Your feedback about last update

In my opinion it was good when it arrived but later it was outclassed by BAR.

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This update they proved to be capable of making AI range-dependent, however. So all they have to do is increase the aggro gain across the board now by like 5-10%, and keep doing that across the next 2 months or so until the aggro gain feels adequate.

The thing is that there are simply so many Russian options.

Like, it’s cool to have this gun and it will draw some French players to the Soviet side, but it just feels weird for the majority of users. There is the DP-26, DP-27, DT-29 and the Maxim-Tokarev.

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This is normal feedback for feedback. :slight_smile:

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Yes, the other message wasn’t meant to interrupt the feedback process. I should have sent you that message in private/PM. I apologize if it ended up being disruptive.

Another thing I want to add is that AI seems to prioritize the walking formation spread over walking inside of trenches/cover. I think it should change this priority based on whether the player is walking inside a trench, or not.


Oh yeah I agree with this totally, I meant as in the Chauchat being a terrible gun was an unfair statement. It was just a reputation from a poor licence build and ungodly amounts of mud that would make most things of the era struggle. :sweat_smile:

Another big issue, the movement, like moving on icy surface. Really annoying.

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New gun models look great.
Improving AI is always a plus(still getting shot through multiple layers of concealment though)
New tutorial ( would love to see planes added to this)


Seem to be sliding a bit after moving even just a little bit.
More premium squads for sale.
As mentioned above I am still getting shot through concealment A LOT and I am not talking about a single bush. I was flanking the enemy team earlier today sneaking up behind them through thick swamp foliage and get shot by an AI soldier. The red outline in kill screen was atleast 70m away and through like 5 bushes.


The premium squads are just way to OP right now. At the very minimum the 30%hp buff needs to go away completely premium squad or not. The other perks make sense. An experienced soldier would be able to reload faster, run longer, have better aim after swinging his gun around etc. But no matter how experienced the soldier is, its going to take the same amount of bullets to kill him.

The fact that the whole squad gets to use SMG or LMGs is insanely over powered. Premium stuff should be in balance with regular units.

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The Academy. What reason is behind sending three soldiers to train and only getting one back?
Mind you, the concept of improving your soldiers is a good one. Strategic thinking, planning and field craft are key facets in conflicts.

Enlisted has a good future if it doesn’t try to be everything :raising_hand_man:

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What I like

  1. Improving AI effort
  2. Inertia when moving around… without running (yes, I´m probably weird, but movement actually feels a bit more natural rather than cylon-like)
  3. More guns are getting their proper models
  4. New tutorial for new players (but it still needs a lot of polishing work)

What I do not like

  1. “Improvements” to AI aren´t really visible to me, if anything they often feel extremely dumb even in close quarters where they should be more dangerous now
  2. Run speed probably nerfed… again. Now running with even only sniper equiped feels like running with a bloody machinegun on the back.
  3. Running itself feels weird in general
  4. Giving players ability to explore outside areas of tutorial map is being considered as a bug… (don´t laugh, it does nothing to game that still runs smoothly AND allows us to actually provide you feedback and suggestions on the map size increase/new maps etc.) This ability should be more encouraged and allowed for all maps.
  5. Shooting range for testing purposes is removed.
  6. Domination mode being far too common (that mode is more suited for lone fighters and only rarely works in squads, assault and invasion modes should be given more attention and development).

What I absolutely and wholeheartedly hate

  1. Issue with premium squads being pure P2W is still not adressed
    ALL our feedback regarding P2W PREMIUM SQUADS was straight up IGNORED and thrown into dumpster together with our trust two days ago.
  2. As result, new premium squads are even worse in terms of P2W than everything we had before (and leaks are suggesting that even far worse things are coming)
  3. Thanks to the debacle two days ago we all saw what planned “progression rework” actually is… and it was horrible. I was actually horrified that the planned “fix of progression” is monetizing it into literal gambling.


I still like Enlisted and see huge potential in it. However, I feel less and less confident that it have any future after release thanks to its predatory monetization. Also, my trust and confidence in Darkflow suffered hard blows (with both the latest debacle and new even more P2W premium squad release) and is ready to break completely anytime now at this point (yes, a bit of drama queen time… but well justified).

I really wish I could say something that is more positive. Alas, it is not possible in this situation.


I would imagine they sold them to everyone, just like the Renault FT, Vickers 6 ton, Madsen, Gewehr 98, and etc.

Holy crud. AI are worse than they’ve EVER been before.

Before, you could at least hide your AI. Now, they pop out like they’re freakin’ rambos with cross-eyed aim.

German premium squad is fun and balanced. I like fighting against it and playing with it.

I don’t like how broken OP the new LMG squads are.

I don’t like how planes can spawn trap you in Moscow. Especially the Ju87 that gets three bomb drops now so it can continuously carpet bomb you.

I don’t like the absurd bomb damage from 50kg bombs vs tanks that are a fair distance away

Please take this into consideration

No - the Soviet ones are more likely from the 6100 the Russian Empire bought from France during WW1.

See the wiki Chauchat article section n foreign users - Chauchat - Wikipedia

Dunno whether they use the same source or not, but also mentioned here -

I kill them easily :smiley:

Also something needs to kill tanks reliably and it certainly isnt the AT rifles.

Wow yes so do I when they don’t wipe me and 14 other people at the same time with their OHK bullet hoses.
I wasn’t referring to their perks, man.

Only the PzB functions. PTRD has been broken since CBT started.

My Panzer 4 has been losing crew and the occasional component to the PTRD. It works apparently.

God I hope its fixed, last I tried it a few weeks ago it wouldn’t register a hit where you aimed it when aiming at a tank. It would hit some random spot, but if you aimed at a soldier it would hit him just fine.

General gameplay
Weapon models

Unable to place Pak gun where I want to, on german Normandy campaign, no fire line on allied troops (same goes for playing allies, hard to place) - not flat ground… at least enough for the gun, but somehow it can be placed on trenches, showering above?
Allied mg placement is mg42, please give us Browning or something.

Don’t care about premium, they have counters.

Controls for planes on ps5, were confusing, finally worked it out, mainly no flaps or reverse pitch was issue.

Yesterday I lost PzIIIE thanks to PTRD, so I´m pretty sure it somehow works. At least it worked on me :grinning: I don´t know how he did that (I don´t really like anti-tank snipers so I never tried PTRD yet) if it is still broken, but he did.