Your feedback about last update

KI bugs and dont move?

I mean it’s annoying, but it really isn’t a problem that makes the game impossible to play.

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What you like
add anti-aircraft guns of each nation and heavy mg
add sdkf troop transport
add customization on other campaigns
What you don’t like
the economic system of the old campaigns must change and be like Stalingrad no gold allowed to buy soldiers or weapons or campaign levels

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Blockquote Germany gets the better premium stuff because it is a more popular faction and people spend money on it much more.

I’m sorry, but have you even played Berlin at all? Because anyone that has will tell you that’s false false false with a capital F. Hell, even Moscow is like that. You know why people spend more money on Axis units? Because they’re usually the only ones that usually have any chance against PPSh or PPD spammers in Berlin or Moscow. Even then, look at shitty mismatches like the MP40/I vs. the PPD40 with a drum, bayonet and working armor plate for the troops.

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bot from my squad sood in front of me and stared at me till enemy what i didnt see cause obstacle bot shot us in one burst
tanks best protection is message:return to battle
stalingrad campaing lags like hell, full of bought MKBs
in stalingrad i unlocked assaulter but it doesnt exist in logistics
and your question is what i think about rifle grenades. LOL

Why u dont fix the bad performance? The performance destroy the game!

Sorry but slowly the patience with you is lost. You come as good as not at all in the forum. The performance is the worst I have ever seen on the gaming market. You try to fix everything at the same time and to implement… Is logical that everything is not ready at all… You should work on multicore as the very first time, then provide reasonable servers and you will notice that it again more people zocken. After that you can go to ingame fixes. One soon has the feeling one would be at dice <.<

  • i like aircrafts and maps

  • i dont like the fact that aircrafts havent a sort of livery section(for example pin-up livery on p-51) obv u gotta pay for em,but ill still like to put some different livery on my aircraft

  • its not easy to understand the balance of guns in any faction for new players


  • Stalingrad

  • Full Access Pass (should be implemented for each campaign)

  • Flame Tanks

  • New fortifications/weapons

  • TNT


  • How easily stuck a tank can get with next to no chances of escape (e.g. going through a stone wall and getting stuck on a barely noticeable foundation piece)

  • Lack of aerial bomb sights (to my knowledge)

  • Bayonet hitboxes sometimes suck

Needs Addressing:

  • Portable flamethrower fire animation seems bugged with Flame Tank animation. Needs to revert to build previous of Stalingrad when it looked good and performed smoothly.

  • Ampulomet Emplacement has a glitch that fires a “dud” round, but upon pressing the ‘fire’ button again launches a second “real” round.

  • Weapon mounting :slightly_smiling_face:

For the Future:

  • Proper Flamethrower Gasbags would be neat!

  • New Theaters! (The Pacific, Battle of Kursk, Battle of the Bulge / Hurtgen Forest)

  • M9 Bazooka/Panzerschreck

extensive, which in the background are good because they contribute to the immersion of the player in the role of pilot, but when they are too broad they harm to the gameplay… although the flight in general is much better…
I don’t like that when you try to follow the flight of another nearby plane to shoot it down by pressing C and trying to follow it with your eyes the plane stops turning in a tight turn as you were trying and stabilizes making you continue in a straight line and losing the plane that you try to follow and your plane because you become an easy prey maybe a small arrow being able to select the plane you follow and a small arrow on the edge of the screen are enough not to miss being able to follow it with your eyes while you turn, am war thunder one can use the joystick and the mouse at the same time and while the eyes follow the enemy plane with the mouse the hand maintains the turn with the joystick although it also has the red arrow on the edge of the screen which makes it more easy dog ​​fight

perdi el principio del texto; las vibraciones en los aviones son: vibrations in airplanes are extensive and could be a little less intense

There are a few glitches in the game for me anyway I play quite a bit and there are a few annoying glitches 1 when I move my character is like getting pulled back and then when I stop my character moves all over the place without me touching the keyboard. 2 wen I try to fly a plane it starts jerking towards the ground and every where’s for that matter please fix these bugs.

Beaufighter cockpit is horrible, placeholder or not
Mortar fire not coming out of barrel ( old bug back)

New events great, but scoring is easy with Air Strike…
Bombers too tough to kill
A20 on Stalingrad not enough nose gun ammo

Any reasoning for the experience earning stealth-nerf across all campaigns apart from Stalingrad @1942786 ?

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After “making enlisted a better place № 11” we need hot fix of noobtubes, rally points could wait for №13 but not 12.

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Dislike: Gren launcher firing rate needs to be slowed down, it is a bit too OP right now.

Don’t understand:
Mortar firing to side again for both Berlin and Tunisa (not tested anything else yet), this was fixed before.
Tank aiming on Berlin, getting stuck on trees and affecting aim on specific areas of tanks (ammo rack).

When will moveable AT guns and Stalingrad tweaks to stamina and LMGs be put to other campaigns?

bomb after bomb after bomb more and more bomb no play just bomb to bad

Please double the grace time in the respawn window, as the FPS drops significantly in the respawn window and often does not allow enough time for selection.

When using Bipod, for some reason it is sometimes pulled up against a wall or slope.