Your feedback about last update

Let’s say it’s a hot take on the Stalingrad update, as I haven’t propery checked out everything yet.


  • Weapon ballance changes.
    Bolt action rifles feel very powerfull, even in CQC. At the same time SMGs are still a good choise.
    To be honest I didn’t think you would manage but so far you’ve proven me wrong (yet again) and I’m happy about that.

  • MG stamina drain.
    Imo it’s a good mechanic but you should finally improve bipods.

  • Gun sounds.
    They sound a bit strange yet powerfull. Kind of mixed feelings but I’d say it’s a positive change anyway.

  • Gun models improved.
    They look a bit too new and shiny but overall nice.
    I’m especially happy about new MG42 model as imo it was the ugliest mode in the game. But why it’s belt wasn’t changed? It should fire from nondesintegrating metalic belt.
    Like here:

  • Maxim MG nest.
    It’s really great to see this gun. Now I’m waiting for german (inspiration above) and US guns.

  • Movable AT guns.
    Finally they are here! They need polishing but over all really nice.

  • Concusion from friendly explosions.
    We don’t have friendly fire so I guess it’s ok way to king of simulate it.
    Although I’d add a notification that you concus friendlies with your explosions. And maybe even some penalties for doing it repetitively.

  • MKb restricted to assaulters and engineers.
    Finaly! I was waiting for this moment since the OBT started.

  • M1919A6
    The King (MG34) is dead, long live the King (M1919A6)!
    It’s good to see this gun finally. It’s a shame it wasn’t introduced earlier.


  • Medic class is just assaulter 1.1
    I think giving medics SMGs was a mistake. Now they are used mostly as assaulters rather than medics.
    I haven’t seen one person healing or placing medical box.

  • Yet another twisted premium squad.
    Why is it so hard to coppy the composition of free squads?
    Literally nobody asked for 5 MG / SMG squad with engineer II abilities!!!
    Why do you make so stupid decisions in this regard? Those squads are wrong in every possible way!

  • Increased concusion.
    It has too big range. It was better previously.

  • Prices of customisation are too high.
    (Although imo 90% of the things are overpriced.)

  • Full acces locked gear.
    The concept itself is not bad, but the choise of weapon and vehicles that are locked is so weird.
    Like, why would I pay for Drilling? Or for SVT? Most if not all of the full acces weapons can be unlocked in other, free campaigns.

    Imo what you should have done is to lock weapons that are unique. Like Romanian or Hungarian weapons/squads.
    Thanks to that, f2p players would slowly grind the same weapons from other campaigns, while paying players would get something unique that is worth their monney.
    Good example are flame tanks.

    Imo it makes the game more frustrating because it feels like you want to force players to buy full acces or play a demo, instead of encouraging them to buy it by giving them shiny things.

Other comments (about M1919A6). I hid them as they are of lesser importance to you.

This weapon will be nerfed sooner or later. So I’d like to propose a mechanic that would nerf the gun but would aldo make it unique and intersting.
It’s based on those topics: GPMG - discussion, Crew-served weapons.

MMGs should have two operating modes (use “U” to switch):

  • belt atached - gun is loaded and ready to fire, but soldier is unable to sprint or uses way more stamina.

  • belt detached - gun is unloaded and soldier can sprint.
    Alternatively instead of being fully unloaded, guns could use smaller (50 rounds) belts.

    If we were about to care about history, only germans should be able to use smaller belts (and it would give them actual, historical advantage instead of silly things like superior recoil). I’d really like to see that but there are severeal problems with it:

    • heavy asymetrical balance. We already have it but my idea would mean that only one side have exclusive acces to the whole, powerfull mechanic.
    • it wouldn’t make sense in case of german MG unlocks. MG34 with 50 rounds is the same as MG34 with 200 rounds so it would screw up the whole progresion.
      But there is a way around it. Just screw it and make MG34/MG42 with belt as a separate unlock. It would have option to transform to the prewious “version” like described above.

I’d love to see sth like that but I’m afraid it’s not possible.

I have a question about the clothes of the Soviet 3rd class commandos, the Soviets should not wear the winter white snow camouflage suits for autumn operations, maybe they can be replaced with the camouflage camouflage suits of the Soviet commandos in Berlin.


the Stalingrad update is pretty good for now (at least what i’ve seen), there are only two things that i did not like.

  1. levels that are entirely beyond paywall - i know you guys need money and have contracts, but keeping some levels completely beyond paywall is not a good idea, it would be better to just keep all level free and give some unique equipment on some levels for those who paid

  2. customization prices - the prices are too high considering how many custom orders we get (outside flames of stalingrad event), it would not be viable to send the system to other campaigns at least not like this

here is my thought on stalingrad from f2p player perspective.

this campaign is not anything attractive for f2p players. they will be just cannon fodder there cause some good squads/weapons/vehicles are blocked behind paywall. and with no f2p players there i dont know how long paying customers will also play stalingrad after the novelty of new campaign wears off. i dont see myself playing this after i get rewards for event…


Update: STGs (MKBs) or PPS-42 have no documented evidence of any use in Stalingrad, why are they included?
Especially the MKb is such a meta gun, there’s no reason not to use it, yet it was not adopted by that time.
Absolutely hate it.

What’s the reason of trying to depict historical events if the goalposts get moved so much? By the same logic we can expect RPK and IS-3 in Berlin because it just missed out on the action.

And speaking of Berlin, I absolutely hate the Fedorov, since it had absolutely zero chance of appearing in Berlin, it was barely ever used even in the panic of 1941 and in very, very limited numbers even in the Winter War.

Hate that we’re going more and more fantasy, and not just as meme guns, but OP end-game meta.

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Please asap port the gunplay changes and TNT packs to all other campaigns
The bolt action change alone should be ported immediately

  • make it a bit easier to deploy bipods for machine guns.

What I like:
The new sounds
The new models

What I don’t like:
Graphical issues on Ps5
Absence of grass on Ps5
Screen space reflections not working on Ps5

What I don’t understand:
Why is The Ps5 edition so broken after this update


I have a suggestion to make the game more immersive
It can be added in the game: in the air of the countdown to resurrection, you can see the animation of the troops of the two sides fighting in the entire area, and the bullets flying everywhere
(Including outside the air wall, creating a huge battlefield of World War II, should not be limited to small-scale wars between players)
NPCs that cannot be attacked by the player can be added outside the air wall to let them shoot each other, bullets and shells splash, making the whole map lively.
(For example, in the confrontation mode of Star Wars Battlefront 2, the NPCs that are fighting outside the air wall, players cannot damage these NPCs.)
After the player is killed, the perspective turns to the sky, and the ground is full of bullets and artillery shells flying around in battle. Think about it and see if it is very immersive.
When the ground player and the enemy are fighting and firing, the NPC friendly forces outside the air wall are also fighting side by side with the player.
(Although there is no actual damage, it can make the battlefield look extraordinarily spectacular.)
If there are players with low computer configuration, these fake NPCs can be turned off in the settings.
Можно добавить в игру: в эфире отсчета до воскрешения можно увидеть анимацию войск двух сторон, сражающихся на всей территории, и летящие повсюду пули.
(В том числе за пределами воздушной стены, создающей огромное поле боя Второй мировой войны, не следует ограничиваться мелкомасштабными войнами между игроками)
NPC, которые не могут быть атакованы игроком, могут быть добавлены за пределами воздушной стены, чтобы позволить им стрелять друг в друга, пули и снаряды брызгают, оживляя всю карту.
(Например, в режиме противостояния Star Wars Battlefront 2 NPC, которые сражаются за пределами воздушной стены, игроки не могут повредить этим NPC.)
После того, как игрок убит, перспектива превращается в небо, а земля полна пуль и артиллерийских снарядов, летающих в бою.Подумайте об этом и посмотрите, оч


I agree with your suggestion

thank you very much

Well, the attemt to introduce customisation is meant good, but i have 3 problems with it:

1: There are no camo tops… Why? They were not that common, but they were around back then. Especially in elite troops and if a Elite soldier died, the were directly taken from the corpse and used by normal infantrymen. (At least in the german army, that was common)

2: Customisation is too expensive! One Field jacket for one single soldier is equivalent to 13 days of playing with premium battle pass or 41 days with normal battle pass! Thats terrible! I have to be lowered by at least 3/4!

3: Tops should be divided in Jacket/Coat and Equipment, so that you can, for example, put a field grey m40 tunic and mp40 mag pouches seperately on.


Playing this game right now isn’t fun. Imo

The concussions is just too much, I feel like I m on my 20s again drunk as fk playing it every time a grenade or arty lays around me.

Worst feauture ever.


OK, since I’ve had more time with the update and have played also other campaigns for comparison, I’ll give you amended feedback.

What I like

  • Destruction of Enemy Spawns gives points, excellent! (should add a new “saboteur” battle award for the most spawns destroyed)

  • The general idea of the customization is good

  • Maps give stalingrad feeling

  • Bombers are fun

What I dont like

  • Rifles are a bit too powerful and it changes the way the game is played for the worse. I generally enjoy enlisted due to the relatively fast pace of the game, but due to the single shot death rays in stalingrad the game is much more campy. The general problems with people attacking which exist in other campaigns are just getting worse. It’s actually not very fun to get one-shotted by some corner hiding camper the whole time. Particularly the stock& basic unupgraded rifles are too powerful. Constant one-shotting is not fun. Rifles are too universally good.

  • Stamina system and recoil changes are bad. I dislike the recoil changes and the stamina system in particular. I think you are creating a fundamental imbalance between the weapons by boosting rifles and nerfing autos at the same time with these changes. The stamina system is bad. The inaccuracy makes MGs rather useless and it’s pointless to talk about bipods because it’s still useless and by the time you set it up, you are dead. SMGs feel weak even in close combat vs. rifles, except for the MKB.

  • As a consequence old campaigns feel like the weapons are better in balance. I find that the weapons are better balanced and more universally useful in the non-stalingrad campaigns.I would rather keep the system as in the other campaigns, with some moderate increase in the medium range lethality of rifles over the current system in stalingrad. I also think that this level of rifle lethality will fundamentally break a lot of the more open maps in the other campaigns.

  • Concussion, Concussion, Concussion. This is very annoying and there are times when you are concussed for 80% of your spawn duration time when the battle is raging for a spawn. It’s still too much.

  • Still, the price of customization. Also I realized that the amount of customization tickets from the battle pass is not enough to customize a single (1!) soldier fully. The prices are way off and the amount of BP tickets doesn’t make sense for the new system. Also still, the customization options are not

  • Finding airplanes is a bit too challenging now with the smoke trail gone. You should increase the spotting radius when the plane is against the sky and keep the same range when spotting towards the ground (so that planes can try to dive towards ground for hiding).

  • Not enough map variety

  • Soviets are objectively worse with infantry weapons

  • Bipod system still sucks badly

  • Bombers are too strong


Thanks I can hear tail gunners now, no callouts though. But good start.

LMG new stamina is much better, but I perked out to max stamina so didn’t notice too much and always deployed when I could.

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Assault rifles and accuracy could probably the two things that most playerbase aren’t familiar with. Despite their dominance in modern armies, they were relatively rare weapons in World War II. Being the newest weapon category being added into this game, it firstly only exsists in Normandy and Mosocw Axis, but now it’s much more common and easy to see since it now exists in 4 campaigns, that means all campaigns except Tunisia(where I believe AR would be added later).

But a major problem of AR is that they have very inconsistent dispersion. To put it simply, dispersion is a number value that determines in which angle your bullet leaves your barrel. The higher the dispersion value is, the less accurate a weapon is. If you barely notice this in the game, just pick a MG42 from pratice, it serves as a perfect example of what dispersion is.
To make a long story short, according to the category of weapons, walks can be broadly divided into five catogries(from accurate to inaccurate):

bolt-action sniper rifles(from 0.01 to 0.02, mostly being 0.01)

bolt-action rifles(mostly from 0.12 to 0.15)

semiautomatic rifles(mostly from 0.26 to 0.3, with the exception of FG42/II being 0.4+)

MGs(mostly from 0.4 to 0.68, with MG34/42 being the most inaccurate)

SMGs(mostly from 0.68 to 0.95, with Sten and MP3008 being the most inaccurate)

To shoot 90m accurately, the dispersion must be ≤0.3. That means most guns in this game cannot shoot accurately at 90m range. But we would put this aside first.

Here is the complete dispersion sheet:

Then let’s take a look at why the dispersion value of AR makes 0 sense at all.

MKB42H in Stalingrad is too accurate compared with others, considering it has only about 50% dispersion of MKB42H sniper and 21% dispersion of MP43.

MKB42H has only about 40% dispersion of MP43, which is ridiculous. With open belt it could only be less accurate than MP43/1.

The difference of dispersion caused by a simple SCOPE is ridiculous. Stg44 sniper has only about 40% dispersion of that of Stg44. From the dispersion sheet we can clearly see that there’s no dispersion difference between regular semiauto rifles and semiauto sniper rifles. I know it’s because snipers suck(5 men squad and no vitality perk), but it’s still too much.

The fact that Volkssturmgewehr VG 1-5 is more accurate than Stg44 and MP43/1 is ridiculous. From the dispersion sheet we can see VG 1-5 has 0.55 dispersion(the same as M2 carbine), while MP43/1 and Stg44 has respectively 0.7 and 0.66 dispersion. I cannot imagine how a 1945 made Volkssturm weapon(I think ppl understand what does it mean) is accurate than those who were made earlier.

My suggestions to make the whole AR category more consistent:

1. Reduce the dispersion of all ARs(VG1-5 not included) to the level of semiauto rifle, that means reduce them to about 0.27-0.3, just like Fedorov(which has 0.3 dispersion), NO MATTER WITH OR WITHOUT A SCOPE. And the scope of MKB42H sniper should be removable.

2. *Increase* the recoil of german ARs. In Stalingrad MKB42H has 45/11 recoils. I personally suggest that increase the recoil of MP43/1 to 38/9, and the recoil of STG44 to 48/11.

They would make ARs look more like a RIFLE(higher recoil and better accuracy) less than a SMG(less recoil and worse accuracy). That’s all. I hope devs take my suggestion.


In that case, the MP43 should also get a decent damage/shooting rate to really be an assault rifle.

What I like

  • The progression of the campaign with 8x XP boost! This is pure fun!
  • The new rifle gameplay feels fantastic → big step in the right direction.
  • The customization system.
  • The new concussion effect → it gives you an interesting new tactial approach.
  • The new stamina system → I like it VERY much. Very authintic and no more hipp-firing with MGs.
  • New sounds and weapon models → the MG42 feels absolutly great now.
  • The new bomber option for the radio man → now we need to improve also the mortars with smoke!

What I dont like

  • Too few customization orders in the BP → We need WAY more customization orders from the BP and maybe from earned XP like the silver orders.
  • Too few customization options → we need more unique uniforms
  • There are still problems with the bipod system. For example, it doesn’t work in windows or in the trenches.
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They delete my post which had 200+ replies lol. Just show another time how much they fear to let everybody get access to dispersion value

@1942786 The devs know the Italian uniforms are wrong and are working on it?

Do we need to keep bringing it up?