Your feedback about last update

Im a bit scared that you are in danger, he will write you something really bad.

You’ve done it.
Panther G. Nice. Thank you.

I posted some more feedback on this update in the Berlin feedback channel, didn’t know it should go here.

Please refer to that feedback in short:
Panther G no stars? T34 2 stars default.
Engineer on axis only shotty, headphones too?

More on there not going to duplicate.

The hitcam on tanks is super jank.

The damage model is also dodgy and sometimes a tank will just absorb your shells with no spalling on the other side of the hit armour (talking about shells hitting the tank rather than AT rifle bullets)

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this update seems very positive, Thank you for taking and passing our feedback to the devs!


My only concern after reading the newest devblog is: “In this update we have added several missions in the Battle of Moscow and Invasion of Normandy campaigns, as well as implementing many of your requests and improvements.”. Two missions don’t mean “several”. But this is only wording issue :slight_smile:

Other than that it looks like a really good update, especially with all changes made to the rally points. You are doing great job, keep it up.


Yeah, i like that they listen to community. This is slap in face to those that say they are not doing anything. It just takes time. Imo this looks like a great update.


Seems like a good update. I would like to see some character customization tho, in terms of changing camo on a uniform or rolled up sleeves and helmets instead of hats. Other than that I think it’s a great update.

My hope is next update will bring some more qualify of life improvements, especially for upgrading stuff. Like the ability to empty soldiers in a squad that is not being used, so that you can drag those extra soldiers to other squads you’re going to use/ drag them to Academy and train them to get a better soldier.

So far, I’m happy with this update. Keep up the good work!

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Thank you for the update, great changes and all works great so far. Made me really happy.

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Whoopy, this is amazing!
What i like:
In practice mode we can now see where did the bullet hit on the targets which is good while training.

“now if you control a plane by the keyboard, mouse controls are blocked”

Why? The proper way to fly with KB/M is to use q e a and d for coarse adjustments and the mouse for fine adjustments.

If that means what I think it does it’s just removing proper controls.
Who only flies with one or the other?


What I like:

  • Feeling of immersion (Despite only around 10 players per team in each squad game, it feels like there are a hundred people in a single game)
  • Interface and Gameplay changes (especially the spawn protection removal for mobile rally points)

Don’t like:

  • The alignment to pay2win. I haven’t purchased anything yet, but I can already tell that when I buy one of the premium squads those who oppose me will be easily clubbed. I am yet to try but I really get that vibe.
  • Wonky Gun handling. (this one might just be my niche)
  • The Progress feels so lacking. (I know this is still in beta but Ill just put it here)
  • Planes don’t impact a game too much. (of course, they can kill a ton of people if spawned at the start of the match but that’s just it)
  • Not being able to use hull mg even though I have a guy there. (I know Beta but Ill put it here)

What is not too easy to understand

  • Plane bombs kill me even though I’m inside a building with no windows.
  • WW2 theatre feels so limited in, I can’t visualize the game’s future when everything ww2 is added.

My opinionated recommendation:

  • Instead of premium squads, I advocate selling soldier camos. A friend of mine really wanted to go to battle in style. Maybe you can also monetize on the fact that players want their entire squad to wear the same uniform?


What I like

  • Ai Changes
  • Ammo Image in the Menu (not realy needed but it looks nice)
  • Squad changing in tutorial/training without having to suicide
  • Changing how active and disconnected players are shown
  • Grenade throwing mechanic change
  • Tutorial/Practice improvements
    *Grouping mobile rally points (it was annoying if you had 2 people building them too close together at the same time, this should fix it)

What I do NOT like

3k Campaign XP per bronze order.
Before you were pretty much guaranteed one bronze order per battle (with few exceptions like a battle being over realy fast or having to capture a point and being defender in invasion). Taking a quick look at one of my good matches in Conquest mode I got around 6k XP total (around 2700 and then victory + other modifiers) and a match score of 2250 at first place.
The guy at place 8 had a match score of of 500. So likely around 1k XP. They would need 2-3 matches to get a single bronze order while before they could have likely gotten 4-5 in those 2-3 matches.
From what I am seeing this is pretty much going to murder bronze order aquisition for the bottom 50% of the playerbase and I would not be surprised if we will see that dry up very fast. As such the bronze orders for XP rewards will need a serious rework or be changed back to task rewards.

Complete removal of Spawn protection at buildable spawn points. I will be taking my machine guns/tanks to them and rake up the free kills and will lead to a garbage game experiance for many players. I can understand the frustration of players who are trying to push said rally points and destroy them (been there often enough and often feel like being the only one on my team even hunting enemy rally points). But this will simply be mercilessly abused by spawn campers. The fix is going to be worse than the problem.

What is not too easy to understand
Got nothing here.



  • It was fun to attack Le Bre instead of defending it. Feels like a great addition
  • When you change a soldier for another soldier you want to train in your squad, you can quick transfer the equipment. I love the change, makes it so much smoother and faster between matches to change soldiers.
  • Not being able to drop the engineer hammer already payed off, I picked up a weapon in a clutch to shoot a enemy. I was happy I could continue building afterwards, then realised that was changed. Nice.
  • Battle task progress can now be checked in battle was great, had some taks left that I really wanted to complete and I could count the number of pistol kills I still had to do. Makes the experience a lot smoother, not having to shoot way over or miss that one kill after the game. Not major but feels better.
  • The grenade throwing is easier to learn, never had trouble with it anymore but can understand new players getting the hang of it easier now.
  • All the quality changes to rally points seem really really nice, have to see it more in practice offcourse but have been asking/hoping for these changes from the start and happy to see them in the game now.
  • Loads more changes.
    Love it , thank you so much for updating my favorite shooter in such a way.

One minor thing, when I qued for a game but canceled it. The game still matched me. Dont mind it too much but was listed as a fix but for me it was not so.

Bring back the Thompson for US in Battle for Normandy please.

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It seems that Ju 87 B-2 got changed? It used to have 1x 250kg and 4x 50kg bomb and now it has just 5x 50kg bomb. Am I missing something from the patch notes or what is the case?

I keep seeing nerfs to the AI but I’m very confused as to why. And I sincerely think that if there were changes, they have little effect on the current state of the AI. Why? Because every time I attempt to take a point and storm it with my squad, or in fact anytime I appear to be in combat with the enemy, my soldiers accuracy makes the stormtroopers of the empire look like good shots. They will literally be standing right next to an enemy, or hell be looking into a room full of targets, and manage to hit NOTHING. I love this game so far and have poured tens of hours into it now, but given the nature of the game, I would be presently surprised if they could actually hit something now and then.

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You need to check your eyes
It still has the 250 and 4 50s in the garage.