Your feedback about last update

What you like

  • The new addition to the campaigns are good even if I don’t agree at the level requirement for some weapons.
  • More maps are always good if it can break the cycle of getting bored of the same maps.
  • Changes to the tutorial and practice.

What you don’t like

  • Thompson require a level too high for what it is , we should be able to get it way earlier than lvl 29. Should have been in the game before instead of the M3A1 (Wow , they finally deployed the stock)
  • Changes to the flamethrowers , this nerf is pointless because I never saw someone doing 25 seconds of continuous before dying.
  • Premium squads price, the cost is way too high for what you get from them , mostly for infantry.

What I like:
New Weapon models, looking good
New maps (played airfield and Berlin only), think they are well balanced, not sure if improvements required for airfield.
New Vehicles added to all campaigns
Progression in Berlin finally
Quick chat - has potential, some voices might help, need ammo

What I don’t like:
Engineer placement is still Mg42, I thought this was placeholder ?
Soviet using panzerfausts in Berlin
Thompson level 29, could replace M3 A1 slot as grind is insane
XP progression even with Elite BP, Two premium squads in battle, it takes forever to level up after level 12
Some tanks in Berlin seem to shake or make noise, doesn’t help when by end of match there are wrecks everywhere!
That aslo on Berlin tanks shake when aiming even on the smoothest ground
Premium planes vehicles, I spent the money for the last time, you are losing players due to this pricing strategy, 15 or 20 for veh tops.

What I don’t understand:
Something has happened in my flight controls where I need to keep resetting them on ps5, to stop the weir issue where pointer doesn’t move when you run and bank plane

The game is very good, but you will need matchmaking at least top half, bottom half (levels) but one more pricing sneaky move over gameplay will be the last straw!

The barbed wire hidden half in the ground on every map needs to go
Not a single person finds it fun or immersive to trip up in something you can walk over or step on IRL
Half the time getting you killed because it stops you dead because you didn’t happen to see the little bit sticking out of the mud


the XP gain feels too slow (prem and usually really high to top score)


So why was the Soviet premium squad more expensive if even the F2P assaulters can get the cosmetic armor?
That’s pretty sketchy unless there was some hidden reason to do so.




M4A2 76 premium
The barrel is made of paper mache compared to the other tanks in the game

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Option to opt out of crossplay for PC players is a 100% must have
Also console aim assist should be adjusted away from snap lock to something like slowdown near target and sticky aim
As it stands they get a blatant aim bot and no one wants to play vs that



What you like

  • Good game experience overall in Moscow
  • really enjoy fly and tanking in game as an eastern Germany while not again USSR flight and tank
  • good re-spawn speed not really need to wait.
  • Can’t wait for lighter vehicle to join the game
  • Overall good enough for me to purchase $50 USD every month

What you don’t like

  • really unbalance on SMG, Aircraft, Tank in Moscow.
  • Aircraft from USSR is too hard to kill. even with fighter can’t really take down USSR attacker.
  • Map too less, and hope have bigger one with more players and vehicles.

What is not too easy to understand

  • Maybe experience requirement kinda too high especially if want to play more campaign?
  • Maybe add free experienc point for unlocking other compaign?
  • Add more equipment or gadge for lower level?
  • To play a campaign to 29LV will take tons of time and it’s only a force of 6.

This is a general problem. Bombers have for some reasons more HP than in the past.

Where is Soviet AT, still panzerfausts? Please give allies their own weapons.

Quick chat doesn’t work in vehicles, but good start, hope more options soon.

Please give eng II a better more country specific LMG on Moscow and Normandy (30cal?)

@Keofox hi, I played against you last night, I like your tactics on Berlin, hope to bump into you again soon :wink:

HE Shells don’t work, I have to directly impact people to kill them. lame af

Artillery is out of control at this point. There’s 3 players on each team endlessly spamming it at any given time.
It’s a completely brainless tactic that too many have caught onto and the cooldown needs to be brought back to 2:30 for the radio squad like it was before.

As well, movement acceleration and lack of momentum seems way too fast this update. You can jerk around with wasd unrealistically quickly.


What you like

  • new premium squads. :slight_smile:

What you don’t like

  • the fact winning in Berlin as Germans is next to impossible
    how unbalanced the entire Berlin campaign is.

What is not too easy to understand


All good so far. Premium squads are a blast to play with. I m patiently waiting for. Mp43 on normandy.

Maybe it’s time to rework the premium squads and give them options to upgrade to have more soldiers, even if normal soldiers. 4 it’s just too low for 40 euro squad… But they are still fun nontheless

Gentle reminder:

Give us the option to queue only on invasion, conquest or what map we want to play.

I just can’t enjoy conquest. Sorry but isn’t fun for me.


Fix the AI and make them competent again
They’ll literally just stare at people now and refuse to defend themselves
You had them working fine before Phase 2 Berlin what happened

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Agree wholeheartedly with the entire post

Please undo the shotgun nerf.

Mortar needs made unusable out of the enemy team’s bounds or just outright removed
The mortar stun should be lessened quite a bit too