Your feedback about last update

Like -
New mechanics
Bolt action buff
SMG nerf
Ampoulet for Engineer I
New models and sounds
Don’t like -
Increased concussion, should be removed
Overpriced customization

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What I like

  • Customization options
  • New campaign levels for existing campaigns - some new vehicles or weapons are truly major additions
  • New Stalingrad campaign
  • New weapon effects and models
  • Bolt action buff

What I dislike

  • Extremely buggy currently (to the extreme where even match rewards aren’t given after the match has ended)
  • Completely overpriced customization system. Might as well not have been implemented at all.
  • New Soldiers now also get heads from the Tunesian campaign which look absolutely horrendous compared to the original ones.
  • Concussion effects are overwhelming
  • New premium squads which are getting very close to P2W
  • Still extremely low progress on silver and especially bronze orders
  • Too fast campaign progress to enjoy the journey, turining premium pass into something obsolete
  • New premium squads are therefor uninteresting to purchase. I don’t really want help with campaign lvl progress but with orders
  • SMGs now make too low damage especially at close quarters but still fire like a laserbeam where you aim at, even at medium to long distances. Feels even more unrealistic now.
  • Machine guns are too weak and hard to control - even when stationary or rested on something. SMG troops rushing around and hip firing or bolt action soldiers aiming precise a second after moving are much more dangerous
  • New “one time purchase” sale model appears inferior to previous F2P sale model. No real F2P anymore with locked levels
  • New decal system is overpriced as well, full of unhistorical kitsch decals (e.g. Germany) and has the potential to turn tanks into a visual mess - considering how many players already use this in War Thunder to turn their vehicle into some unhistorical neon bright visual mess.
  • AI is still unable to hold pace with you, even when on “staying close” behavior.

What was hard to understand

  • How does the new customization work. I honestly thought you pay once to unlock for the whole army regarding the price
  • The use of new TNT charge was rather unintuitive. I saw I had something grenade like to use but it took a while until I realized I had to press 5 and 6 and not just 4.

I like : new map , visual & etc.
Really dislike: some effects are too Much---- machine guns are too weak, improved recoil seems tool big, the explosion shocks are too much, tooooo much snipers camping in their base for attackers.
Please think really carefully before ever trying to make these effects in other campaigns, people are not going to be happy if they see a huge negative change for their weapons.

What I don’t like are all the pop-ins on the new maps and the fact that performance on these maps is worse than on other campaigns!

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concussive shocks changes in this update need to go ASAP… had few games this evening where i was 90% concussed while in cap.

On existing campaigns I think performance is being affected, yes, I also see like a noticeable black zone in the distance, when I never used to see anything like that before. ps5 Normandy btw

What I like

  • Stalingrad. T-34. KV-1. Iconic.

What I dislike

  • Concussions.
  • Zero explosive packs from campaign squads.
  • Locking half of the levels behind paywall.
  • Almost max upgraded soldiers and weapons for paying players (+hp, +speed, +damage, -recoil).
  • Free players will not want to be cannon fodder, Stalingrad is in danger of becoming Whales vs Bots.

What I strongly dislike

  • Having 10 different queues across 5 campaigns spilts the not-so-large playerbase even further. We desperately need matchmaking options like “any faction, any campaign with +20% XP boost” and “I agree to wait as long as it takes for a full human lobby” instead of playing with/against bot squads.

What I absolutely hate with all my heart

  • Pin-up girls on T-34s.

Enlisted has been the only WW2 game I finally found which didn’t have BS cosmetics, bling skins and cat years, while also not being a walking simulator of getting headshots from across the map.

Seeing cancerous WT decals like shark teeth, ace of spades and hot girls on iconic WW2 vehicles will irrevocably ruin the game for me.

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Concussion is not an issue with Headshaking perk…

Tailgunners not firing is an issue, or if they are firing not calling out so you don’t know they are firing.

Medic class useful but confused as to use in dedicated medic squad, I see value in mixed squads though.

Stalingrad atmosphere is amazing!

concussion effect sucks fix it before this game turn into concussion simulator(I don’t know if devs play this game by themselves)

concussions are not an issue if you are not in cap also… if you snipe from hills 100m+ away from caps…

What you like
Browning machine gun; Added mechanics of stamina use when aiming down the sights while using heavy weapons; the tank’s ammo racks are now tracked correctly and match the remaining number of shells, which significantly reduces the chance of ammo detonation; Tanks are now set on fire when the engine fails from incendiary and flamethrower damage; abandoned enemy tanks no longer explode when hit by small caliber rounds; Added physical interaction of vehicles with different surfaces; Improved bipod mounting of machine guns; Added ammo box usage animations; Now allied explosives, shells and bombs will cause concussive effects. Small pieces of cover do not protect against concussion (I don’t know why I like this but I do, more immersive without the damage)

What you don’t like
Colt Monitor being paid for, as a F2P player, but I also don’t wanna see a lot of out-of-place firearms around, so no biggy. I might spring some coin on it, I don’t know,

What is not too easy to understand
I posted a suggestion recently regarding defenders of invasion maps knowing their defensive points in advance, I think this should be easy to implement, helps defenders out and shakes things up for attackers.

Looking forward to medics coming to Normandy, and using the Browning, though I haven’t even unlocked the first Thompson yet, playing F2P since release.

Love the new moveable AT guns and how that looks, can’t wait for that on other campaigns, nice job.

Love aircraft sounds, really want to hear realistic Bf109 sounds soon.

Apart from lack of call outs on tail gunners or sound of guns when they fire, another thing is Performance on PS5.

Prior to update, performance / FPS was fine, now we seem to have graphical glitches on Normandy, when in plane, there is a dark circle where draw distance seems to have changed which is very off-putting I tried this in Stalingrad it is fine.

There are graphical tears sometimes too, not sure why or cause, only rare but graphics related all the same.

What you like

  • Progression with 4x is super fun
  • The maps seem good
  • Rifles feel powerful
  • Overall a lot of fun

What you don’t like

  • Recoil & stamina & automatic weapon nerf. While boosting rifles (good) I think you have nerfed autos too much. I particularly dislike the new mechanics with stamina - I can live with this while moving, but you should definitely remove this for crouching static. The recoil mechanic seems a bit broken for the purpose of firing short bursts - sometimes you have the gun making the “first couple of shots” adjustment after every single burst and therefore being ridiculously inaccurate. In general, this seems like a very complicated way to solve the jumping & running - moreover, since you have boosted the rifles in the future, no doubt we will have the same jumping problems with the laser rifle guys now. Please consider rolling back the changes, I would hate it if you implement the mechanisms in the other campaigns as well.

  • Friendly concussion effects. I get flashbacks of the simultaneous artillery firing time. Most cap points are inside buildings with plenty of cover, meaning that you practically need to use grenades to try to not be massacred. However this mechanism doesn’t work well in enlisted where there’s basically 0 communication between the team members. Therefore you spend significant part of the game in a blur. Not fun.

  • There seem to be quite a few map bugs (climbing not working, tanks getting stuck)

  • Minor, but the customization seems really expensive and the options also dont 100% make sense. Eg. why can i have the flektarn pattern camo pants + helmet, but not the tunic? You should enable me to also change the clothing type (eg. if I want to have a squad with tunics instead of overcoats, let me do that. Not just changing the overcoat colour).

  • Despite having paid for the campaign, I am not sure if I’m fully comfortable with the “a lot of content behind a paywall” approach. Maybe next time just give the progression speed + 3-4 premium squads + other goodies (like customization tokens) instead of locking up the progression which doesn’t sit very well with a lot of players.

What is not too easy to understand

  • It seems that the new bombing missions are partially broken. If your squad dies, it seems that the planes dont drop bombs. Also the kills dont count as arty kills

  • While the maps are good, there is a certain lack of variety. I understand you are likely to add more maps over time, I would have just preferred to have one map which feels completely different to the others. Be it Barrikady, Mamayev Kurgan, Volga Landings or maybe even suburbs/approaches to the city would have been a bit more variation to the experience.


What i like are the new BA in Stalingrad

What i really really dont like(i hate it alot) i m stunned by everything now IT HAS TO BE REMOVED NOW

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The customization options for troops are far too expensive. These are prices that should be an unlock for the whole squad. Not just one troop.

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Like: Air raid wow, but think bombers come in very fast, how on earth would enemy respond to stop them, unless in air already.

Dislike: Moscow - The FW189 A1 special event plane says Crew 3, but the Blue upgrade only allows 1 gunner addition, can this be fixed? It is missing a gunner slot.

New explosives, I put on a t34 track, tank was still not disabled and able toove without issues?

Maps are lovely and clean in Stalingrad, but a bit samey I think, don’t know how to describe it, run from one building to another, think there should be more atmosphere, perhaps like Normandy battleships, guns and thinking’s firing, not by squads but by AI.

the lvl 7 attacker 1 squad can have 3 crew now after the update, so you can use it with that squad



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With the new update I would like to point out:

The first Axis tank unit is still incorrectly named. It is referred to as the 10th armored regiment and has a picture of the 132 “ariete” tank division’s patch. The 132 “Ariete” never had a 10th Armored Regiment. The Armored Regiment for the 132 “Ariete” was the 32 Armored (or more correctly 32 TANK Regiment).

The pith helmets for the Italian soldiers are still wrong. They are DAK helmets, Not Italian.

Italian troops are still wearing jack boots instead of leg wraps.

The San Marco 3rd Battalion “Tobruk” premium squad is wearing the RSI collar flashes not the Royal Army (which they were at the time of the Tunisia campaign) collar flashes.

The 35th Infantry Regiment “Pistoia” premium squad is not wearing desert uniforms. The helmets have a visible fouled anchor of the San Marco marines on them. AND they are wearing German tunics. This is a PREMIUM squad. I expect better.

The Italian army uniforms have slowly improved over the last few patches. But with this patch they have taken a step backward as there are no new fixes AND you introduced more incorrect uniform items.

Some of us are sick of playing Germans, Russians, and Americans as these are in every other game ad nauseum. Could you please give the alternative Axis forces (Italy) their correct units and uniforms please?


Please cancel the machine gun nerf and reduce the concussion effect.

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What you like

  • New gun sounds are much better than the old ones

  • There seems to be a lot more planes in matches now

  • Stalingrad looks nice, the papers drifting in the wind in certain places are a great touch.

What you don’t like

  • Plane desync is still huge and worse now that there’s so many planes.

  • Plane feedback mechanics are still broken. Damage view updates oddly, rarely are there any hit sounds for beings shot at, and annoyingly I can’t even hear my own gunners firing making it hard to know if they’re engaging. (Leads to very annoying deaths like the pilot seemingly dying of a heart attack in an undamaged plane when engaged).

  • The “fix” of removing smoke trails on planes makes air combat a lot harder to track once again, their addition was a genuinely good QOL feature I was very thankful for, so seeing it get removed as a bug is doubly disappointing.

  • The concussion effects apply from too far away, through too much stuff, and for too long, everyone’s already said this one, but being on any sort of objective is a guaranteed way to get stun-chained to oblivion. This makes it a lot harder to hold points, particularly a problem on Normandy where one team has to defend a lot more than the other.

  • Plane kills seem to be having a harder and harder time registering with each update, many times I’ve dealt lots of damage to enemy aircraft, only for them to crash and count as suicide, even including times the pilot bailed out.

What is not too easy to understand

  • The purpose of TNT charges, they’re fun to plant on enemy tanks, but I don’t see what exactly they’re supposed to do that can’t be accomplished better with a grenade or thrown charge.

  • Plane damage, this isn’t a new one, but I still find planes eating 20mm/30mm and flying fine, while a few good shots from the ground with a rifle or MG take them out.

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