Your feedback about last update

What I like:

  • Battlepass seems balanced

  • Silver and gold orders

What I absolutely HATE:

  • The progress wipe. Why was this implemented??? If it was for balance, the CBT players should have an advantage if they’ve been playing before the open beta.

What I don’t like:

  • Achievements start on the end achievement - should be ‘First Blood’, then ‘Medal of Honour’

What is not too easy to understand:

  • What is the functionality of the rank tabs on the soldiers?
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I want my 14 lvl from closed beta, hours and hours of playing to 14 lvl and now you deleted it? WTF? That is not why I bought a closed betta to support your game!! Bring it back please. Hate new open beta…

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I like, love, admire:

  • sidegrades!!!

Although option to revert choice would be nice.

They already have advantages. Experience with the maps, twitch drops, possible premium gear…

It has always been known that the progression was most likely would get wiped, as is normal for closed beta games. It has been confirmed for over a month and only now you guys realize?

That aside:

What I love:

  • Premium squad nerfs
  • Perk rebalancing
  • New maps
  • New weapons
  • New order system
  • Probably more I am missing/forgot about
  • Very well done update

What I dislike:

  • BA-11, a vehicle never used in Moscow, and being removed for being both OP and not used, has been returned to Moscow, but as a premium.
  • Pz38t, an iconic tank for the combat period, has been paywalled. May also be OP with its 50mm frontal armor. Pz3B would have been the better premium vehicle.
  • Basically all German squads in Normandy can carry a FG42. It will be one of the most powerful weapons in that campaign and it will probably lead to a dominating performance for the people who use it.
  • Sherman Jumbo cannot be reliably penetrated frontally by and of the vehicles in the Normandy campaign. I suggest replacing it with a 76mm Sherman, or something.

What I do not understand:

  • Why return the BA-11?
  • Why only let us get one of the premium guns in the battle pass, instead of 1 for free, 4 for paid?

What you like
the way to get soldiers/weapons ! good change
batle pass seams fair
way to spend gold to improve our squads/have less grind

What you don’t like
unable to select the mode i want to play. I JUST ENJOY ASSAULT AND INVASION!
unable to reset a squad if i made a mistake upgrading it.

What is not too easy to understand

So best way is to setup game for pay to win… nice choice have a fun with your trash game… same like other new games… And the last the worst option was to delete multiplayer mod without squads… I think this would be great game like RO2 but after what I have seen in this update its just another trash game… Playing in closed beta was good, open pay to win beta is just trash… speed your XP and money and you will get lvl… what is a point of this game after that? none.

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You unlock this at level 3 of any campaign. Play a few matches, then you can go back to your preferred gamemode.

Currently the only actual P2W issues are that of the extra squad slots, and the Pz38tF/BA-11.

Buying your way to a Jumbo, or FG-42 squads, is not inherently P2W. It is a balance issue that all new players will experience once the general playerbase unlocks those things without paying.

To repeat myself: FG-42 and Jumbo are OP and need to be nerfed one way or another. However, that is not the same as being P2W.

If your “point” of playing a game is working towards something new, then perhaps. I play a game because I enjoy it.

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first of all, i’m very happy with the current state of enlisted. so here’s my feedback about the update, talking about the good stuff, and unfortunally, also about the bad one.

but i can say that i’m happy. but slighlty disappointed.

What I Like:

  • new backpack & Pouches system
    those are really great. and i love to see that affects somewhat the character in terms of visual

  • New mission " Fortified District "

  • New Dynamic Weater
    it really set the atomosphere even more. really great. can’t wait to see it on other maps as well.

  • New Vehicles & Premium vehicle squad

  • weaponary & equipment

  • Lootboxes system
    mainly, Quality over quantity. something that we have been struggling from before.

  • Fair Battlepass between f2p players, and premium line.

  • New Squads Layout & choises with possible drawbacks
    i was amazed and sourprised. it was mind blowing for me at first.
    glad that you have to make a comprimise if you want to wear a backpack, or carry another weapons. or even more, if you will decide one of the 3 choises, you will not be able to select others. i really love it.

  • A button to remove all soldier’s equipment has been added.
    finally, this has been requested for agaes. glad to see it now ^^

  • Pratice game mode.
    glad too see this one back as well. really usefull for testers. and above all, the ability to make pratice with vehicles as well.

  • Accurate Sound insthead of placeholders for elder weapons

  • Mp34 Buffed

  • New premium squads cosmetic

  • Hero & Celebration title
    i kinda expected more, but i like it. especially for 1.3 xp booster. encouranging players to try their best.

  • New Challenges for rewards

and now;
What I Don’t Like

  • new perks
    i don’t know why you guys had to add stupid and broken new perks such as faster medkit usage than normal. resulting in soldiers healing them selves in less than 2 seconds.
    flinch perk being more common than before. so if shoot someone, he will most likely turn on me and fire at me back with no " pain " delay as it should have been…
    and what’s next? less screen effect from explosions? how in the hearth is thss justificable?

  • new premium squads
    weather as i said above that i liked them, it was only for the cosmetics. as the team or who in charge really made a good job in terms of visual.
    but regardless the balance team, and weapons, they didn’t do a good job in my opinion.
    first of all, a premium squad made out of Mp18s? really? a world war 1 gun? during normandy? i’m… slightly disappointed. weather for the moscow one, such a pity that they don’t look like italians. such a wated opportunity to include them. as italians did fought alongside germans during moscow.

  • no cosmetic shop for vehicles and soldiers

  • +1 infantry & +1 vehicles slots of premium accounts

  • buyable slots in order to bring more squads
    those two, ( this one and above ) in my opinion really kills the whole idea of making compromises about weather bring one squad above another. you can just simly buy all 6/7 slots and put all your squads with no difficulty what so ever. making the next point even scarce

  • Almost Eternal Battlepass for those like me with few spare hours to play a game

  • no teamplay incentivies
    i’ll quote a post that clearly speaks for it self:

and lastly,

  • Heroes Icons and layout
    to be honest, i love the concept, but the signs, pictures or logos, are too cartoonish for my liking.

i kinda liked them like they were before. sort of war thunder style rewards and battle awards.

and lastly
What is not too clear for me:

where is the customization? weren’t we able to change our soldiers name, and appearance?

and last thing that is not clear for me that i would like to ask is,

if i buy a premium squad, will i be able to use the same cosmetic over other’s squad?

i know that they are special. but since i bought them, i would like to use them on others characters. will be that possible?

aside that, cheers. that’s all from me.
looking foward for next content ^^

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I love this game, but a few things I would like to see, feedback below:

Weather system on Moscow, although it is only on one map
New premium armour, I Bought more premium packs for Moscow! (Although, this is behind paywall)
Gameplay, just can’t get enough, I’m loving the atmosphere.

BF110 on Normandy, the cockpit is steamed up, can’t see ground, p38 ok.
The grind is real! Not enough troops or equipment, makes starting very tough.
Mg nest is locked out until Eng class II, also only engineer squad can use AA, AT
Arty squad every 8 secs, I think this upgrade is overkill, even though I use it of course
Backpacks only give extra medkits, in CBT you could carry medkits and 2 grenades - possibly add option to put smaller pouches in large backpacks, as noone uses 4 medkits…


Equipment, Troop, Weapon orders, grenades 2 points, medkits, very hard as most go into reinforcements as very little opportunity to get sufficient points to fully equip your squads

What I like about the open beta test:

  • the new map, the dinamic weather creates interesting scenarios makes all types of combat more exciting.
    -new vehices and weapons
    -squad progress and composition rework
    What I dont like
  • the new progression and card system, is just… awful, the battle pass and battle tasks systems are great and create a more diverse gameplay and force you to play outside your confort zone. But by themselves they make the game incredible frustrating, sometimes you get tasks that force you to play classes that you havent unlocked, and If you wasted your tasks rolls you are literally stuck for a whole day. it’s pretty inconsistent and depends a lot on RNG you could get an easy task or literally impossible ones. the game needs something more consistent to ensure the progress of the players, and at the moment the system is not working, maybe complementing the existing system with the old CBT one (3000 XP per card). that system was a lot more just and consitent than the one we currently have.

What I like
Silver tickets

Removal of CBT squads out of the store and their nerfs

OBT in general feels smoother than expected and if I would post my feedback based on first impressions, it would be pretty solid and positive.
However, that is not the case so…

What I dislike
Monetization remained unchanged: P2W in squad progression remained

Battlepass: Battle tasks are often based on the scale from very hard to outright impossible due to the campaign level requirement…

Battlepass: Almost all solid rewards are paywalled.

Battle tasks are forcing me to play that not so lovely oopsie called lone fighters… and it is pure torture. (To be fair, conquest mode is not bad for lone fighters, but the rest is just… no)

Battle tasks are only way to get bronze tickets which results in dire shortage of even the most basic troops (not cool at all) because quests are just unfuriating and often take too long to complete.

Monetized gambling in choosing perks (I can just hardly come up with something even more immoral in monetization practices)
I have no idea how devs managed to achieve impossible, but pressure to gamble in logistics was made even worse because of the overall shortage of bronze tickets…

Monetization again (yeah…): Premium account offers huge P2W advantages despite all our feedback warning you that it should not be a thing at all.

Monetization AGAIN ( ikr :clown_face: ) : Ability to purchase active squad slots effectively kills any chance for F2Ps to be competetive (like they had the chance in the first place with everything mentioned above :clown_face:). Again… despite all our warnings.

Overall result?
There is so much potential, and under all those issues is hiding a good game called Enlisted but…
The king (Enlisted) is dead, all hail to Infantry Thunder, game built on frustration! If that was goal of Darkflow software, than you guys did a great job, because this is making the worst aspects of War Thunder proud.


Please see bugs, cockpit for German planes has lighting issue, I would hope as comm mgr you could confirm that this is known and any response on this would be appreciated.

I’m having only additional battle tasks? where are the “main” ones?


still wanna know, did gaijin say anything about releasing it on Mac OS or is it never coming?

Cockpit glass and gun reticles not aligned, glass is impossible to see ground targets, reticle is wrongly aligned at bottom.

Ps5 btw - also feedback before, love this game!

New big update. Much has been done based on your feedback. Check it!


What you like

What you don’t like
since the last update on 21-4-2021 the game is unplayable because of severe rubber banding

What is not too easy to understand

Thank you so much for adding the ammo boxes to the map, the little things make a big difference.

I am a bit confused, why was the update called large? Its a pretty small update, just some buffs more FOV and bug fixes…