Your feedback about last update

Yeah, I forgot to point this out in my feedback

What I like:

  • Lots of great improvements in general to overall feel of the game
  • Bullets shown in menu
  • Can’t destroy allied rally points

What I dislike:

  • There was a lot of concern over the new method of earning logistics, which I do not believe were fairly considered when this update was put into place. Sure, some people are going to love this new way of doing it, but others might not. Couldn’t we have considered a compromise combining both methods like MANY people suggested in that post?

What is not easy to understand:

  • When one reaches the maximum xp for a campaign, are they now unable to receive logistics orders from playing that campaign?

What I like

  • The tank compartment filling with smoke

What I don’t like

  • the AI’s doing a battle cry every 2 seconds (its bad if your streaming)
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What I like

AI being reworked so they are not sniping my soldiers and I as we low crawl through foilage.
Graphical updates.

What I don’t like

Look war thunder is a dying game for a reason. If you can’t seem to figure it out it is because you made it so the only way to maybe possibly get something you want is outright paying at least 30 bucks for a vehicle or buying the premium and hoping you can grind enough to get what you desire. You can try and deny this fact and pull up some falsified analytics but I have been playing that game long enough to know this to be true even as someone who regularly purchases premium for war thunder. It’s the reason that game will never be as big as fortnite which doesn’t make sense considering how long war thunder has been free to play. But the grind you put on that game is ridiculous with the cost of silver lions for vehicles to go up exponentially while decreasing the rate at which you earn silver lions whilst also increasing the cost of taking said vehicles into combat. People literally cannot even afford to play that game anymore because you are greedy assholes are strong arming people into purchasing premium. Which is a terrible business model.

Why am I bringing up war thunder? Because you idiots are trying to do the same thing to enlisted now by limiting what free to play players can get versus premium. It would be one thing if it was a purchase but it isn’t. What you are restricting is the reward for spending time in your game if you are a free to play player. It’s the very reason why although Rocket League became free to play and launched on a new platform is rapidly dying. Because Epic changed their economy model so you can’t get anything without spending real life money and there is no reward for gameplay anymore. Which is the same thing in war thunder when you get nothing in comparison to the hours you put in to hopefully get a vehicle you would like. Like why yes I spent over 2,000,000 silver lions getting to this vehicle that is I also have to pay 500,000 silver lions for. But you know what? Thank you gaijiin for the 1,500 silver lions I got after spending 40 hours in your game. Means a lot. This dog shit business model is going to kill this game before it is officially even launched. I know I am being harsh to you guys but quite frankly you guys deserve it. You regularly ignore community feedback and when people start to leave you hope a new event or something will bring them back. Like war thunder, why the fuck is there a battle pass in war thunder when almost all the shit in the pass is for the war bond shop and roman battle standards that you can’t even use lol. THATS RIGHT. A GAME THAT USED TO BE FOCUSED ON WORLD WAR 2 IS GRANTING ROMAN BATTLE STANDARDS OR INSIGNIAS WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT TO CALL IT. Why? There is nothing even remotely related to the roman empire at all let alone the times of antiquity. If you fuck sticks take anything from what I have said do not kill your game economy this early otherwise new players are only going to see an insane grind that isn’t that popular and they will toss this aside for something that is either more prominent or has less of a grind.

  • When trying to use an enemy’s supply crate, you will now see a message about that crate belonging to the enemy.

If we picked up enemy gun from some dead guy, we should be able to resupply that stolen enemy gun from that crate.


Rally points can be placed inside trees. If you spawn at these points you get stuck. The ability to destroy allied rally points helped prevent this.

I would love to play cross platform as I am on PC and most of my friends on console. I do not see why players who do not want cross platform cant just disable it entirely and that be the solution rather than totally removing it from the game for PC players.

Starting any game I feel I am 20 plus seconds behind, at times control points are even already captured by the time I render.

Besides those three things every second of this game has been a blast. I love the squad mechanics, the epic feel of war, the weapon and vehicle handling and the attention @Keofox and team give us is remarkable.

Keep it up guys, looking forward to that 4th Campaign.


What i like

  • Battle task progress can now be checked in battle.
  • Added an ammo image in the menu.
  • Grenade throwing mechanics have been improved, and the angle of throwing and arm movement have been changed. The left hand thumb now indicates the throwing direction.
  • If any stationary or dynamic capture or spawn point is activated in the mission, all mobile rally points are destroyed near it.
  • A bug where it was possible that allies might block the use of the rally point has been fixed.

What i don’t like

*i can built mobile rally points in close objective point
(maybe about 30-40m) but cant spawn. it didnt show in map to spawn.

  • PIAT still weak. sometime all that 6 grenade shoot at side of tank but cant destroy only 1 tank.
  • in sniper class secondary weapon so useless. it use same ammo and only can use same gun
    it should be can use m1 garand or it should have separate ammo.
    *in revers should be more way to reduce soldiers. such as I randomly got too many tank soldiers but i dont want to play tank squad it will make revers side full so easy
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Which “many shooters” have you played where gun limits isn’t a thing ? If you want to play a game where everyone is shooting an automatic weapon then you might look into something more modern than WW2.

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The weak should fear the strong. Git bombed on

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[quote]The amount of battle tasks each player can complete per day is limited to 9 with the Elite Battle Pass, and to 3 without. [/qoute]

I dont understand…so now i cant get any more rewards for battle tasks fter the 9th!? 9 per day and thats it!?
I hope im wrong because that’d be srsly greedy…


Which shooters? Several BF titles, H&G… for example. And then some more modern shooters.

However, I like it the way it is now. Everyone should play the weapon he wants or likes (for example I am totally a fan of MP 40, StG 44 and FG 42). And some people like it when its more historical.
The problem is just the balancing of the weapons. Im totally okay with an nerf or rebalance but I dont like idea of the weapon limit just because its not historical (many things are here not historical correct lol).
Or in short:
Weapon limit - no
Weapon balancing - yes

That’s the thing I’m afraid. I saw this line. Enlisted was already controversial on the P2W, and that’s another step they’ve made. It was already very grindy but we still could manage getting rewards somewhat easily. But that’s enough, really, what did they think when they’ve choosen this ? That’s disappointing, War Thunder influenced this game too much, and now the they’ve sacrified the fun for the money. That’s a shame. If they don’t remove this thing, I’m done with it. I was considering getting a tone of gold, but now if it is the ONLY way to get some diversified squads. Why should we sacrifice money that will need more money later ? Free to Play should not be a disguised Pay to Win, and certainly not a Pay to (get) Fun.


WrGr21s broken []

Please take a look at this, is it an intended nerf or a bug?

It’s a bug
They wouldn’t make them fire straight down at 200km/h on purpose

What you like

  • A lot of good changes , like worrying about poor Ai response, although i wonder if their CqC response could be slightly better gonna have to play more of this patch to see how it is now.
    And Balancing spawn protection and whatnot.

  • More map variants or maps in general, good stuff.

What you don’t like

  • Grease guns have too little recoil with how much each bullet does for damage, becomes a laser of destruction too often, needs soft adjustment

  • lack of AA, aa placements only have 10 bullets, and crappy reload which makes keeping planes away sometimes very hard

  • bloom - graphics bloom makes it so hard to see things many times, at times my eyes are strained because of it

  • There Might be issues with the SturmPistole penetrating and doing no damage or seeming to penetrate, Not sure if its just me or if theres something actually going on and interactions with engine damage as well

What is not too easy to understand

  • Academy and mixing different troops and affecting perk points and whatnot , is it beneficial , or not , does it work, whats going on here, should it all be the same type, is there a downside?

Menu is buggy af and game crashs after a few minutes.

3 task per day (6 premium) = P2W

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Some of the missions/maps on the Moscow campaign seem way more rare than others. In particular, there’s a map in which one of the capture points is a church or cathedral, and I’ve only seen it once in 30ish hours of gameplay on Moscow. Whereas I’ve seen others dozens and dozens of times.

There is also another map which is a mansion or estate (or something) that seems like a half-circle shape, with a mutli-room attic with multiple laddered entrances. It is also a capture-and-hold mission. I’ve only seen this map/mission twice: once a few days ago, and once today.

Both maps are fun and variety is hugely welcome in this game, I wish I saw those two maps more often.

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This is the thing I’m most excited about. I’m hoping it now feels more similar to War Thunder and it felt like the controls were fighting each other in Enlisted.

But the patch notes make it sound like it will get worse, not better. I use BOTH keyboard and mouse when flying, not one or the other.