Your feedback about last update

I’ll give you that jumbos are OP, but regular shermans, really? When you struggle to pen the front of a Panzer 3 or 4 dead-on with the current models and shell, and to boot, Panzer 4’s get APHE but for whatever reason, the devs decided not to give the shermans their M61 APHE rounds (which were the service rounds issued from 1943 onward), so one single penetrating hit from a Panzer 4 tends to knock out your crew in a sherman, but you have to pen a Panzer multiple times to kill it in your sherman? The current state of the Sherman is no better than the 3N in game, which Axis unlocks far sooner.

Thanks for your reviews.
We read everyone. And yes, about transport in practice - really your review.


I like the last patch, a lot of bugs and fixes fixed that is awesome.

Only one thing I did not like, the AA and AT guns are not destroyable anymore. Have lost a few matches because the AA gun murdered the whole team.

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What I like:
Engineer buffs for XP for activities related to engineer placements
No 60sec timer on planes in practice mode
Bug fixes in general
Arty tweak, 48 secs reasonable imho

What I don’t like:
Noone playing Berlin, active players was 5 and rest of players bots (at 10:30pm)
Still no soviet AT gun for bombers, even though it is in practice mode.
Still no equivalent to Jumbo on Normandy for axis
Engineer placements cannot stack despite changes to barbed wire, sandbags not lasting as long.

What I don’t understand:
Planes seems to constantly roll to the left, never used to do this, was playing Soviet fighter.
Thompson still too high level, maybe swap for m3a1?

Why is this feedback in the same string as all other updates? I have to scroll right to the end to put my feedback, surely you need feedback on most recent update?

T U N E S I E N i got soo many Euros that i would spent into it :rofl:

What happened to asia server?

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Fixes to AI

Taking out the East Asia server without notification. Even worse ping for Aussies. Thanks!

Why is AI still so glitchy?

Also your planes and higher end tanks rape the soviets. T26 and BT7 can both be raped in one shot/clip from all axis tanks. Your planes come equipped with bigger and more numerous bombs and with dog fights being dogsh*t in this game you have air superiority.

NO, just no. This is one of the few anti camper tools around. Out of bounds restrictions need to be similar for both teams, the amount of maps where you CANNOT PUSH OUT OF THE TOWN due to out of bounds is retarded

Lool no
An anti-camper tool is a good hop and hipfire
Git gud

So you prefer unrealistic gamer moves versus realistic explosives use?

I prefer being able to actually step on the cap or leave my fucking spawn
You don’t HAVE to hop either since you can just lean around and blast them if you’d like

I agree on making it so you can’t use the mortar outside of each other’s bounds, but outright removal is what I’m against, but I don’t see how either prevents you from reaching the cap or leaving your spawn. Though making it so you have spawn protection on the “natural” spawn points (not the radio beacons, but the normal spawn points) would be beneficial towards that with various spawncamping concerns.

I’m only saying to remove them if you can’t find a proper balance. The current fix is a welcome change for most normal players since there’s no mortar constantly shitting up the match by nuking spawn or making the cap completely obscured

Only being able to fire it inside the map for the other team is what I’ve been advocating for since CBT since hunting the pricks down is p fun.

Yeah what the fuck happened there
›Take protection off rallies
›now off completely
Lmao one step forward two back I guess

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The update is general step in right direction, I’m pleased with option to buy 1 year premium at reasonable price. I wish the rest of monetisation (e.g. squad prices) would follow.

The biggest problem is low level of historical accuracy…

Bless you guys for giving HE proper damage

You are forgetting the grind it takes to get there. I rarely see anything more than Pz III E in games. Even that is rare and is usually Pz II C which can be roflpenned by everything. Soviets get the early game advantages. Germans have the more exciting end game gear if used well. But it’s a lot of effort to get there and rarely see those advantages in games.

Everything can rape those two tanks becuase it’s armor is trash. T-26 is a joke but BT-7 is lovely. But have you played with Pz III B yet!?

Yes. Axis does have its advantages in the air.

Now that is fucking bullshit. The German bombers fire peanuts now. Can’t climb or turn well. Loses out on a lot of altitude during turns.
The Soviet planes have all the air superiority. The German dive bombers get a better loadout and is very accurate for getting tank and infantry. Which is unfortunately all that players care about and that makes the Soviet mains even more insecure.

Things I like

  • Rewards for engineers
  • Nerfed artillery improved gameplay a lot
  • Bug of mortars being nerfed as suggested many times

What I don´t like

  • Already fixed bug… mortars are pure cancer again. This alone made last two updates very unfortunate.

Things I like:

  • The game is great, addictive and I played 2 months non stop.

What I dont like:

  • Why did we only enjoy one night of no mortar spam? A lot of people where so happy on the forums with the evening of not being destroyed by mortars.

  • Why would you give the Germans a second plane in Normandy? With 1 the US already got bombed to hell, two is near unplayable. Germany has multiple planes that can stop a push entirely on their own. So right now with 2 its near impossible to push. I am not prone to drama but I just can not get passed the fact that your entire playerbase is asking for a nerf to being bombed to shit and you think it is a great idea to just give everyone a slap in the face and BUFF getting bombed to shit… I dont know what and why you think its a great idea but I really really think that is the dumbest mistake possible.

  • If you truly feel that Germany is the underdog in Normandy just take away a plane from the US if you need to balance it out (which I dont feel was needed at all).

To add to my last 3 answers so far on this topic:

Thank you for the 365 days of premium with such an amazing price. That’s a must have!

There is a bug on opera map where aí players fall on left side of the bridge(alied side) onto the water and get stuck close to the passage under the bridge.

There are 2 maps of invasion with 5km refill spot for. Planes in axis side. Where the rest of the maps it’s around 2 to 3 km.

All I need right now… It’s the option to select the game mode I want to queue in.
And an option to add more soldiers of diferent types on my premium squads.