Your feedback about last update

I don’t think asking for tweaks / fixes is wrong unless it is like daily, so assaulter 3 soviets needs a non winter camo uniform.

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Well. :residentsleeper:

So many serious Problems, but every Week a new Hype Topic comes up in the Forum.

  • 1Month ago, Officers that nobody needs and are off the Table again.
  • Last Week, Only winter jackets for snipers.
  • This Week, Bipods are Terrrible.
  • NextWeek, TNT Nerf is Terrible remove it.

The Game is riddled with Bugs and Inconveniences.
but let’s have a Space Event

So, let’s go :metal:

  1. The last Update brought me nothing Positive. :wutface:

  2. The Game is getting worse and worse, and the Proposals and Plans for the Future are wasted Energy of the Developers. :biblethump:

  3. Predictably, another Campaign is unnecessary unless the Main Game is working. :seemsgood:

To The Points

  • Game is unplayable on PS5 since the last update. Ki runs on the same Spot and laggd 100 Meters further.

  • Matilda isn’t worth €50, an Explanation and Justification should be appropriate.

  • Aircraft do no damage 20mm and below.

  • Still no selling of Knives, Bags, Pistols, Mortars and much more possible.

Suggestions :supervinlin:

  • Setting Priorities and not just chasing after quick Money. :vohiyo:

  • Customization is a joke. :supervinlin:
    Should probably be developed quickly to deliver more Content with the Update.
    5x the same Jacket only one more Pocket attached? Then pay 2.40€ for that?

  • The Bomber Artillery Strike reminds me of the Days when you could call in Artillery continuously and multiple Times at once.
    :pogchamp:The biggest Bullshit in this Update.

:point_right: :point_right:The Map is now permanently filled with RED CICLES AGAIN. :point_left: :point_left:

Oh yes…
thank you for listening to the Community and bringing a Flamethrower Premium Tank, that you use for your Propaganda and Hype before Release. Nobody uses the Garbage.

:metal:A Company’s Reputation: Wasted Potential typical F2P. :metal:


The premium perks on attacker pilots, mean you can never have 50% greater visibility, as perk points still only go 6, 31, 14 in vitality, handling etc.

I paid money for both the premiums, but the perks mean I am limited with the bf110 and Hurricaine, unlike my other pilots and attacker pilots.

Please rebalance perks, why is there 31 in handling perk? ( Both attackers in allied and axis)

I think you might need to take this a little less seriously.

Don’t like: Stalingrad Mkb42 meta Engineers, assaulters can all carry it, think this needs tweaking.

Just realised so can snipers too!

Although I really love I can hear tail gunners, think the A20 on Normandy has wrong gun sounds, I fired 12.7mm in p51-D, when I hear gunners on my A20 gun sound should be the same sound, it’s not… please correct this when you can.

What i like

map design

What i don’t like

tanks are not really balanced

  • in 1941 and until the mid/end of 1942 the soviet tanks were superior to the german tanks but in stalingrad the germans already had tanks that could compete quite good against the russian ones for example the pz 4 f2 and the pz 3 L also known as pz 3 J with long 50mm gun or Panzer 3 J1. later on in the campaign u get the pz 4 f2 for the germans which has a good gun ok but the armor is still trash which is ok because its still ok to play but even the tier 1 soviet tank can penetrate it from the front. Imo one should either replace the panzer 3N which is literally completely useless with the Panzer 3 L or J1 which bot had an additional layer of offset 20 mm (0.79 in) homogeneous steel plate on the front hull and turret, therefore they would be able to compete with the KV1 and the T34E STZ which both are almost unkillabele right now. I already killed some normal T34 and 2 KV1 with my shortbarreled Panzer 3 J but its incredibly hard to do so, especially the KV1 which only has a microscopic weakspot at the turret and now dont even try to mention the back hull because its impossible to shoot there.

Adding The Panzer 3J1/ Panzer 3 L would make the gameexperience much more fun since right now the most common reason for me and my friends getting killed is a KV1 sitting down the street, beeing unkillable and just shooting the hell out of us with HE-Grenades

my second thing i dont like, is almost the same as i mentioned before, KV1 and the T34E STZ are almost invincible since neither the pz3j nor the pz 4 can reliably kill those tanks. Pnazer 4 can do but if it gets spotted before it has no chance :confused: . A solution to this could be to just add the the Panzer 3L and/or mybe give all the german tanks (just as they made it in real life) additional Tracks that function as additional armor on the Hull

What is not too easy to understand

nothing :slight_smile:

Edit: tanks from both sides get stuck too often in craters too often as well as in broken fences. + I tried out the MGs and the PaK from the pioneers now and its horriffic:

  1. the PaK vs KV1 does 0dmg even if i shoot from the side (i shot 4 times from about 80-90°) and only 2 crewmembers died
  1. the MGs have wayyyyyyy to much recoil… like wayyyy too much. its literally impossible to spay people down so please fix that. just put it like it is on Normandy and also in general tank HE shells dont destroy trees or other similar wooden objects or street lights so please fix that.

When zooming in tanks, sometimes infantry in the far distance has no animations.


Or they are desynced. I noticed this too.

Regarding the time limit for attackers, I think it should’ve been 30 minutes or more depending on the map’s difficulty for attackers where more time should be needed if the map is difficult.

FW190 on Normandy gun model is bugged (shows too many guns on wings)

Moveable AT guns, mechanic on ST works very well!

New time limits seem fine, so far

Gun Models, except 30 Cal bullets, sure this is WIP though…

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KI still Bug, unplayable.

@1942786 The devs know that most of the Italian uniforms are inaccurate, right?

Also, they know that some of the units are inaccurate as well, right?

Just want to know if we have to keep harping on this or if fixes are in the works.

I’m really disapointed with this “trial version” of Stalingrad Campaign, things like that always kills online games, I accept to pay for squads, vehicles and cosmetics but for basic weapons and squads we already have in other campaign? Never even the M30 and the MG42 are paid in this mess you guys did

At least it’s not like other games where they are trying to sell you beta level content as a finished product like most AAA titles. literally when you login it says this is not a finished product.

Take an Engineer and an AT gunner in all of your units in your deck if you’re a good shot you can snipe a PzIV in the Grey Zone with a bazooka.

They need to stop adding new campaigns and fix the ones we got is my problem right now

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The actual ENLiSTED is unplayable

not for me.