Your feedback about last update

Still too much Germany in the Tunisia campaign

Right now you have 5 campaigns. The Germans are literally the ONLY faction you can play in Axis in 4 of them. Why not make Tunisia more Italian? There are plenty of small arms options. Plenty of Aircraft. In fact EVERYTHING but tanks and Light Machine guns could be purely Italian for 45 levels in that campaign.

So, again, please please please get rid of as much German stuff as possible. Do this before this goes live please.


tunisia equipment is already mostly italian, they just need to change the symbol and voice lines

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I got a question should i buy the battle pass now or wait for the new season cuz couple days ago it says theres 2 days left now theres 4 day left im confused

wait for it, there is no way to know when the currennt battle pass will end, they are just extending it for the update

Right? Change uniforms and voice lines. Also some easy fixes would be swapping out the German flamethrower for an Italian one and the German mortar for an Italian one.

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Okay awesome thanks for the information!

been experiencing massive server lag with this update like every day every match. comes and go’s. also slight uptick of hackers and cheaters too. easy to spot. their names are complete garble.

Hey @1942786 You say you listen to our feedback. All the feedback for Axis Tunis is asking for MORE Italy and LESS Germany. So why are we getting a patch with ALL German additions. The rifle could have been Italian (several semi-Auto rifles are available) and the Plane could have been Italian. (CANSA FC.20 bis is even already modeled in War Thunder). This is frustrating and… a bit mystifying.

What I like:

  • The new weapon sounds and visuals are great, they feel more punchy.
  • God the balance is awesome. Manual weapons definitely do one-shot a whole lot more.
  • The experimentation is nice. I like the braveness when it comes to TNT, flamethrower tanks, etc.

What I don’t like:
-The new campaign is blatantly pay2win with virtually zero changes from the heavily lambasted monetization system

  • Forcing people to buy squads for both sides at once and again, the dumb Pay2Win gunner-engineer combo
  • The customization just feels… Jesus-fucking-Christ. Pay high prices to purchase one piece of clothing, then pay with orders for the privilege of wearing it. Ridiculous.
  • All the experimentation is reduced to a single campaign. So many of the interesting aspects, some that should absolutely be at launch in all campaigns, like the bomber call-in are for some reason restricted to Stalingrad.

What is not easy to understand?

…Why you guys went for this approach in the first place. The whole community complains about grind, about ridiculously expensive premium squads and the overreaching monetization. Premium account, premium squad slots, premium this, premium fucking battle-pass, premium that, premium X, Y and Z… And now we have premium campaigns!

Just think about this…
Purchase premium for your premium account so you can quickly obtain items you will need to complete the tasks of your premium battle-pass so you can get your premium paid customisation through your premium currency you’ve earned through the previously mentioned premium battle-pass so you may customize your 50 dollar premium squad so you can play in your 30 dollar premium campaign… I’m aware the difference between a comedy and a tragedy is whether you laugh or cry at the end, but I’m losing the capacity for laughter at this point.


Too early for full feedback:

No smoke after aircraft, thanks!
M1919, not tried out yet
Love a lot of new vehicle / plane additions to existing campaigns, with exception of too many BF110’s C6, C7 would be nice to have something different…


I wanted to buy a bunch of premiums, but cant justify prices right now… also discounts on older premiums please

Don’t understand:
Moscow - FW198 has 2 gunners but I can only add one?
Berlin Stuka has new additional crew option, but cannot add second to squad?

That is immediate feedback, not played yet, just in squad screen…


Italian weapons, Italian planes.

We listen to your feedback. but we cannot remove content that has already been created from the game.

In addition, these are not the requests that somehow significantly spoil your game.


Hi, how do we customize our planes and tanks it is not clear to me, is this part of update?

Sorry, just tried A20 with fully upgraded crew, gunners dont shoot or spot anyone? @1942786

Apologies, they do shoot tested on custom with friend, but no sound of guns firing, or gunners calling out?

Visual bug on some weapons

The new Browning

Beretta M38 40rds mag

And I find that the new firing effect is inconsistent throughout different weapons. Some have smoke, some done. For some the flash is yellowish red, and some just red like a laser.

What you like

  • Graphics update is excellent. Pretty new models and the gun shot effects are great.
  • attempt at improved monetization. I still think it’s far from ideal, but it’s definitely better than the previous early access pack system.

What you don’t like

  • Progression. This is the final straw of playerbase fragmentation and you know this. Grinding any single campaign is a massive time commitment, and you still haven’t delivered upon the catch-up mechanics aside of that one-time exp boost when tunisia was released. We need tech tree progression where you can pick and choose what branch you want to pursue instead of being forced to grind every single goddamn MP40 every single time the axis is involved in a campaign. Ideally this would also unify all the progression. Research any given gun once, and then it is available in all the campaigns where it would apply. Make splits and folders for minor gun and vehicle variants, and so on and so on. Maybe have it so there’s Armory research for guns/vehicles and Academy research for improved solders/squads?

  • Powercreep after the moscow MG squads continues. Colt Monitor MG squad gets an engineer 2 and a 4th gunner on an insanely low recoil gun compared to the tech tree squads, on top of the exp boost…

  • Matilda should’ve been campaign in tunisia, and the lend-lease Sherman II should’ve been the premium. Absolutely nuts that you’ve done it the other way around.
    Edit: This as if they put the T-34-85 as premium only in Berlin and then the Sherman76 as campaign vehicle lol

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Then why is the new rifle not Italian? There are plenty of options.
Then why is the new plane German? There are plenty of options here too.

At any rate, please continue to add more Italian instead of German stuff wherever possible. I understand for tanks and LMG’s. Italy had some experimental LMG’s but they are little better than the Breda 30. As to tanks, you already have all the tanks historically available (which is great btw). But adding a czech rifle and a German plane when clearly there are Italian options available is incredibly frustrating. It feels like you are just doing copy and paste weapons instead of actually trying to make campaigns unique.

Love the new premium Pistoia squad though. That is a brilliant touch.

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What you like

*overall new campaign levels/maps

What you don’t like

  • stalingrad, why not make it just full p2p? (small playerbase) Why even add f2p with so many restrictions. Half-assed compromise wih unlicking one more level, it’s still way over 10 levels per side locked, look up definition of few next time You advertise or announce new features.
    All this look so shady and greedy, no microtransactions with update that adds microtansactions and premium squads to one time payment campaign.
    My faith and trust is lost to all new announcments, when update comes it’s diffrent anyway.

*Staight up p2w premum squads. I thought alfa squads of 7 MG were nerfed for a reason. And now they have engineer that is avaiable in only one f2p squad.

What is not too easy to understand

*Why is person resposible for this changes, that only look out for short term gains and sales, is still making this decisions?

A bug at Stalingrad campaign level 1 causes the player to be stuck in death when all tank slots are full due to not having enough infantry squads to bypass the squad cooldown

Loving the new gun and plane sounds, look forward to more!
Stalingrad flame tank whoosh and good range too
Stalingrad maps nice but snipe fest for new players, not too friendly.
Bolt action damage is great

Don’t like:
Medic class and SMGs on Stalingrad seem very weak.

Tunisia Attackers on both Allied and Axis, the perk point are not balanced and stop you getting good perks across all three types.

Don’t understand:
Gunners in bombers say nothing and we cannot hear their machine guns, I’m sure you could hear guns shooting in bombers

Also XP and grind is non existent on premium, access pack, kinda spoils my effort (what I don’t understand is why I am saying this, the grind was tough in other campaigns)

As a thank you, I bought all the new premiums planes and vehicles, I know bad man…

What you like

  • New content is always good

What you don’t like

  • The new friendly fire concussion effects, Its too overpowing, %75 of the game i am spent concussed by friendly artilary or bombs, Cant sit inside on a cap point defending as cant see the enemy anymore as am always concussed, especially on smaller maps

What is not too easy to understand

  • I dont understand why the concussion changes needed to be made, It is now Drasticaly harder to push objectives - %85 fun with this addition
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