Your feedback about last update

I do the same and in War Thunder it worked much better. It felt like the inputs were fighting each other here in Enlisted; whereas, in War Thunder the keyboard inputs took priority.

I’m hoping it matches the War Thunder controls and worked really well with using both.

[edit- after testing… OMG! THANK YOU! I can actually look around and maneuver with the keyboard now and it feels so much better. ]

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This is best update so far.
Are good player, you get better reward, this is basic nature order. PPD is OP as you know what. P2W is nonsense every nation have own OP squad and they benefits from they weapons. I must agree German Premium squads are better, but Russian have better free squads. I think every game needs balance, this will be never ending story.


Ok, i played some rounds and tbh, the new system is even better. Its rewarding “your” skill more and of course winning. So in the en, if you play well and get enough pouints you get more and faster bronze weapon and troop tokens.
Last match i made 20k xp in one match and got 3x weapon and 3x troop tokens.

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Removed the temporary immunity of soldiers spawning at mobile rally points set by an engineer.
No! Specifically put it on the top of the list.
This encourages spawn camping, as I already saw multiple times when either a machine gunner or just a player with a knife is standing on a point and gathering frags.
Should the invulnerability period be reduced compared to previous times, but it should still be there. Maybe even add a time limit between consecutive spawns to actually make it “not main” spawn points.

Now you are only prohibited to build rally points near the stationary spawn points in each mission.
No! This force a massive hide and seek where you will be forced to find all the beeping noises in the area, as it will be harder to “deactivate” the rally field.

If any stationary or dynamic capture or spawn point is activated in the mission, all mobile rally points are destroyed near it.
Finally some quality of life for engineers! Not in the way I like it, but still better than nothing.
I think it will be better to allow engineers to replace old buildings like rally points and guns remotely after some time. There are still guns behind your spawn points that you will have to go back and dismantle. There are still rally points far in the flanks that are already useless, but has to be dismantled.
Engineers (especially if we are talking about a newly respanwed squad and not the old one) should have some grace period of about 2-3 minutes after which they can remotely replace the old gun / point for half or less the resource points.

Now the mobile rally point can only be destroyed by the enemy or the player who has built it.
No! In some cases allies (and mostly squad mates) actually help you to dismantle old and not used equipment. Yes, it will remove the cases when an ally intentionally destroyes your rally point, but those were rare.
Removing an allied rally point should warn you about what you are doing (just like the newly added thing with supply crates).
Rally points must be more distinguishable depending on the nation, as at the moment it is almost impossible to do. And more distinguishable from the surrounding objects.

Improved system of AI-soldier enemy detection
Any improvements in AI is welcome, but this is by no means the most needed now. AI needs to actually do what you tell them to and not prioritise shooting. AI has to make use of covers and not stand in plain sight. AI should not block player’s vision, especially when firing form windows. AI has to be a little bit more of a competition and not just jump on your knife willingnly giving away life after life.

Bronze orders for logistics are no longer awarded for completing battle tasks.
That is good. But battle tasks are now practically useless (yes, I know that Battle Pass uses them). They just obstruct main menu interface. Most likely a lot of players will ignore them.
As a side note - battle tasks should account for the weapons you actually have. They should not ask you to do the impossible.

When trying to use an enemy’s supply crate, you will now see a message about that crate belonging to the enemy.
This is good, but Supply Crates should be made more distinguishable between different nations. And to top it, Supply Crates, imho, should be way more distinguishable compared to the surrounding objects. They may also provide a limited set of additional medkits or grenades at the expense of more ammo.

Grenade throwing mechanics have been improved. The left hand thumb now indicates the throwing direction.
I guess most players already knew that grenades are actually thrown in the direction you are facing and not somewhere else. Instead it should be indicating the approximate point where the grenade will land.

You will no longer be able to aim while jumping.

Now if you control a plane by the keyboard, mouse controls are blocked.
No! There were a lot of players who used both keyboard for some quick maneuvers and mouse for a more refined ones. Should stay as it was before.

Fixed a bug in which a player could join into a battle even after cancelling the process of searching for one.
Finally! =) Now fix this in WarThunder!~


What you like…

  • Thumb aim for grenades
  • AI less likely to get in the way

What you don’t like…

  • “Now if you control a plane by the keyboard, mouse controls are blocked”
    I use the mouse to roll and WASD to pitch up, rudder left, pitch down, rudder right respectively. Now when rolling with the mouse and then pitch up on the keyboard to bank turn, I can no longer change my roll as mouse control is blocked.

  • Practice Mode - Please remove…

  1. The initial time out for the aircraft squads. It’s Practice mode, let me practice with a particular squad. If I want to get in an aircraft straight away I should be able to.
  2. Squad not ready. I should not have to keep suiciding squads to ready another squad to practice with. If I want to continually practice with a particular squad (aircraft) I should be able to.
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Well it’s a bit silly to think that players are actually going to pay for the game if htey DON’T get something extra for the money ffs!!

I like that the new update auto collects rewards

What I dont like is that after 3 rewards, you only collect xp so , I played 3 rounds and decided it was not really worth playing more than that, if I could not progress with weapons upgrades, equipment etc…

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What I like:
Rallypoint tweaks, not sure if people getting spawn camped not me yet!
AI changes
Moscow Village back
Seeing all the other possible armour in practice mode, please add the classics on suitable maps… kv1, Ktiger, Is2, T34 194x
Battle pass changes
Perks visibility when upgrading

Don’t like
Berlin lack of progression, no stage 2 indication
Soviet Bomber walks around and shoots with his AT rifle, not his normal rifle.
The biplane physics seems to have changed, sometimes impossible to pull up on Moscow Soviet and axis, not sure if some control was changed in the update, it looks ok to me, I could fly them fine beforehand (yes I use flaps and reduce throttle to half)
Allied Engineer still has no specific equipment
No kit changes for Berlin axis, why all shotguns still?

What I don’t understand
Why no forward roadmap, a lot of questions, no Dev report, comms for such a brilliant game is bad

Keep up the good work though, loving this game!

The update brings a lot of much needed wanted a desired features,

But the amount of experience needed for rank 2 and rank 3 squads to level up is still an insult to the player base.

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Mostly a very good update.

I Just have One comment About Assault mode. As a mode I think its good “However” the average player base has enough problems taking One cap point in invasion let alone 2 in Assault that can be retaken.

The majority of players in this game (And I’m putting it delicately) do not play the game with the aggression required to take 2 caps at the same time.

Also it means that If there’s a single player that does take objectives (and truthfully there often is only one that aggressively attacks the point) he can no longer have the impact on the game, because he cant attack and defend what he’s taken at the same time.

I suggest that Once a point is capped, it is locked or cant be retaken for a determined amount of time.


major FPS drop after update. low gpu or cpu usage. tried everything to amp it up. any suggestion?

I’m always in the top 5 of my team, some days I’m even first for each battle without even loosing more than 3 squads per game. I had more rewards before than now.

On the other hand, it is a bit silly to think that game will prosper if it is forcing P2W monetization down our throats.


It’s not a bad game, especially all the close quarter maps in Normandy are great.
But you have to relax a bit with pay to win and pay to upgrade model because its becoming ridiculous.
Fix anti tank canon the one you can build with an engineer - it has very bad angles and if you’re on a hill you can’t shoot anything. It takes very long to build it too.

Most annoying thing are grenades, its very difficult to throw it accurately in an open window for example.
We need more city maps as they the best.


What i still dont Understand is that we cant buy extra squad slots without premium time in my eyes this is unfair i will not buy premium for 10 euros just so that i can buy 1 extra slot for 5 euros


So far I like all changes and improvements in this update.

I am currently using premium account as well battle pass (was f2p player for few weeks), also I can quite often get in top 1-4 players in my team, so earning 3000 points per battle for Bronze Order is not a big deal for me, even when I lose battle I can get 2 of them. But there are many players not using premium and also struggle to get any battle hero awards, adding to that lost battle and they will not earn enough points for even one order per battle, so for them 3000 points might be too much. Perhaps lowering that to 2500 or 2000 points can be much more affordable for average players (hey, not everyone is good in shooter games), for me personally it is good as it is right now.

Reading comments here, I can see some people are not very happy about this:
Now if you control a plane by the keyboard, mouse controls are blocked.

I’m War Thunder veteran player playing almost exclusively Air Simulation battles for past few years. Here in Enlisted I fly using mouse and keyboad, before latest update, controlling airplanes in tight turns with slight climb using keyboard keys and mouse at the same time felt low responsive or even prevented you from banking more than about 70-80 degrees in those turns till you hit Q or E for rudder control. Now after changes you are able to bank your aircraft freely in tight turn using keyboad keys which for me is much more responsive flying.

But of course some people like it, and some not. The best and easiest solution for all players would be just simple option in controls to turn on one of these two contols schemes. Don’t know why force all players to use one at a time when you can give them option they like.

As I like flying in general, I really hated the damage model on airplanes before update, that a single noncritical hit anywere, not even close to engine, would make your plane to lose like half of it’s power or make you spin immediately. Now after the changes it’s much better, you can actually be hit several times and still be able to fight. Still wonder why there is no visual damage model like in War Thunder where you could shoot off wings etc., I once had black wing in Bf-110 and it was still there.

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What I like

  • More assault and Invasions to make up for the generic conquests, keep it up!
  • More attempts to polish AI… they are indeed in dire need to learn being more useful, every update towards better AI squads is a good one.
  • Revival of Alpha/CBT order system (3k exp per one)… however that is double edged sword (more about that below)
  • Practice mode hit markers are finaly back! It was about time.
  • Practice mode now have actual targets players can practice on (but why vehicles that are not yet in the game? And why Normandy vehicles in Moscow practice?)
  • Ammo image in the menu (concerns about that later)
  • Attempts to solve rally points.

What I don´t like

  • New star animations in logistics are awful and awkward.
  • If display of ammo models and amounts will be followed up by introduction of premium ammunition… oh boy, that would be far too much to handle… Please don´t do this horrible mistake.
  • Disparity between premium and nonpremium account earnings of bronze tickets (I warned you guys…cap of orders per battle should be implemented as well)
  • Correcting possitionings in vehicles that weren´t even in said battle and should be removed? This is just dumb… unhistorical vehicles needs to be replaced, not fixed.
  • PZ IIIB is still in the game along with Ba-11 and Jumbo
  • Attempt to resolve spawn protection from rally points is not perfect, instead very short time of invulnerability should be implemented to prevent abuse and spawncamping.
  • Purchasing battlepass levels… Ok we all saw it to happen, but dont you think that you already monetized EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of the game? Either Darkflow or snail needs to cool down because you guys are too soon too greedy. (I´m fine with purchasing battlepass levels, but as tradeoff for let´s say removal of gambling… and no, I won´t stop repeating that we have gambling present in the FPS game)
  • I know there was difference between battlepass limits already, but don´t you think that 1 battlepass level daily is perhaps too low? Free battlepass should have 6 tasks daily, paid 9 (free one is already loosing most important rewards, no need to punish them further).
  • Active squad slots disparity is still a thing and should be addressed. Since devs really like copying WT monetization (with all its negativity), please consider options to grind at least some slots (I made suggestion about it that is marked as featured on my profile, it might be worth to take a look at it)
  • Locking mouse while using keyboard in plane? That doesn´t make any sense and made planes far worse to control (in addition to wacky damage models). Please remove this and restore plane controls to its previous version.

To sum things up
In terms of playability, I really like this update, but certain things are just very hard to excuse and some even makes zero sense (such as locking planes controls). Also devs (and most likely publisher as well) should spend some time trying to be more consumer friendly instead of implementing more and more ways to milk this game for a quick buck.


What you like

*This game is fantastic, one of the core reasons is bot players in squad. You get the benefit of PvP (flanking, human intelligence, etc.), but you get PvE kills also :smiley:
*Feeling of a real war (not sure exactly is’t but feels a lot how it might be)
*1shotting enemies with rifles, smg burst at close, mowing down a full squad with mg if they are in open etc. BUT MOSTLY SINGLESHOT RIFLE GAMEPLAY IS FANTASTIC.
*Rather slow paced gameplay at times, but close quaters are fast paced. Good mix
*Looking where enemy might be from tracers.
*AI-soldier improvement especially in the last patch
*Current P2advance is ok, keep it that way! I just bought battle pass because of it’s only P2advance.

What you don’t like (this list might be quite big, but my passion for this game big so i want to make it even better)

  • Especially vitality +35 % perk and weapon damage upgrades. Vitality perk makes bolt action rifles almost useless and is a big nerf to semi-autos also. You can compensate this a bit by weapon damage upgrade, but not enough how it currently is. Biggest problem that these bring is that new player experience will be awfull. Because new player need 2 bolt action rifle shots to down an veteran enemy and enemy will 1 shot you with MG/Semi-auto. Also this brings big broblems for weapon balancing at the end. I just see big broblems with these upgrades and no positive gains. HP and damage should not be altered by any means, because 1shot rifle kills are fun in this game.
  • Some other perks. Fast medikits → too fast self revive. Aim stability perk after receiving damage.
  • If you are on fire, you should not be able to shoot at least after you get “heat pain”. This would make flamer more viable, maybe lessen the damage to compensate. Keep self extinguishing as it currently is so you could try to run away etc.
  • MG:s should not be snipers/better than semi-autos from far away. Damage should be lowered from 12 → 10 to stop 1shots from range with MG:s. Also recoil while standing should be a lot more. Compensate these with extra ammo clip? End game should be mix of weapons used correctly not abusing 1 OP weapon type. Currently at the start of beta gameplay seems fantastic, but is it if everyone is running around with fully upgraded MG:s and use them as fast firing semi-autos with a possibility to full auto? If not nerfed. Of course mg:s should be moving down enemies when you are properly prone or weapon is mounted.
  • Some weapons seems too powerful MG:s as stated above, Winchester M1895 and PPD:s for example.
  • Bombers at times are a bit fustrating, maybe some tweaking needed?
  • Should weapon recoil buffs be removed? Only soldier perks should affect recoil?
  • AI soldier orders should be enhanced, but should not be over complicate in a battle to keep game easy going. Maybe you could command 2(to 3) men squads that are pre-made in lobby. Send Hans and Johan to advance towards waypont. Rene and Rudy stay in fire support. While you and Levin try to flank etc.

What is not too easy to understand

  • Most of my friends have difficulties to understand upgrade system. When you start you get information overflow about upgrades etc. It needs some tutorial or slower start.

So i turn off Blood and Gore but it still shows it. Hopefully you can fix this bug. Thanks

i have been bombed so many times by low skill cheating players. that cant cut it thats why ur in a plane and they repeat bomb over and over. so just a sugestion take ur your advice and get good