mode
  • Bayonets

What you don’t like

  • The PaK gun feels useless even on the side on a T-34 (or i am that bad ?)
  • Carrying that many panzerfaust on 1 soldier. I can’t imagine what it will be if later you can put everyone in the AT squad with 5 panzerfaust each.
    The panzerfaust itself is not OP nor weak but it’s ridiculous how fast you can shoot 5 or 7 panzerfaust in a row. I’d rather see everyone in the squad carrying 1 panzerfaust than 1 guy being a full Nebelwerfer by himself. Eventually put an order that ask an AI to give you its panzerfaust.
    You don’t get the feeling that you need to aim carefully and not waist the panzerfaust. Just aim somewhere at the tank, shoot and repeat. If the gunner is killed, by the time the player change seat you’re already able to shoot another faust.

where is ppsh it was in the trailer


  • maps are great for infantry combat
  • 5 point concuest

Don’t like:

  • almost no flanking routes for tanks. It’s like tower defense. (Or I played with incompetent tankers.)

Hard to understand:

  • why AT guys have so many panzerfausts? It’s an overkill.
  • I have a feeling that on the kroll opera map attackers’ spawn is too close to the objective. Russians are on the point before I can respawn.

What I like:

  • Excellent maps and details, especially the important buildings and landmarks.
  • By overall, the gameplay is good for me.

What I don’t like:

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What i Like:

  • Maps offer a good atmosphere not considering the censored Reich flags. The whole atmosphere is beautiful. A bit better than in Moscow
  • 5 point conquest. Should be considered in some Moscow and Normandy conquest maps
  • New stuff
  • Experiment with bayonetts
  • House and ruin fights is nice

What i don’t like:

  • Bayonetts are not working properly
  • Base/ test squads have horrible (soldier) loadouts and the P2W sqauds doesnt make it easier (especially regarding ranged anti-armour combat)
  • Remove air units from the game. Would make everything more enjoyable and historical without making the Germans vulnerable to enemy aircraft (and oh boi the air meta is so broken like in the other campaigns regarding loadouts)
  • Some uniforms are not historical either or squads are wearing the wrong uniforms (mostly the Germans again)
  • AT people carry way too much Fausts (though somewaht understandable consider the lack of any other possibility to fight tanks on distances beyond charges)
  • Still no AT weapon for the Soviets
  • AT cannons doesnt work properly (at least the PAK against the T-34)
  • Spawns are a mess on most maps
  • No interior fights in the Reichstag
  • Sometimes no cover for attackers or defenders
  • Not enough test time. I dont think you will ever be able to collect more valuable data before the OBT
  • Still no communication regarding the access (at least split up the damn squads like in Moscow and Normandy)
  • T-34 seems to be way more vulnurable against charges than the other tanks in the entire game
    = Otherwise same issues we have in Moscow and France

What is not easy to understand?

  • Why not giving us the ability to buy just one squad?

Only playing as the Soviets

Soviet Spawn Time is 10 seconds, the same as Germany (10). I am glad the respawn bug is not here

Why does the US on Normandy have 5 seconds for everything?

Does that mean US is superior than Germans and Soviets?

In regards to armor, i think its a bit too much and looks quite silly. It should be extremely rare. As of now you can have an armor soldier in all your Squads. (RNG), but once you assembled them you can have the whole squad full of armor guys

This looks really stupid and breaks the immersion imo. You can have it on all your troops

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What you like

  • The atmosphere
  • The premium squad with Mp40/1
  • Many buildings to hide and climb in
  • That there is still room …and possibilities for improvement

What you don’t like

  • I can’t really use the potential of the Panther A with almost always just one road
  • It’s silly when tanks just drive into their death one after another on the same one road
  • No Seelow Hights / Seelower Höhen map
  • Not enough maps / variety
  • Everything non-historical (some uniforms, just one or two roads)
  • People that still never build rally, AT, AA, etc. or mark enemies and so Germans lose.

What is not too easy to understand

  • For some players, they must give everything to defend. It’s just so easy to lose here.

I suggest another additional game-mode here. Two zones. You have your own to defend and have to capture the enemy-zone. So there are more chances for the Germans to win. And always more spacey maps with more variety of action.

Please, write here on all the issues catching your attention. We will carefully study all the feedback and suggestions.

Anyone else having trouble getting reloaded when piloting in the ju or the Il-2? Never have issues when playing in Normandy but almost impossible in Berlin… Seems to be at an elevation that these planes struggle getting too???

As much as I wanted to join the fighting in Berlin, I still have to wait for awhile waiting for progression to open up since I don’t want to buy an overpriced pack. I wish there’s an option to buy just one squad like in my case, the PPD squad plus the access but this is not the case right now so I’m in the waiting room instead.

Waiting for the news about the Berlin campaign as already maxed in Moscow hoping they come up with something soon already like what’s the progress on that.

i am unable to edit my post but i have changed my opinion since then

Only assaults squad can have body armor thats an okay with me.

I would add or implement a system where the Losing Side (Germany) get more bonus XP, that way more ppl would be more willing to play them. Playing Germany is like hell atm and its not fun at all. I had way more fun playing the Soviets

Also a lot of my friends are waiting for Berlin to come out, so please release it soon so I can continue levelling the Soviets. Im pretty much maxed already after less than a week

I agree playing germany is quite horrible at the moment… I started with them and oh boy am I glad I finished leveling their campaing! Now playing soviets feels like easy mode: caping is quite easy and requires minimal effort. Their weapons are also (my opinion) better, and more fun to use. Tank balance is… well let’s say I feel like cheating using the t34-85. The starter one feels on par with the second german tank and I played a match where I exploded 14 german tanks with a single t34-85 (they were all pz4 but still… 14!!!) I SUPPOSE balance will come when the next lvls will unlock and germany gain access to better things? Possibly? For now, though, I’m not playing that side again and will keep enjoying easy battles on the soviet side.

take in account that germany never mass produced shotguns. the US where mostly the only one who used shotguns. And Germany never used shotguns finding them inhumane.

What you like

  • Setting and maps.
  • Feeling that you are really attacking (defending) a huge city. I mean ambient sounds, AA tracers, etc.
  • Well, general enlisted gameplay that shines on city maps and close quarters and Berlin is like 70% close quarters.

What you don’t like

  • Bots atrocious pathfinding (still absolutely unacceptable after few patches “fixing” it).
  • Lightning sometimes. Fog is infuriating and “evening” sometimes on the maps makes game unplayable for me - can’t see germans 3 meters away.
  • Tanks getting stuck everywhere (general problem with tanks in Enlisted, not Berlin specific).
  • Artillery spam (will be fixed i guess).
  • Suicide bombing (will be a very huge problem when german side gets access to 3 planes, but would have take long time for devs to recognize and fix somehow).
  • Bugs here and there.

What is not too easy to understand

  • No fight for Reichstag itself? Though i guess it will be added later.

The armor stuff is fine, its only exclusive to Bomber and Assault which I like very much

The Germans should get higher gun equivalent in technology and not using the same old weapons

Soviets feels fine as is

So, two little issues i have. Where is the axis bayonets, considering the advantage that provides to the allies, and why is there no roof cover from bombers and artillery on the wilhelmstrasse invasion, on the defender side?

Whoever though it was a good idea to release this campaign in its current stage… pls. dont let him decide on Tunisgrad.

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