Your feedback about last update

PPD is okay imo, it just needs bug fixes

I would agree with you ONLY if they fix the disappearing bullets bug. Sometimes it takes me 5 headshots to kill and sometimes only 1 headshot which is awful


What I like

  • New AI behavior makes the game much less frustrating. I actually went and told all my friends who have Enlisted to hop on tonight because the gameplay is soooo much more consistent.

  • New fully modeled weapons look gorgeous, holy shit the Ross Rifle is amazing and also has fantastic iron sights.

  • New explosion flash/spark effects look really cool, wouldn’t mind it being toned up a bit.

  • New training map for Normandy looks beautiful, please don’t restrict the area. I’d love to just walk around, explore and relax after I smoke a bowl.

What I don’t like

  • Premium squads are ridiculously overpriced. I understand that right now $30 for one of them gets you access to the Enlisted CBT along with the squad but we’re going into Open Beta soon. The price should be cut nearly in half. I could buy a 2+ year old AAA game with a fleshed out story and multiplayer experience with $29.99.

  • Vitality perk still hasn’t been removed, ew. :grimacing:

  • FOV slider is still capped at 90° and makes close quarters engagements feel unnecessarily claustrophobic and borderline nauseating. :face_vomiting: The FOV cap should be somewhere around 110-115.

  • Normandy maps don’t give off the vibe of being war zones, there’s too much bright and positive color on them. Moscow’s color pallet is spot on and also looks visually pleasing. Either some of the textures on grass, and wheat fields need to be adjusted, or the lighting and weather should be reworked.

  • Still being placed into matches outside of my selected server regions, this makes matchmaking in Enlisted and CRSED suck ass because I have to leave whenever my ping is over 130ms.


Thanks for your feedback. We reading!


Did you read this thread?

Yes. But I will remind you that this is a closed test of the system, which is not final.

However, you still continue to pump up the atmosphere around the mechanics, which do not yet exist.

Even after being given an official answer.

Let’s go back to discussing the update.


What i like: the improved ai
What i don’t like:the new mg squads,they are absolutely inbalanced,especially the germany one.


It was merely intended to be helpful as a global test/inquiry about the interest for various monetization systems and is not necessarily related to the closed monetization test. It should give you an idea as to what to test next for monetization. It is constructed as objectively as possible, and any drama/heat on the thread has been flagged and hidden. Giving the community something to vote for definitely feels like it calmed them down at least about that part, but then the premium soldiers were added…

For me, Moscow has become unplayable because of the new premium squads. The ratio of normal soldiers vs premium soldiers has shifted too much, and I either have to use my own premium soldiers to compete, or fight a continuous uphill battle. However, the premium squads are so effective against non-premium soldiers that it feels like I do not even have to put in any effort to kill them, removing all my enjoyment from the game.

That said, the non-premium related changes made during this update were very positive, which is great, but if the game is being ruined by premium content, it overshadows all of the positive changes made.


Almost forgot. STILL NO FUCKING FOOTSTEP SOUNDS! I’m still having cases where dozens of enemies come in behind me and I can’t hear a fucking peep. Please fix the sound occlusion/volume with gear rustling and footsteps being ALMOST ENTIRELY inaudible. Anyone should be more than capable of hearing 4-7 adult men storming into a room, especially with combat boots from the 1900’s.

This has also not been fixed in CRSED.


What I like:

adding actual training mission and ground.

Maybe it’s a bug but, the ability to turn 2 star normal soldiers into 2 star of any class in the academy.

New models for guns, they are awesome.

What I dislike:

removing the old training camp ​You really can’t test anything in the new training mission.

You can do the all training camp without fallowing the tasks, you can go under the wood planks without crouching, you can walk on the Wires without getting damage…

AI feels dumb, after the update it feels like the AI totally ignore me when I am in a tank.

AI doesn’t react to me shooting at them over long ranges, and even if they react it takes them too much time to shoot back…


  • New Models
  • AP and AT mines (in tutorial)
  • The new Tutorial
  • Improved AI (Always welcome)
  • Graphic improvments

don’t like

  • exclusivity of certain weapons in premium squads (more of a nitpick)

What is not too easy to understand

  • the balancing of the premium squads and if there will be premium vehicles (I would like to see some too be honest)

Can you please tell me why chauchat?

Germany is getting a better weapon again and Russia is getting the worst LMG does of the ww1


Is it me or is the AI in this update really stupid? Had several matches where they just stared at the enemy and didn’t fire a single shot and just died. Everyone in my squad noticed this also.

Last update, AI shot Lasers

This update, AI sucks again


Alright, show me at least ONE dude who has this


Not gonna do it

It’s gonna spread salt
I want to keep good relationship with those people

Find for your self I guess

Strange but ok

What I like:
-New rifle models/animations
-bot fixes (they don’t snipe anymore)
-I can see the devs are trying hard and putting time and effort into this game, it makes me happy

What I don’t like:
-Why the chauchat? Out of all the LMGs you guys chose a french one that was only used by the Russian during their civil war.
-Once again, overpowered german premiums. The only reason I don’t care as much about it is because I have almost all of the best stuff in the Moscow campaign so I can out-play them (LMGs can’t pierce my BT-7)

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I made a topic where I said why it’s better to give the Chauchat to Germans and not Soviets

They should also consider our constant complains about the bad squad system and overpowered premiums

But the only thing they did is give us a squad with…7 LMG’s???


New tutorial is cool but feels lacking, it doesn’t teach you about squad commands, construction, AP vs HE shells for tanks, or anything about aircraft. Something I liked about the old ‘tutorial’ was it game you a place to try out new guns you had unlocked.

The Ross Rifle actually being a Ross Rifle is cool but where is my full auto Ross Rifle

Make a Prem Canadian squad and give them a bunch of Canadian things like this and maple syrup

This was always an unfair statement, the Chauchat, had is design flaw of the open magazine, but was an effective weapon. The American variant built by Gladiator ruined its reputation when they poorly retired to recalibre the gun to 30.06 ammo, but when built by the main manufacturer and away from the trenches was actually incredibly reliable and had none of the issues that are always a fixed to it.
The mud caused it to jam and misfire. In french service it was actually very well liked, as told by Iain from Forgotten Weapons.