Your feedback about last update

All files that you need to download have size almost of 3GB - probably some Berlin files were added to the game already, but of course we have no access to that yet.

Well just weird calling it “large update” cus it basically isn’t for us kinda false hype…

We classify the update as large, that it has a lot of technical changes. Its creation took a long time. It’s not just a hotfix.

The flamethrower buff makes it look better and makes you feel like you want to use it. (I don’t know if it can actually be useful, but…)

I also noticed that the Japanese localization has increased. As a Japanese, this makes me happy. Thank you!

Chauchat is a french machinegun from world war one. Russia bought >6000 of them. They were kinda “meh”. Which is perfect for a premium squad.

Love the new control response that was added its makes the gameplay feel much smoother and more responsive. Id suggest making strafing from moving left to right feel a little more responsive as well.

What I like:

  • New FOV

  • New planes & Tank Guns Sounds

  • New Preview items Shop menu

  • new brand flamethrower with effect

  • Pistol ammunition can now be refilled from ammunition boxes

  • An option to disable the text chat during battles has been added to the settings. This will also allow you to keep the screen clear if you’re streaming or recording gameplay.

  • The nicknames of players in your squad are now shown above them.

  • In the menu for ground vehicles, information like the maximum speed of the tank, turret rotation speed and the specifics of the tank cannon has been added.
    In the menu for Aircraft, information such as maximum speed, climb rate and best turn time has been added.

  • A marker will now be shown above a player sitting in the anti-aircraft gun.
    ( i kinda wished the same for transport vehicles )

  • Rearming zones for aircraft and tanks have been added to practice mode

  • Barrage balloons have been added to practice mode
    nice, i can pratice better in avoiding them.
    great for improve flying skills.

and all the others needed fixes. i’ll mention the few important ( of course every single one is important )
A bug has been fixed which sometimes prevented players from using ammo boxes, Aircraft can be refueled at the mid-air reload points and You can now reload and switch weapons while sprinting

What I Don’t Like:

  • Bunnyhopping is still a thing despite being said it was going to be nerfed

  • Issues regarding planes and cockpit are still present

  • No fixes regarding spawnprotection given by rally points

  • No Fixes Regarding Default/Main Engineers not being able to spawn AA or AT. despite being researched in the tech tree.

  • No Fixes regarding the ability to lay down rally points on further undisplayed objective during invasion or assault resulting in majority of the time, defenders victory.

  • no questions given to so many answers.
    such as,
    will our current twitch tickets and gold order for weapons be saved for next battlepass?
    will i be able to carry premium outfit to my regular guys?
    how do you guys think to balance m2s and fgs that can be equipped to anyone?
    will the GE paratroopers have their own uniform?

  • CAT & CBT Rewards for testers
    well, i don’t wanna sound rude, and i know it might be late, but that’s not what it has been promised to us. and i’m slighlty disappointed. not even the halftruck. sigh

What is not too easy to understand:

  • where cosmetic options are?

  • how can we use and effectively test the Sdk.fz 251/10 outside the training mission?

In Conclusion

happy but slighlty disappointed.

keep up the good work^^

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I just had a bug when I was playing squads where when I spawned in with the aircraft it said I was spectating myself and I couldn’t see any of the usual hud you would see when you’re in an aircraft

The crossplay toggle on PS5 no longer works. It was disabled and I still get connected to PC players. I have changed it to console only and still get connected to PC players.

update is okay, but the game has constant lags just after the update

Did you fix the bug where the holo sight for the P38 disappears into the dashboard?

What does this mean?

  • Quick respawn is now only possible if a capture point is selected.

new settings … tempolar resolution scale in antialiasing in game cant be set on 100 % stuck on 50 % i try everythink … need to be set in config in folder …

I like almost every change/bugfix that were implemented.

Please let us use the Thompson on Allies in the Battle of Normandy campaign. This is a huge one for me and will affect how much I play the game.

Soo Still no Fix for the Friendly fire when you drop bombs and crash your plane and kill all your teammates.


My initial feedback this is NOT a big update, at least from a players perspective. To be honest I can barely tell any difference.

A big update is new allied engineer stuff, new weapons and vehicles, new campaign.

To see barely any mention of cockpit bugs with glass and gunsights, puma damage model, I presume you either think these are minor issues or did not have enough days in your sprints!

Not sure what I like and dislike it has been a few hours, so too early, but this is general feedback.

The name tags on players sounds good, but whether this has a lot of fixes it is not a BIG update, if it was, what would you call a new campaign or new vehicles and weapons, SUPER SIZED update?

To say I’m somewhat dissappointed, but still love the game. Please just be transparent with us, if you don’t want to fix something then fine let us know or if a million posts about Puma damage model, is valid then say we are fixing issues with it.

I’d be surprised if you get a lot of feedback with this. Sorry!

I would love to se updated tank controls.

A effective tactic during WW2 was to turn the entire tank to face enemy tanks because turret turning speed was slower than just turning the entire tank, and as a added bonus you would also have the front armor facing the enemy.

In Enlisted this tactic is impossible to do, because the turret doesnt turn with the tank, i holds in place where you aimed it. It would be much easier to control the tank if the turret remained stationary in relation to the body unless you actively aimed another direction.

Also I think this should be a toggle option, so you can togge if the turret should be stationary or not, so that the people who like the current handling could still have it, and the people, like me who would like the handling changed could do that.

  • The ability to retroactively change a previously made choice between mutually exclusive branches of squad research has been added to the squad improvements window.

This version of implementation does not allow players to freely or regularly change squad makeup. It may either cost a bronze reinforcement, or be a free choice toggle. Having this not free, or tied to a normal, regularly achievable currency is almost anti-player. I assume you want players “choices to matter”, as opposed to players being able to make personal or strategic choices.

so garbage more bugs please … one hit to wing yellow dmg my plane start dropin to ground i hit multiple p38 and he is ok … balance 10 vs 14 dumb … 4more players 20 more bots … entire game cant get next players to balance …headshot with scope on guy in anti tank cannon and he is ok only some weak hit … yes and stuart is heavy tank tnt do blow only on engine on back under … pzIII can be bloow with tnt from front trashhh… and moreee ty

This thing is really annoying for me, winning as soviets is really hard and you need to be lucky to have much more experienced players than Germans need to have.

I hope they will rebalance these sides in Moscow, but I heard same problem is now in Berlin too. (Where Germans even have planes, Luftwaffe was destroyd by this time, but ok, they just know that Axis players love them, so they gave them these bastard).