Your feedback about last update

What you like
-The plane in a airfield because is as Pearl Harbor
-It would also be cool if you add a brige map for invision of Normandy
-And for invision of Normandy you can add M3 Half-track

What you don’t like
-The plane don’t respawn in airfield


What happened yesterday? I’m new to the forums.

It is very easy to solve the problem of how P2W this game is, without having to stop selling the premium squads, the answer is as simple, as the vehicles and weapons stop being exclusive,
let them unlock normally and the benefit obtained by the premium is having them from level 1 and also having the weapons and the squad leveled, making them exclusive is pure and simple P2W.


more premium content than F2P content (not including maps).

Let’s do the math.

We got 2 premium squads for each nation in each campaign and there are 3 campaigns + the two premium squads you need to buy to even buy the premium squads in Berlin +

So how many premium squads and campaign levels we got this update?

(2×2)×3+2+15= 4×3+2+15= 12+2+15= 29

So overall we got 29 new premium squads, 8 if you want to “remove” the Berlin premiums that you need to buy to access other premiums and the new campaign levels.

How many free campaign levels we got?

Each side on two campaigns got 3 levels (we don’t count the 15 Berlin levels because they are behind pay wall).

So how many free campaign level we got this update?

(3×2)×2= 6×2= 12

So overall we got 12 free new campaign levels and 29 new premium squads and campaign levels

That’s very problematic, in the first “major” update of the game we got more premium content than F2P content when most of the community is totally F2P.


[quote=“Keofox, post:1, topic:4291”]

What you like

1 gun models models
2 new vehicles
3 smarter IA

What you don’t like
1 russians op, as always
2 germany needs more mortars and semi auto rifles not a japanese rifle and a uselessat rifle
3 this game is becoming to be p2w

What is not too easy to understand

I have no possibility to test all new content at the moment, so I will leave only part of the feedback at the moment and update it later.

What I like:

  • Quick messages system - it is of course very roughly made at the moment but I like that it is here. What should be done to make it better:
    -of course by adding more options
    -make new voicelines for soldiers that will fit the phrases used in quick chat (it will greatly increase immersion)
    -I don’t know if that is the case atm, but it would be much better to translate those quick messages automiaticly into each players chosen language, so we can communicate without language barrier

  • New flamethrowers in Normandy sound really fun, but there is still a lot of grind between me and them - more feedback on them as soon as I manage to get them

  • New Invasion maps - that is always welcome. For now I tested only the Moscow one and it is near to perfection in my opinion. Perfect balance between open distances, enough cover for everyone and a bit of CQB when capturing the points. Also great visuals and design. Really looking up for the next missions on that new big map

  • BF-110 rocket fixed

  • Access to Berlin for everyone (but I have one small complaint) - in my opinion it would be better if players that do not participate in CBT would have access to those preset squads that were present in the first phase of Berlin Campaign. That way they could be something more than cannon fodder for CBT participants.

What I don’t like:

  • Shotgun nerf - it was powerful, but situational weapon. Now it will be only situational. With lowered damage and projectiles number there will be no sense in equiping it over SMG.

  • New premium squads prices - at first I was happy that automatic weapons meta in premium squads will be broken but all that was destroyed when I found out that each of the new squads will cost 3750 Gold. Really? This is the same ammount of money that I spend of food and living for three weeks. And for what? This is really absurd, especially after you lowered the prices of the new squads that came at the start of OBT. Such practices definetely do not work good for your image creation - you start to look just greedy. Even if there will be few players who buy those heavily overpriced squads you will loose a lot of potential clients that would buy them if the prices were normal.

  • Choice of new armored vehicles - Departing from historical accuracy (that is not doing well in that matter), I don’t like your way of adding heavier and heavier vehicles, that will 100% make all previous ones obsolete and will make the game less enjoyable for the new players. So instead of new experience, that we could get with tank destroyers like Stug or Jagdpanzer, or APCs like Sdkfz 251 present in Normandy tutorial, we get tanks like Jumbo, M24 and Panthers (confirmed by Keofox) in Normandy or Pz III J and T-50 in Moscow.
    In Moscow Pz III E is almost immune to the T-60s. And J variant has even stronger armor + better gun. T-50 will be problematic too from what I red on the forum due to its armor.
    I really hope that you will reconsider future choices and instead of giving us another, even stronger tank you will introduce something different - possibilities are almost infinite, you don’t need to introduce vehicles that break historical accuracy.

And that will be it for now, more feeback will come after I test the rest of content.


What I like:

-Commitment to General Historical Accuracy
-Bolt Action Rifles make assaults/mass infantry waves viable

What I don’t Like

-My Team being literally everywhere except the control point
-The complete inability to choose between modes
-The Absolutely FUCKED progression system where anything Lvl 11+ feels like an unreasonable slog.
-How hard it is to pick up dropped weapons
-The fact that servers are timed so if I only have enough free-time in a certain slot in the day, I can’t play it if all that’s available is conquest.

What is not too easy to understand:
-The fact that the Battle Pass was a completely distinct entity from the Premium Account

If I were to make a single suggestion that would be implemented into the game, have some passive xp bonus every 5 or so seconds someone is on point regardless of whether or not they’re capping/defending so half the team isn’t off sniping from the bushes and they’re actually playing the game.

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What I like:

  • Fixed planes. Thank you! Nothing worse than 500 rounds into the back of an enemy plane and he rearms and bombs again. Attack planes are still a little chonky but I can live with it. Maybe a bit lower health?

  • New Maps. They’re great! However, it is hard to get a plane off the runway on the Normandy one and its a pain in the butt to drive a tank on the Moscow one with all the tree stumps. Still, they both play really good on the ground. Job well done!

  • New weapons. Always nice!

  • Graphics. New effects are purdy.

What I don’t like:

  • Plane controls. I found it easier to perform advanced maneuvers with the old ‘steer with the mouse and WASD at the same time’. A lot of my friends are angry about the changes. Maybe give people an option to pick which flying system they want to use?

  • Shotguns. You did not need to lower both pellet count and damage per pellet. One or the other would’ve been fine (though shotguns REALLY didn’t need it). The shotgun is too weak now and requires 2 taps at distances where it would be 1 in many other games. It’s a shame because this game felt like one of the few games were shotguns felt perfect! Please revert the changes entirely! The pump action is not weak!

  • Flamethrowers. Sure you’re giving a new devastating flamethrower but pooped all over the old one with the ammo nerf. My advice would be to give both the flamethrowers some drop so you can fire the flamethrower in an arc like IRL and maybe make it so this dropping flame makes out an extra 5 meters for both flamethrowers in order to bring them closer to their real life counterparts for effective range.

  • Berlin premium squad. Why do the Germans have a Lebel? They’re Volksturm right? Give them a VG1 or VG2. Please don’t make the VG2 the Wehrmacht standard rifle, that’s just inaccurate. Kriegsmodell is fine for a starter gun. If you’re going to go that way, make the VG1 or better yet the VG5 (the only VG with 5 rounds instead of 10) the starter rifle and save the VG2 for the premium squad.

  • Soviet premium squad. They don’t have any unique weapons(at least on Berlin) and you’re charging a whole lot of money for them. Not cool. If you can’t find any infantry weapons to give them, then give them unique buildables. Like some fancy anti-tank or anti-air emplacements or some obscure mg emplacement.

  • Foreign guns on Factions. While yeah, the Germans did use a lot of Italian stuff, you’re doing your game’s future a disservice by not having multiple factions per campaign. For instance, if you could choose to play as Vichy France on Normandy, then you could throw all the French stuff on there. The British Commonwealth could have all the Canadian and British stuff in the game which the Americans did not use in any significant capacity. You can replace the British stuff on the Americans with, for instance, the Reising/United Defense M42 instead of the Lanchester/Sten, the Johnson LMG instead of the Bren, and the 1917 American Enfield (which was recorded as being used during the Normandy invasion) instead of the British Enfield.

  • Thompson. This is really just a continuation of the above point but a standard weapon like this should not be so high up on the unlock tree.

  • Spectating Bug is still in there. Just got it while flying an A20 on the Normandy campaign.

You’re doing good work. Just stop trying to fix things that aren’t broken (shotgun) and tone down the monetization and you’ll be golden.

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Yep all boils down to the greedy microtransactions really, if it was an affordable price then that’d be cool, I’m sure they’d make alot of sales if they did, just seems silly, they know we won’t buy them, they know we will be angry about it, but they choose to do the complete opposite, a tank squad thats over $40? nah hard pass on that BS man…
Also putting the Thompson at the end of the campaign is such a scum play… I believe it should be further down the tree, without it at lower levels the balance of Normandy (especially D-Day) is utter shit

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Wow, controls are so much snappier now! Running, changing direction, going prone, running up stairs, everything feels so much less janky and floaty now. Nice job!


Agree with this movement and even prone crouching feels fluid

Just checked out the Soviet updates for Moscow - what a collossal waste of time.

I-16 is completely outclassed as expected by new 109 - it’s a model with only MG’s - no cannon for example. Plus worse performance than the existing Yak 1 why woiuld you buiy it???

And of course it has much lower performance than the 109E and the inevitable pathetic CAS load vs I expect a 250kg bomb on the 109??

T-50 is in the light tank unit which means there’s no option other than the already inadequate T-28 in the medium tank unit.

Weapons and new “type 2” troops are marginal and overhyped.

Game has truly lost its shine :frowning:


Yes you’re right ;-;

No matter how many bots of my squad killed, these numbers are always 0. I just wonder why nobody noticed that their bots always killed nobody. Bots killing not showen in the game interface


So true.

Oh my. Where to even begin?

What I like:

  • Finally Thompson M1A1 for Allies in Normandy

  • AI agro range

  • Bug fixes

Sad to realise, but that’s all that I like.

What I dislike:

  • New infantry premium squads which are in general completely useless. They don’t offer anything new except the guns.

New aircraft premium squads in Moscow aren’t just useless, they are just straight insult to ask around 40 euros for them.

New tank premium squads in Normandy (deeply inhales). Giving Germans PzKpfw III M is still somewhat ok, but still it adds a lot of pain to new players that will face them with M5 Stuart. Oh yes, the M24 Chaffee. Just why for the sake of logic. Why are you adding it now as a premium. It wasn’t deployed until November of 1942.

  • Letting Berlin CBT players keep their progress.

  • Adding ZH-29. Don’t get me wrong here as Czech I feel proud, but at the same time the rifle was produced on such a small scale. Just in hundreds. It doesn’t deserve to be included in the game for this reason. ZH-29s were mainly used in China.

  • Adding Thunderbolt with almost the worst possible payload. Give it 8x HVARs with 3x 500 lb ffs so it’s at least better than BFs in Normandy.

What I don’t understand

  • Why adding M24 Chaffee? If you wanted some balance between Axis and Allies in Normandy. You could replace M5 Stuart with M24 Chaffee following your “logic” of same period to achieve better balance, but no you add it as premium which make no sense at this point.

  • Why Allies in Normandy have worse aircrafts when compared to the Axis? Why did the Allies get a worse payload of bombs? Thunderbolt and Mustang could carry a lot more than what they got now. What is haha about this is that Allies irl dominated the skies but yet they don’t get anything comparable in terms of plane performance to Axis.

  • Letting Berlin CBT players keep their progress. This feels like a dagger stabbed right in my back as an original CBT supporter. Why my progress had to be completely deleted and Berlin CBT progress is completely fine to keep. It will still create the issue of veteran players obliterating the new ones. For this very reason you wiped the original CBT, but I guess it doesn’t matter at this point. New players will get obliterated in any campaign anyway. In nutshell Berlin CBT isn’t a test, it’s just the definition of P2W, where players that pay get an earlier chance to unlock stuff. :expressionless: 'ery nice


  • Why isn’t the Berlin CBT pack additionally split into two units yet? So it can be more affordable for a lot more people.

  • Price tag on premium units that are nothing but ridiculous. Almost no one sane enough would buy them. One major issue with premium units is that you can’t exp your other soldiers or unlock something with them and thus making them in my eyes useless in terms of game progression. (double exp is nothing) Price tag can be easily marked as:


  • Why move more from historically correct to some semi-historic BS with vehicles that were not deployed at that time.

My opinion on the state of the game

The game is moving from what it promised to be. From a very promising historically accurate game to … well I don’t even know what it’s trying to be now. Probably FPS from ww2 that everyone can play without any extensive knowledge about ww2, because such people won’t have any issue with historical inaccuracies )))).

For the better state of the game it should have been in CBT 1 or 2 months longer in my opinion. What I think is that developers are trying to do what they can, but publisher Gaijin is just ruining it.

The game lost it’s direction and now it’s becoming something that disappoints me more and more.

Only thing that I can think of is abandoning this game. It was fun but now it feels like repetitive FPS and if you filter out the ww2 theme it has no charm and nothing to offer. They already got my money so losing my interest wouldn’t hurt them that much.

I don’t want to encourage anyone to leave this game, this is just how I feel about it right now :confused:.

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-New weapons are cool.
-Quick messages in the wheel are great.
-Tank braking speed increase.

-Airfield (Invasion) isn’t a good map. Has no cover, enemies have access to far too many tanks on defence.
-Premium pricing.

Don’t understand:
-Everything is fairly easy to understand.

-Would reccomend reducing artillery strikes, currently you can be hit for several minutes at a time with no counter.

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Обновление отличное, спасибо, но Уважаемые разработчики, в кампании “битва за Москву” прошу вас заменить т 50 на т 34(1940) а pz3j на pz4c с комулятивными снарядами или другой pz4 с пушкой KwK37, вроде они с похожими характеристиками, я сам в War Thunder проверял.

T-34-85 needs the slopes on the damage model given a look at.
The Panzer IV should penetrate most of it provided the angle isn’t spastic
The drivers hatch and sides/rear of the turret SHOULD NOT BOUNCE SHOTS like they do
The drivers hatch bouncing shots it has no right to has been an issue since the open alpha in 2020

But the Panzer IV and Panther should have absolutely no issue penetrating the hull on the T-34 at absolutely any point aside from glancing blows. In game it will bounce if the T-34 is slightly angled which isn’t right at all, especially for the Panther’s gun. PLEASE take a look at it

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What you like

  • The intervalls of new updates. Really nice to get new content and updates so fast.

  • The sound of the ZH-29. Some weapons do lack a bit of oomph (like the FG-42), but this one sounds very nice.

  • Finally able to upgrade anti-tank rifles.

  • Movement in general feels right, but maybe jumping should get a nerf, because shooting an SMG while jumping still seems a bit too effective and unrealistic.

  • I think you made a fantastic game and i really like how it improves with every update. Keep up the good work!

  • I think the monetization is quite good in terms of f2p-friendliness. The Premium squads are overpriced, but it’s good that they are not stronger (maybe even weaker) then regular squads. That gives new players the opportunity to buy a nice squad to jump right into battle with more power, but also doesn’t demotivate from grinding and upgrading the regular squads which will ultimatly become stronger then the premium ones. → Very fair IMO.
    But the EXP-Gain seems a bit low for f2p-players. I have premium and i think the grind is quite bearable, but for f2p it’s a chore. I understand that’s exactly the selling point for premium, but maybe make early progression faster and late progression slower? This would reduce the chance of driving new players away, when it takes too long to unlock stuff.

What you don’t like

  • Berlin access not for regular CB-Testers. Really a kick to the balls for everyone who bought into the first closed Beta.

  • Some HUDs (the glass with the crosshair) in Axis planes still looks wierd. It’s a bit like the texture for the 3D effect is not on the right place.

  • AI still very dump. Should be able to take cover and also utilize it when shooting at an enemy. Also let them spring when moving over open field.

  • The whole Inventory management system is very unintuitive and messy. Too many clicks required and equipping a new squad is a chore. A storage overview would be nice, to see all weapons/equipment you have avaible in one window. This could then also be used to dismantle and upgrade weapons.

  • Also the whole Academy System is just bad and looks somehow out of touch, it doesn’t fit the whole setting… I can’t really discribe it better. It’s like an Alien. I don’t really have ideas for improvements on this, but i just don’t like it at all.

Well i’ve already written it above that i really like where this game is going (i hope it’s ok, that my feedback is more for the game in general then just the last update). So keep it up!

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