Your feedback about last update

Mmmmm update kinda ruined for me.

The new content is good of course I like it but the premium squads cost way too much I don’t understand why they cost so much when they are worse version of the normal squads.

And it’s time to complain about Berlin.

  1. LETTING PEOPLE PLAY THE CAMPAIGN BUT NOT GRIND IT, this is really bad and IS PAY TO WIN the people with access to the grind just going to obliterate everyone who play without grind you let people who didn’t pay for the CBT to join it just to be obliterated and as match maker filler and this is really ugly this gonna give people bad experience with the game and cus some of them to stop playing it.

  2. I was the one suggestion the first tank balance (Pz 4 against T-34-85) but I suggested T-34-85 early (the one we got and Pz 4H not Pz 4J even if the J is more accurate it puts the Germans in big disadvantage overall.


I just really need the AI to not be able to shoot me through a thicket of trees when I cant even see them. What’s the point of crawling or sneaking. Or how the computer can just snap shoot me from across the map. In the invasion of normandy map an opposing player’s squad shot me through the bunker slit from the bunker on the other side of the beach. Like all of his troops…accurately and instantly as I walked to the opening. Not kosher.

Что вам нравится:

Реализм моделей оружия

Что вам не нравится:

После данного обновления, передвижение персонажа значительно изменилось и тряска экрана во время движения значительно пропала, из-за этого играть стало ну совсем не комфортно! Проще сказать раньше было намного лучше до этого обновления!
Пропали диалоги отряда во время спавна, из-за этого пропала отмосфера игры!

Что не так просто понять:

Зачем вводить премиальные отряды после того, что произошло вчера?

What I like:

Berlin is overall very pretty

What I don’t like:

  • The Soviet Sherman is bugged becuase You cannot look through all the viewports as a commander or gunner or driver. There is only 1 viewport per crew member when there should be much more for the commander.
  • T-34-85 is unbalanced vs Pz IV J, In my opinion you should do an early version on the panther vs T-34-85

The double barrel shotguns aren’t really worth using now with 200% reduction in power.

What I like:
New maps for Moscow, addition of campaign levels for all 3 battles.
New weapons are always a plus

What I don’t Like:
COST of new premium infantry, 3750 coins, which is about $40. What on earth made you think that was a good price?
nerf to ROKS-2 and Flammen 35. seems pointless to reduce their burn time without giving them an added buff, like increased range or something.
Nerf to shotguns, TOZ-B was already weak, why make it worse?


My Feedback About The " At The Reichstag Walls" Update []

What I Like:

  • New Weapon ( Thompson and beretta)
  • new maps And Invasion
  • Progression For Berlin Testers.
    ( i know that i don’t have it. but hey, at least other people can test it and finally bring some feedbacks about berlin as a whole ).
  • Partial Berlin Acess
  • new unlockable airplanes for all faction
  • Premium Squads uniform
  • Quick messages to the ALT menu.
  • all fixes and changes

What i Don’t Like:

where do i even start,

  • Overpriced Premium squads
    needless to say how truuly overpriced those premium squads are for what they offer.
    it’s almost ridicolous.
    i really don’t understand how can someone can come up with such ideas.

almost 30 euros for just 4 dudes with semi auto rifle? or even for just bolt action rifles ( for the russian)?

absolute the worse joke someone could have ever made.

and than
40 euros for a crambling PZ III J, or airplanes…

this one really disappointed me.

  • Premium squads as a whole
    what i don’t understand as well, is how you folks thinks to sell some pourly designed squads.
    an example is, the American enginner squad. don’t get me wrong, their uniform are sick, but that’s about it. i guess the rifle could work as well, but people are smart enough to realize that are not worthed 3750 EG for a squad that has only four dudes with upgraded rifles. it’s not worthed at all. not to mention, if this was intended to be a ““booster””" or “”“starter”"" squad, i guess it failed in it’s attempt.

but i’m not sure.

  • 5th parachute division for the german
    what truly hurts me, is that, you bring a unit that doesn’t even look like paratrooper units, outside helmets ( which, hey. it’s at least something ) for real money while the default 3rd mortar battalion didn’t got even touched.

    here, take your reward:

  • M24
    what can i say, pretty much like the jumbo, it does not belong in normandy.
    and using the following sentences:

it’s a bold move, and above all, a sad pourly constructed exscuse.
not for it’s price. it’s out of reality.

  • T50
    looks like someone really went full on " throw in the towel " mode.

how in the world someone thought that adding a t50 would balance thins out? have you stopped thinking? did you all gaved up?

i guess this is a good reason for me stopping playing moscow after knowing that people can, and will most likely use that tank. another pourly designed choises. ( or switch soviet side )

because people using anti tank guns, PAKs, PZ II, PZ III B ( delete this one already ) & PZ III E Cannot perforate a t50 in any way.

  • PZ III J
    i’m not fully against the PZ III J. but i’m against the fact that germany for the entirety of the game, german players will plays only PZ IIIs. when in reality, ( yes, i’m aware that PZ III were almost the main battle tank trough the course of the years) germany had various tanks, SPGS, AFVs, APCs, ecc. as such, there are too many PZ III variations.
    this one is small to be honest, but it somewhat upset me considering that ability and the capability of the possibility of newer vehicles introduction.

  • Premium squads with weapons that should be available from the start
    ( perhaps this is just my opinion, but still, g41s jonsons, and field modification weapons should not be premium ). as those are not unique weapons.

  • newer Class Type II Soldiers
    for the love of god, everything else was needed BUT type II flametrowers. it’s just a waste of time, tickets, and reserve space. i don’t see why i should be forced to play something that i might not like because tickets will end up giving me type II soldiers ( making me waste a ticket ) and further down the line, obligued to play that squad just to reach the level needed and be able to send them in the accademy. it’s really a bad designed system for keeping me attached to the game. quite frankly, it’s doing the opposite. i understand that you need a solid playerbase, and make them attached to the game it’s important. but there are many others way to do so.

and lastly, ( thankfully )

  • new side objectives
    in particulary when attackers can simply shoot down baloon barrages and gain tickets out of nothing.

as protecting those last is next to impossible.

What is not too easy to understand

i’m starting to see a pattern here,

1 step foward, and 2/3 backwards.

my simple question is, why?

is it really that needed?
marketing reasons, i can somewhat get them, but not at this point.

looks like you are begging people to buy stuff otherwise you are running low on money.

have the team forgotten the already pesky and overwhelming microtransactions that are present?

In Conclusion

i’m sorry to sounds " harsh " but… i can’t really stand such BS after almost play this game for 1 year. it was so perfect and well thought our at the beginning, at the point where the team seems that lost it’s focus.

can’t say more than,
i’m very disappointed.

and it’s sad, because i somewhat supported this title to be fun, and hope for the best, but despite all the words and post said, yet profit seems to be the first mind instead of having a well and polished experience.

if i have to be honest, i guess the time for me to play this game it’s having a timer on it.


Hello! From my last post, when game was still unavaible, I played for a couple of hours, and completed all my 3 tasks. Now without a premium I have no motivation to play because I will not get the same amount of progress. Please change the mode in which the rewards work because I will soon loose patience and will abandon the game and will tell all my friends which are huge WW2 fans not to play it.

You can add for example daily modifiers, like 1.5x XP for tasks for first 3 tasks completed or for premium accounts 9, but do not cap me, do not punish the player for playing well.

With this cap of 3 tasks, I have no longer the motivation to play well, and now Im just going to find ways to entertain myself and mess with other players.

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I really like the Battle for Berlin maps as attacker, having Russian guns and gear feels like a breath of fresh air. In Normandy you should add also the Axis side Attacking

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we still cant buy extra squad slots without premium


Last point on Wilhelmstrasse the defenderr’s tanks spawn in the open in full view of the attacker’s tanks. That shouldn’t be the case.

Tanks in Berlin vibrating if they aren’t on 100% flat ground

Pathfinding in Wilhelmstrasse needs a good look

New premiums for all three campaigns very overpriced aside from the Lebel and M44 rifle squads

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Also, please do something with the tank MG - It works completely arbitrary. Why it stopped shooting? Did it overheat? Am I out of ammo? How do I force-reload? The audio cues are very subtle and unnoticeable.

Please add the ability to select ammo and minimap size when using minimalistic interface. As well as the ability to remove the audio announcer, while keeping the voices somewhat, although the voices are annoying kinda.



  • plane dogfight damage seems to have been fixed where you can easily takedown enemy planes now

  • more maps

don’t like:

  • lone fighters still have bots with player name. i would rather have a 5v5 battle with real players than 20v20 but more than half of the team is bots. or at least give them bot names, instead of players name.

  • automatic spawn, pls disable it. right now you can’t just check the map first or still deciding which soldier to spawn on then without being haunted by the automatic spawn

don’t understand:

  • east asia server? where is it located? i check the in game ping its still same as other server (250 ms) i’m from indonesia. pls move the server to south east asia preferably singapore or hongkong so that most Asian players won’t have more than 150 ms ping
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you earn bronze order through playing per 3000 exp earned so there’s no reason to do battle task more than 3 times if you don’t have premium since its only for battle pass progression now

Revert the changes to holding down Backspace and middle mouse button to repeatedly melee
Not being able to just hold backspace for chat is absolutely retarded
Not sure if either of these were intentional though

Not had the chance to play Berlin Stage 2 yet thank you for activating, I will feedback when I can, but first need to say this:
I have bought pretty much every troop vehicle premium squad until today, but there is no way I am spending over 70gbp on more, the prices are too much, such a shame as I love(d) this game.

Will keep playing til content fatigue sets in, feedback will come. But to be fair I paid for CBT and got burned with Berlin as it was too much for empty server with bots, I get we are in stage 2 now though.

Not got enough money to fork out that for premiums again, I spent over and above already. Not even a special combined pack price.


Honestly, it seems great, apart from two things. Both are about the explosive packs. I drop them on tanks and they roll off, I guess that’s fine. But the fact that they drop very near to the tank they don’t do any damage at all. It may just be me, but thought I should share.

Airfield takeoff mechanic is a joke


Bayonet on the M44L hovers and isn’t attached to the gun in game.

What you like

  • A20 bomb sights are now replaced
    *New Normandy Campaign (was starting to get boring)

What you don’t like

  • Was looking forward to buying the premium squad but it costs 3750 which is like $37.50 or 40 dollars because they know you’ll have to round that bad boy up, needs to be a more modest 1500 Enlisted Coins ($15)
    *Why is the thompson locked behind 29 levels? this seems like a cruel joke.

What is not too easy to understand

*Why you keep putting prices up in premium squads without explaining why in a transparent manner
*Why the Thompson is at level 29 forcing the balance to suck even more.

FYI. be more careful with monetization, listen to the communities thoughts on microtransactions, after all we are the ones that “buy” to “support” your business, do not let your greedy practices’ ruin the game your team is so passionate about with egregious microtransactions and p2w elements