Your feedback about last update

i wish if we can work on the availability of the game on xbox one and ps4
and if players can choose the mode of the map they want like invasion in normandy if we can choose it whenever we want to play it

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awesome changes!

destroying rally points when the point is captured - AWESOME!
no spawn protection on mobile spawnpoints AWESOME!
AI changes - AWESOME!

3k points for orders, little bit to much!

what is still needed:

toggle zoom! every other game has a toggle option and this game has also an toggle option but we need a toggle for the zoom on all instances (air/tank/ground)


Game isn’t coming to previous gen consoles
They have too weak of hardware to run it

This is how it was in CBT where premium didn’t exist. It’s a much better deal than we were expecting.


Thanks we’ve been finally heard, the god mode points and “strongholds of god” ruined my plays, flanks, attacks, good runs and so much more every day and were really frustrating.

“Mobile rally points will no longer be breakable by allies and respawning at those points will not grant immunity anymore”

What I like

  • I like that the orders are now rewarded for xp again. The battle tasks sometimes make you play in bizarre ways you are not used to/don’t like to.

  • Love that the spawn protection from mobile spawns has gone. I get why it could be needed but it was just ridiculous when they got a spawn super close to objective in invasion.

  • Happy to see so many bugs and problems fixed.

What I don’t like

  • I don’t like that the german tank MG’s are still so damn wrong. It makes using them very disappointing me. Its literally more annoying that some of the bugs I was experiencing.

  • Still can’t pick invasion only. Conquest is getting very boring.

  • AI seem to be getting nerfed to stormtrooper level of competence


What I like:

  • Bug fixes
  • AI fixes
  • Spawn protection removal

What I dislike

  • Boosting battle pass levels

What is not easy to understand

  • Still no gun limits? Having full squads of FG-42’s is broken

Can anyone verify this? I fly using mouse mainly and use Q/E for additional rudder control

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LOL tell that to my ME110 wiping 3 squads per pass on D-Day yesterday. Got to learn your avenues of approach :wink:

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I have premium account. eventhough I have to purchased Elite battle pass for full experience???

Actually I changed my mind about the AI



What you like

  • I think the removal of the invincibility time for spawn beacons is a tremendously good update. In the past, spawn beacons were fortresses in their own right and extremely difficult to destroy once in place.Thank you for this wise decision!
  • Thank you for making it easier to get bronze cards. In the previous version, they were so hard to come by that you had to spend about $200 a month to even build a decent army.
  • That a real tank became a target in practice mode. Now you can search for weaknesses without opening the Warthunder client.
  • Likewise, I’m glad to see the promise of so many new tank possibilities in practice mode. One that I found particularly interesting is the GAZ-AAA, I wonder how effective it will be against infantry unlike the Warthunder.
  • The MP40-II loadout is now more realistic. A fun change.

What you don’t like

  • The Berdan II’s gunshot remains unchanged.
  • I would have liked to see some new additions in terms of weapons and guns.

What is not too easy to understand

  • During a good game, an additional update came in and interrupted it.

What I like
*No more bunny hopping (jumping while aiming)
*Allied spawn points no longer breakable (Can backfire though when on the attack and when someone asks if you can destroy their’s for them due to convience)
*No more spawn protection immunity

What I don’t like
*Allies now attacking on Le Bre (you took the only map where playing on the defense as the Allies to now a 50/50 chance of being the defender. I hope this is solved with the other maps like Ver-Ser-Mur (Assault) and Ruins of Vaux (Invasion) where Allies can be the defender there as well. For me it really is tiring being the attacker and would like to be the defender while grinding Americans, but for now its pretty uncool what you did for Le Bre (Invasion))

well i have been patiently waiting for you to add the m1 bazooka and thompson there in game already in practice mode so why cant we get them for our squads and there domestically built why are we using British stuff when u wont add the american tech and i have to many troops its causing me to not be able to progress cause i cant get upgraded troops cause im maxed out already can u make it i can delete some of the 30 flame troopers to make room for rank 2 and 3 troopers

oh and get rid of planes there so cheap like cheating no way to counter when ur not premium a single engineer cant build a aa gun. if u take a tank u cant have plane

Whats i like
-The gameplay, like seriously i think you guys have something special here i have many hours in already and the game is just pure fun i cant get enough and i get some day of defeat vibes shoutout if you remember that game
-The guns, they feel really good and its satisfying to get a kill
-The atmosphere, I feel liek such a badass running through fields of explosions bullets whizzing past your head and planes flying above so cool

What i dont like
-Okay so pray tell can you guys tell me why there is a battle pass and a working shop with new updates coming without a working crossplay party system?? Like come on guys i can throw money at you but i cant play this super fun game with my friends?
-Lack of Diversity, I get that we have tunisia coming soon and its still in beta but still, there was more than germany usa and russia
-Slow progression/premium account, Dont take it the wrong way I understand you have to make your money but as it stands right now I feel forced to buy premium just so my progression isnt a slow crawl through a field of broken glass

In conclusion you fools have hit gold with this game IMO its pure fun and chaos but at the same time teamwork can turn the tide of battle. I’m really loving this game its been years since something this fun was realeased but please dont ruin it by making it pay to progress or p2w with premium squads. People will buy premium and the skins just dont force it on us like how ive been feeling because of the slow campaign progression


aye man they have a working shop before a working party system whats that tell you about priorities


Nah please no gun limits. I hate such limits. I love this game, because you can setup your squads like you want.

And in my opinion its not broken. But I have to say that I play many shooters. So I know how to outplay easily a player. For casuals its maybe unfair.

Im okay with a nerf for weapons, but no limits. I want to play weapons I like.

Why disable crossplatform bacause people start crying about it? Just give us an option to turn it on and off and thats it. Now I cant play with my friends, game just became pointless. Uninstall.


That is so frustrating. Playing with my friend and can’t even see where they spawned. But the shop works perfectly)))