Your feedback about last update

I would rather they add markers to the planes farther out than do the smoke. It looked so silly.

Personally I haven’t had too much trouble with it. Ofc I am playing Tunisia Axis exclusively so maybe planes are easier to see on those maps.

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Dislike: No Stuka siren on Stalingrad plane? Was it removed then, I don’t mind I guess but wondering if bug.

Like: Smoke trail removed now emphasis on perks and freelook (which should also be part of Tutorial imho)

Good new content so far, I like the maps and general weapon fixes

What I dislike greatly:

  • Concussion, concussion, concussion again… It’s just extremely annoying and ruin gameplay, there’s too much of it, consider toning it down.
  • Cosmetics: you claimed a bough clothing attire could be switched between soldiers of the same class. It’s not the case. Also, pricing for those is ludicrous, I’m a whale but won’t buy any cosmetics by principle that it just looks like a big scam.
  • Your CLEAR p2w premium squads. WHEN will you listen to the community??? We DON’T want 5 lmgs guys, we do want squads with same customizable specialist options in them!
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Yeah like wasnt there something with 4min waiting time or something?


Grb-39 seems completely broken. You can barely hit anything with it.

I think concussion should not be taken away, no friendlies should drop grenades at your feet and you not suffer, but it is very difficult to defend point, I just tried Moscows, constant artillery and not having headshake perks is tough, with MKB scope just constantly swaying… reduce it slightly, but as no team play a lot of the time, people just spam nades, tank shells on your team oblivious.

The FPS performance and render distance of the ground in Normandy is significantly worse when flying than pre-update where it was totally smooth and didn’t have a black ring in the horizon, in fact it looks like a second horizon… the graphics seem to take longer to load in too sometimes, I even had a crash today on Stalingrad (which I love!)

Bronze / Silver economy for Weapon orders could do with a boost.


Oh boy. Let’s start, shall we?
New campaign stuff:
Basically what I already said in the news part.

  • Moscow is copy+paste. Land-lease Lee and DT are questionable, and another premium fighter for Axis is stupid.
  • Tunisia is like 80% copy+paste. Panzer IV F2 will be meta I guess and Matilda should be free and Panzer III N and ZH are sooo lazy (and ZH is just bruh).
  • Berlin… yay, finally Avtom and StG. TD and Fighter Premium tanks are just meh again and don’t get it why the Yak gets bombs but not the free fighters and the P-63 and Premium Bf.
  • Normandy doesn’t make sense with the Tiger being after the Panther, but at least US get M1919 and 76mm Sherman. Premium squads with auto engineer… just no.

Allied explosive stun effect:
Heavily discussed. Imo a good chance and I hope that people eventually reconsider spamming nades and tnt that much from now on. The only issue I see is that the effects of low HE shell calibers are too powerful.

Oh boy. Stalingrad. Everybody loves it, everybody hates it. Disappointments, but also good statements.
Let’s start here.

  • Bomber call:
    I mostly speak as someone who tried to shoot the bomber down with planes. It is pointless. One fighter cant take down five(?) bombers. Their gunners are also quite effective for some reason. Either reduce their hp, so I can at least shoot down ONE, give us better AA artillery or reduce the amount of bombers, otherwise I doubt anyone is ready to engage bombers.

  • Air gunner:
    Only used them with the Po-2 so far. Not useful. Heard that the gunners sometimes don’t react or partly react, especially on bigger planes. Must test it on my own once I finished Stalingrad grind.

  • New engineer features:
    Love the Maxim and the Ampo though I don’t get it that the Germans get them too, at least I saw them using/ building the Ampo.

  • “New” gear:
    As I mentioned in my thread (and like other people mentioned too) the gear is not diverse and new. Also, Axis lacks of ANY foreign squad, even Romanian planes are used by Germans. Love the flame tanks though. PO-2 doesn’t fit here. It spawns way too high, you can’t fly faster than 190kmh (which sucks as you need to go down in order to bomb efficiently) and Germans have early access to 20mm planes. Seems that PO-2 is the sole realistically modelled plane here lol.

  • Maps:
    Nice and bad. I love the details inside the buildings, the new buildings and big buildings. Dislike the details/ amount of cover outside and how you guys put some spawn points on the map, which sometimes leads to excessive camping. BUT I also love you guys for not adding skirmishes.

  • Bugs:
    Too many bugs. Bayonets are still presented as equipped on logistic, despite being not. Line of sight is bugged, and I often see enemies though they are behind cover while looking through a scope or tank sight. I sometimes don’t get crosshairs for tanks and cant see them correctly. AI struggles a lot in Stalingrad and often gets stuck or use doors to get killed instantly. Also, I have the feeling that scoped rifles have way worse accuracy than normal rifles in Stalingrad, let alone compared to Moscow and Berlin sniper rifles. Miss a lot of shots with the Scoped Mosin on greater ranges. Overall situation with the bugs are worse than at the beginning of Tunisia and Berlin.

  • Gun gameplay:
    Love it. Love the way how MG etc. are working right now. Also love the gun effects and sounds but I LOVE the rifle meta here. Like based chad Moscow but better and more based,

  • Monetization/ skins:
    Overall monetization is less in Stalingrad and only present with one gold squad, skins and the ability to reroll perks with gold. Not really what they told us at the beginning, but not a pain in the ass as in the other campaigns. Still don’t regret the 30 shekels and recommend the pack to everyone who wants to play Stalingrad. Skin changes for soldiers are too expensive/ not enough free tickets available (yet) and new faces are still worse than old faces (also why still no new faces for US?). Vehicles prices are “okay” though once you bought emblems they should be available for all vehicles like on WT.

Stalingrad rate: 7,2/10
New level rate: 3/10 (Only thanks to StG and M1919)

Since this update I face way worse internet connection and lobby is also very bugged and slow.


What i Like:
I do enjoy the 3 or 4 maps alot , beauty ones
Bolt actions are on point
Progression is fast as fk( nice)
Pz3 HEAT is amazing
vehicle costumization is enjoyable (need more options as sandbags add ons paint skins etc etc)
need more options to costumize vehicles:

4 isnt enough for me :smiley:

Tnt packs are cool add ons,
bomb runs are amazing and counter them its actually worth
medic class is an amazing addon,
besides that . amazing update. some bugs sure, but not gamebreaking.

What i suggest:

Ammo should be the same crate type as medic ones tho and a buildable one as Engineer for mortars/AT guns

Another one: Armored train is completely fucked for defense. You reduced the length of the map by over half but the attackers still get 1000 tickets. It’s like a 2 capture point defense map and the attackers still get their full 5 cap invasion map level force, so almost guaranteed attacker win.

I support this comment totally, we want an alternative Axis nation we can play and enjoy playing.

We are tired of always being the Germans as the main Axis force, Enlisted took a huge step at introducing Italian units and the Italian faction in their game.

Please correct the mistakes pointed out in this comment and after that we ask you to keep adding more Italian units in order to keep the Tunisia campaign more interesting, because this is a really interesting campaign and super fun to play (at least for me).

Don’t be like Gaijin, be different, be invested to make this game better and be excited to explore the full potential of this game, you guys have that power, please use it responsibly.


I hate the changes to the stun mechanics this game nauseating to play now and M1919A6’s model is broken


after the battle of Stalingrad, it sees that you give all the player who are use aim acceleration instead feel like aim bot.
do to all the very ODD shots where the player was even pointing the gun at me.
is it jest me or are there more player use radar cheats?

Worst thing about this BRILLIANT UPDATE not gameplay related so far is Normandy render distance on Ps5, when flying all you see if a black horizon when previously you could look for miles, very immersion breaking… (The latest patch fixed this! :+1:)

Ps Thanks for fixing my 30 cal and above :+1:

You are right!!!
I have the very same, I never missed so many shots. Anything beyond 150 m seems to go god knows where

  1. Люблю играть инженером. Теперь, как я понимаю, всегда (корректно) даются очки за мои постройки, которые используют другие игроки. И я теперь всегда вижу, как я получаю очки. Это тоже отличная функция.
  2. Что случилось со звуком винтовок? Это отвратительно. Один и тот же звук, похожий на выстрел из винчестера. Конкретно пишу за “Московскую компанию” сторона “Оси”. Стреляешь с Gewera 1888, vz. 24, каряк и подобные. Один и тот же отвратительный звук при выстреле. Верните звуки выстрелов из винтовок как было!
  3. Обучение для новичков отвратительное. Ничего им не будет понятно. Этот белый текст внизу без озвучки… И нужно более подробнее, может в других этапах обучения, разъяснять механику игру за тех же инженеров. А то иди туда, построй вот там…

Please make tail gunners call out and when firing their guns louder (I am not sure if it’s intentional or bug on PS5), it is affecting gameplay right now in a plane it is very difficult to know you are being shot at, unless damaged… Tail Gunner should give you earlier warning…

Airstrike suggestion: each radio squad starts off with 5 bombers at the start of each round. If any of those bombers are shot down, they do not come back.

Let’s say an airstrike is called and a fighter takes out two of the five bombers. Any and all future strikes called by that radio squad will now be diminished to three bombers.

If all a squad’s bombers are shot down, the airstrike ability is lost for the rest of the round.


What I enjoy: Maps are very well made, feel atmospheric, LOVE the russian loudspeakers, really builds on.
The new weapon sounds; GOD, they sound GREAT now. whoever headed the sound department for this update deserves a raise lol. The Kar feels powerful, and the SMGs actually sound like they have some hmph to them.
Bomber runs are also very cool but a little slow (and hard to shoot down with the current plane damage model)

What I disliked: Lots of copy and paste weapons. Since i’m a Normandy main it was my first taste of soviets so it didn’t feel too bad, but I know that other players will feel like they’re unlocking the same weapons again. Danuvia is Awesome though!

The event helps even it out, but Cosmetics are VERY pricey.
And the fact that there was a premium after it was promised there’d be no premium squads. I’m not too mad about it because Night Witches isn’t gamebreaking, but the point still stands.

And lastly, PLEASE remove or reduce the stamina penalty with machineguns/at guns. It makes it SO difficult to use them viably. I’m okay with keeping the drain, but it should at least be reduced in my opinion. It creates players who constantly dropshot like Siege.

All in all, good update with flaws

This update was, at least for me a big letdown.
There were too many controversies such as “poor no microtransactions wording” (or planned lie?), medics that are actually assaulters, extremely overpriced cosmetics that are not even squad or campaign unlock (as they should be with this outrageous price) or even multiple battlepass extensions with zero regard on transparency or announcements.
I did not have high expectations due to the reasons above, yet I was disappointed again, because of how poorly new headshake mechanic is implemented, turning entire match into one big trippy experience and blurred vision 90% of all time in match.
Changes to some weapon textures, weapon smoke, and sound simply does not redeem this update for me, there are just too many negatives on this one.
What is wrong with it?
I summarized it here:

I guess this is probably my most negative post ever since start of OBT.
I´m not sorry, this update and circumstances is just not really good.


took me a while to make this feedback as i wanted to cover pretty much everything.
but as i’m human, i might have forgot something as well, therefore my bad.

i’ll start by saying that this update for me it’s a 7.5 out of 10.
i really reccomend it for those who are interested in stalingrad. it needs a bit of tuning, but i can confidently say it’s somewhat of a solid campaign with some decent equipment for both the russians, and the german from start to end tier. maps are lacking, but they are somewhat faithfully recreated. for now, we got the Gumrack Station up to the gorky theatre, and the fallen’s fighter square.

if we take in consideration the potential, it is a neat campaign. can’t really wait for the grain elevator, Spartanovka, The labor house, the tank factory, and many, many other locations.

but off with the chit chat, and let’s start as scheduled:

Things that i LOVE

  • movable AT guns
  • Vehicle & Soldier Customization
  • Stalingrad Campaign booster
  • New Gun Sounds
  • Better and Tweaked/Reversed Semi Auto Nerf

Things that i like:

  • New Concussion System
  • Machineguns “Nerf”
  • Medic Class
    ( Although, i wish that they can refill their Syringes from medic boxes. perhaps it drains the box of 1 medkit for th syringes? just an idea )
  • New Event " Unknown War "
  • Aircraft AI Gunners
  • Aircraft Tutorial
    ( Although very basic, in my opinion flaps are not described there as not everyone knoes how to use them. hence, why suicide bombing? i think )
  • Flame Tanks
  • Pre Order Decal
  • New Maps
  • New Kiral Smg
  • New Silenced Guns
  • New Gold Order Vehicles
    ( even though, most of them lacks of decorations… )
  • New Bolt Action Damage
  • New TNT
  • New weapons models
    ( although, i kinda wish for the older ones to become a skin. as in my opinion, those also looked nice )
  • New Voice lines ( death sounds and Switching amonutions on tanks )
    ( even though, i wished if death voices were different and categorized per faction )
  • Changes about restriction before the stalingrad campaign was introduced on the mkhb
    ( so we don’t have to see fgs 2.0 electric bogaloo all over again with every normal troopers using those weapons )

Things that i don’t like:

i’ll start by saying that i might be… a bit rough. but i am passionate about enlisted.
nothing personal of course, but i feel like a few notes should be mentioned.

  • New Concussion System
    i don’t hate it, but it can get a bit annoying as it’s sometimes too loud, and you get supressed even behind concrete walls and such. it should be tweaked a bit but not removed.

  • New Flamethrower Engineer thingy
    i don’t particularly hate this one either, but i’m not a huge fan of fire. it shoots way faster than it should and can deny defenders or attackers to even reach or hold the point ( in my honest opinion ).
    plus it would be even worse on other campaign. unfortunately, i don’t really know how to balance it. but for me, it should be available only in stalingrad.

  • New Bombardment Artillery Call
    i like the idea, but despite having fighter airplanes with 20/30 mm cannons, none of the airplanes goes down even if i finish all my amonutions on them. let alone getting sniped by the AI rear gunners.

  • Misinformation or Language Barrier from the community manager.
    i’m really sorry to mention this, but must be addressed. no hate towards our community manager is intended, let’s be crystal and clear, but based on his past and his still on going " behavior " it’s honestly creating huge issues about credibility that leads to alot of reconsideration towards the whole studio it self. it’s hard to tell if he is getting misinformed about what he talks about, or his incompetence in english make him twist entire threads and left them vague with a backup exscuse. because it was clear to everyone that stalingrad would not had microtransactions. and yet, we have premium squads, customization for price etc. not many automatic weapons for stalingrad, yet everyday matches are “plagued” by automatic weapons that still dominates capture points because are structured for CQC.
    Stalingrad in terms of Marketing and description did not coincide. or rather, have been pourly formed.

  • Stalingrad Huge Gap between F2p players, and payed players.
    i’m not getting into this too much, but i think it could have been handled better. like, both players that bought the pack or not, can research the same stuff. but the paid players get acess to premium squads, booster, and all the other bonuses. so that free to players will not be completely cutted off and feel strange in this campaign. perhaps give more reasons to play it as from my understanding, it feels like a Demo. ( despite not being called one as such when clearly it is ) but i suppose you guys knoes best.

  • MP43
    not to sound bias, but why should i use this weapon if even upgraded can’t two down shot like it used to. and a federeov it’s twice good than any kp… i don’t know. doesn’t sound reasonable. fine with nerfs, but not making useless weapons because, reasons yet not known ?

  • new campaign level introductions that are just re used assets and further more unbalance campaigns
    the only cool things, are the sherman for tunisia and the lmg for the allied normandy.
    which, once again, you guys refuse to rework levels making the overall experience much worse.
    a tiger for normandy? i’m sure new players and those who are at middle campaign levels will be thankfull for that. because people do not buy premium hoping to reach a counter faster, they leave because no one is forcing them.

  • overpriced premium squads that are getting closer to the pay to win idea.
    the ( german ) normandy one is an example, as well as the bf 109 over moscow. and that’s what i call, a scummy tactic. remove the bf109 that had bombs just because the counter part didn’t had them, wait months hoping for people to forget, and introduce the plane the same plane with just bombs when it would have been much easier replace or add bombs to the counter part. you can fool a few people, but not everyone.

  • new customization Prices and System
    despite me loving so much the customization, i found my self spending something around 20 euros + all my remaining appearance cards ( which where 24 ) just to not even being able to fully customize 2 squads. prices are so, so high along side everything else. it doesn’t make any sense in a campaign that was supposed to be without micro transactions. the system it self it’s, ok, but at the same time, i wish i have been told that the customization that i bought could not have been transfered from squad to another squad. majority of the outfit clips, and lacks of proper camo ( at least for the germans ) resulting in having lots of difficult to even match pants and headgears.
    it was also worded that classed would had different equipment based on the specialization. yet they all look the same based on the squad cosmetic. plus, why german engineers and assaulters get to wear the gorget from the premium pre order normandy campaign squad mp28? doesn’t that defeat the whole purpose of premiums then?

  • Stalingrad Soldiers wearing Snow Equipment
    despite being autumn in stalingrad?

  • Vehicle Decals
    prices are fine, but what it’s not fine in my honest opinion, is that we lack to begin with the most important roundels and faction signs. such as german crosses, allied stars and many others. but what i don’t like is, you buy one decal, and you can’t use it more than once on the same vehicle, or even not being able to use the decal that i bought on more tanks ( same with the pre order decal :frowning: ). worst part is, people can now cover half of their vehicle with not so realistic decals. perhaps, change them in fixed positions?

  • Parachute divisions squads in the normal campaign tree ( from berlin and normandy ) still lacks of proper uniform despite the base paratrooper uniform has been released for a 2 premium squad by now. i get that they have unique cosmetics…
    but shouldn’t the other guys have priority as well? at least give them basic or different colors. or just the helmet?

and lastly

in conclusion:

somewhat of a good update. but not without it’s controversy as usual.

i think it’s becoming more of a pattern. but i hope to be wrong.

can’t wait to see more and better customization system.