Your feedback about last update

[quote=“Keofox, post:1, topic:4291”]
What you like

  • I like that there is no more spawn protection. Before, I would flank the enemy and run into a spawn beacon, then I end up fighting invincible enemies and can’t get to the beacon… This is much better now and makes flanking more effective.

What you don’t like

  • I am not a fan of limiting my battle tasks to just 3 per day. I basically makes me not want to play after 2 battles as I have capped out the Orders I can earn. I want to play more, but I want to be rewarded or have goals to achieve… It takes the incentive out and actually discourages longer play time.

What is not too easy to understand

  • I cannot get the Bronze Orders after my battles. I am earning enough XP, the bars fill up but nothing no orders are added to my account… I am not sure how this system is supposed to work.

Pros… Devs are trying

Cons… The AI are completely useless. The fact they cant see through walls is nice, but they are now blind to everything.

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What I like: Nearly everything! Sound and graphics are tight with few minor bugs.

What I don’t like: 1) Premium squads! This is pure cancer! They will kill this game fast, or reduce the playing population to a handful of whales very rapidly. And it’s badly ahistorical. Heer didn’t all go into battle dual wielding mp40s and with a MG for backup.
2) aircraft controls. There’s way too much vibration and stickiness in direction. Why not bring over the arcade flight controls for war thunder which are so intuitive and satisfying to use?
3) AI nerfs. There are too many times when an enemy runs up on me to close combat, and my troops literally stand an watch while pointing their guns but taking no shots. It completely takes me out of the game.
What is not easy to understand: 1) Personally I think Artillery strikes are too frequent, and taking away from any skill needed to play the game. Willing to have my mind changed,

What you don’t like:

Changes in Le Bre Invasion mode. It was only map when Allies could play as defenders, now it’s exclusive for Germans for entire Normandy campaing. Makes whole experience dull.

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Is it me, or can we no longer climb roof tops on certain buildings since the latest patch?


I wanna see a pacific theater campaign. Iwo Jima, Okinawa, Guadalcanal, Soloman islands, etc. I can imagine how banzai charges would go and at night battles there could be a defense mode where outnumbered marines would face off an overwhelming amount of Japanese troops and the Americans have to hold them back with the superior tech they had in ww2

What you like

  • Battle Task tracker

What you don’t like

  • Orders are harder to get cause of the change

It isn’t exclusive. It’s both ways. I have bn defending and attacking on that map since update. It’s random but either option it’s possible

What you like
the game was great
What you dont like
Cant climb buildings any more you have ruined a great mechanic in the game
We have since removed enlisted from our computers and will not play your game
you have destroyed a great mechanic that was what made the other games stand out from the restr
now its time to find another game worth our time


Hey, it’s Tarkin again. I must admit you are correct, right now I’m playing as defender.

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I agree with the troops not using trenches properly, this can be the leading factor behind having my whole squad wiped out while advancing


I like:
The bots feel less retarded, my bots do not bother me anymore, dont stand in front. They are still very bad, and I hate them.

I also like the progression through experience. Every 3000xp is fine. “How to do well: do bad, and then bring it as it was”.

I like the ability to shut down the announcer of “We a capturin da zonei”, and the sounds of bots screaming. The tweaks are nice.

I dont like:

The inability to change GUI. The minimalistic GUI doesnt show map and enemy markers. The standart GUI feels like a New York street, with letters and ads, and flashing stuff everywhere. It is there but it isnt enough

I dont think that it changed, but I first uninstalled Enlisted when there were mobile game ads everywhere. I understand that game must pay its ads, servers, developers, but the monetization was waaay overthetop, and kinda still is - my first feeling was “where adblock”.

I dont like German voicelines, they feel cheap and modern, and they have only a couple of “taunt” lines. Check Red Orchestra 2 on how it is properly done. Here they only scream “Jajaja JAAAAA TOLL HAA JAAAA JAAAAAAAA”, and you are constantly pounded with the same phrase in your ears.

I dont like that you are progression capped - by quantity of tasks that can be done by day. It feels as you dont want me to play. If I play well and manage to complete all tasks shortly, I should be rewarded with progression, not punished. It feels as I am moving through a corridor with an electroshocker behind me and so I dont stop and a heavy weight chained to my leg, so I dont advance too fast. This is literal feeling I have.

Balance: The artillery is annoying, and happens too much. As well as planes. One good plane player can wreck entire team.

Also I dont like the difference of up to 2 players in max 10 by 10 games.

Graphics are fine, animations are clunky and too fast.

Also probably you should balance by campaign levels.

FPS is good.

I need the ability to tweak the controls to be able to bind the “mark enemy” to the LMB, so when I shoot, it is triggered.

WE NEED MAPS! In Normandy I feel as there are only 3 maps: The beach, the village with the jingle bell and the other village. They all look and feel the same.


Also I dont like the :sunglasses: GYM :sunglasses: outfits of sholder straps and belt. Whats it for if my troops dont carry anything? Add atleast one pouch, while you can keep the ammo amount the same. and knife model, it is really eye hurting to see them so.

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So, nobody used the TOZ-B to begin with because the PPD is far better, but it got a huge nerf anyway


Yeah this makes no sense. Nerf to shotguns should be reverted.


That and “to bring it in line with the buckshot count of other shotguns”
Isn’t it a 10 gauge as opposed to a 12? It should have more buckshot because it’s a bigger shell.

Oh no… they dun goofed again, can’t believe its 3700 Coins to buy the 2nd Infantry Division ;-; was hoping it would be a modest 1500

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What I like:
New Battle for Moscow Squads and Levels. My favorite campaign by far and now more stuff!!
The Radio device cannot now be unequipped from a radio operator.
Graphics and animation improvements.
Quick messages added to ALT menu.
BUG FIXES!!! Always nice.

What I don’t Like:
Reduction in ROKS flamethrower spray time. Not like that troop was overpowered. Needless nerf.
Swimming speed halved. It’s a fair change. You swam incredibly fast before. But I like it.

What I don’t understand:
The Radius of deactivation of rally points built by engineer’s when an enemy approaches has been changed from 10 to 20 meters. On the surface this is understandable. But with the new clustering of rally points (if they are close you have one spot to pick and will end up at a random one if multiple rally points are too close). If they are 20m away from ONE of the points will it affect ALL the points? Because you certainly could be further than 20m away from one in the cluster.

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Also. Nerfing the shotguns is terrible. The TOZ was already pretty pointless. NOw it is REALLY pointless.

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100% true. TOZ is now really pointless.

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