Your feedback about last update

Agree 100%

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AI seem to suffer from complete sensory overload in close quarters making them detrimental to the gameplay
Hopefully there’s a fix inbound so they actually react accordingly in close quarters

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What you like

  • maps in Berlin. 10 times better than Normandie, fits different fighting styles.

What you don’t like

  • highly favors the Soviet(spawn point, SMG, tanks).
  • NOTHING NEW even in 1945. Extremely boring and demotivating after reaching level 16.
  • AI now are useless idiots

What is not too easy to understand

  • How can you motivate players from Normandie and Moscow to play a campaign with nothing new apart from tanks and Panzerfaust. Even after less than two weeks, Berlin is full of bots.

Remove the ability for mortars to resupply please


THIS. PC opt out of crossplay please!.

liked most of the update.

Add STG-44 or a variant please.


where is asia server ?

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Regarding Update ( - Xbox, - Playstation)

What I Like:
Everything. I’m glad to see fixes and sugestions! Even I can see two from me (BAR and transport vehicle in practice mode).

I wonder why Mortars were left unchanged, when Arty cooldown was increased by 60%?

I was thinking If I should get into the game now, cause after the day I had today, what I don’t need is that constantly bombarding/arty/mortar spam experience. I saw the update, saw some HE balance, I was excited at first but basically even tank HE splash is better now. Slightly nerfed the artillery reload, but you left the cancerous 250 bombs the same way. Yes, I said cancerous. Did you play the invasion type of maps where there’s only one point to capture that is constantly under bombs. You enjoy it? You want everyone to have PTSD from a game like they were in " 'Nam". I’m seriously sorry for buying premium time for that.

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In this update, you have fixed the wrong model of PPsh41. Soviets can unlock an SMG with 1000rpm in level 15, recalls me of the horrible memory that my whole team being wiped out in Moscow by PPD drum again and again. Please give us German players something strong enough to fight against the PPsh41 drum in the future, Otherwise, I believe there wouldn’t be many people playing Germany.

What you like

  • The much-needed balance for artillery
  • Searching for quick solutions and then fixing them completely in another update, like with the gun pull up feature
  • Doppler effect idea
  • The buff to engineer class

What you don’t like

  • The buff of tanks, they are already too powerful and even if it’s not realistic, you should keep the old fire damage model until you come up with a better solution of how to nerf them.
  • The chanting is less often :frowning:

What is not too easy to understand

  • Not in the update logs, but I would really appreciate a new menu look WITH an option of switching to the old one. The menu is confusing and just throws at you a lot of information, that is daunting and overwhelming. This turned off some of my friends at the start and they aren’t interested in playing anymore. So I think this should be on your priority list. Make it less confusing and more user-friendly, but allow older players to switch back or mark the old look - the “advanced” view.

Allow me to introduce one more section:

What I want to see in the future updates:

  • Nerfs - the vehicles are still OP, especially American tanks in Normandy like Sherman and Jumbo and (maybe even more important) planes, particularly bombs.
  • Fundamental transformation of the squads’ view. I hate the fact that I can’t easily check what soldiers I’ve assigned to a particular squad or what perks they have without swapping them. This NEEDS to be changed because right now I’m literally spending hours flipping through squads and soldiers just so I can dump them into the academy. I understand that you want every squad to have a minimal number of soldiers etc. I don’t know why, but that’s ok, just make it easier to swap them, please.
  • Shorten the academy training time. I don’t understand why you made it this long, but I guarantee you this doesn’t make me play the game more. It frustrates me and sometimes I just quit, when I wanted to play some matches and grind a new soldier, but I can’t. Why? Because he is in the academy.

I hope my feedback was somewhat helpful and especially I hope you make some much-needed improvements specified above.
Thank you for creating this game and making it free for everyone. Maybe it’s not going to be a massive disappointment like war thunder are higher tiers was.


u do realize the americans get the short end of the stick right ur talking about full atuos guns and recoil but m2 carbine has 4 times the recoil of mg 42 and anything the germans and russians use. just saying so anyone complaing about recoil and it not fair play the americans everything is unfair repeatedly bombed by cheating ass planes, arty, mortars
the premium weapon we get is semi not fullatuo like the german and russian ones the list goes on the usa tree gets screwed the most

What you like
I love the game play and unlocking squads and progression but I dont like how over powered they are compared to another day 1 noob that has not played that makes it pay 2 win and overpriced to boot at 30$ this is a CLOSED BETA supposedly I didnt know its a good idea to sell things for 30$ in a game that might completely change overnight

What you don’t like
all the “rewards” ive missed out on as an eng THIS WHOLE TIME! and not getting a single thing from it now… along with changes to Radio’s why do you rebalance things that dont need to be…I mean before the strike is sent you can see it on the map…move theres your balance
(the germans) the americans say our mg42 is unbalanced…well use the one that came before it…
being so concerned with BALANCE that you abandon any links with reality and the stats of the items you have in the game aka Bending reality so you can balance a game about WAR the least balanced thing.

What is not too easy to understand
the academy and loosing people they should simply send their exp or perks or w/e instead of going poof… oh and last but not least

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I can’t launch on Xbox. I keep getting: client needs an update.

Xbox says there is no update. What do I do ?

BRO I KNOW THE FEELS report those cheaters when a bomber is able to single you out even while hiding in a forest and squad wipe you ever single time theres sumthing up… and the devs need to fix it. talk about balance but no one brings up the bombs vs the trash rockets…they are TRASH! ive hit 30+ tanks without a single kill…

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reboot the box like on off or reinstall from scratch
unless you can verify file integrity

Thank you for fixing being unable to just hold backspace in chat

Ive tried a reboot and reinstalling but stil, fails with “connecting to Server”

Bro you are replying to a comment that is so old that Normandy had no progression and high tier weapons(kinda like Berlin now). The experience I had with a Normandy was quite balanced because everyone was running around with the starter weapons. And I can’t speak on the current situation of Normandy as I haven’t played it enough.

Everything I wrote in that comment still applies to the Moscow campaign. Even more so today than when I wrote it. PPDs are over powered in every imaginable way and all that’s keeping the Axis base alive are the LMGs. Which as expected, people like the guy I replied to in that post would be more than happy to see gone because it doesn’t favour him.

So, if you think American weapons need a buff, do make a thread on the forum. Anyone who play Axis exclusively will oppose because it’s not their faction. But you can try. Things might change.

What you like

  • AI improvement and all the fixes
  • Engineers rewarded for building defenses and other players getting kills from their AT/AA guns

What is not too easy to understand

  • “A rally point can now be inaccessible for respawning if there is a fight nearby” ==> What is “nearby” ? Do both allies and enemies need to be in a certain radius and shooting at each others ? Or just 1 guy shooting at an ennemy 100m away counts as nearby ?