Your feedback about last update

Feedback about the update up to the

What i like:

  • Lmg Tweaks/nerf
  • Added camera shake when a player breaks a window with their own body.
  • Corrected excessive side wheel-to-surface engagement, making wheeled vehicles less prone to rollovers.
  • “Manor (Assault)” in the Battle of Moscow campaign.
  • alternate routes (Invasion) in the “D-Day” mission within the Invasion of Normandy campaign.
  • alternate routes (Invasion) and hiding places in “Hermann Goering strasse” and “Lehrter Bahnhof” missions in the Battle for Berlin campaign.
  • Rearranged combat zones in the “Lehrter Bahnhof (Conquest)” mission.
  • Vehicle limits in combat in the “Vysokovo Village (Invasion)” mission of the Battle of Moscow campaign have been adjusted to match other missions.
  • new reload for bren gun
  • Added display of capture points on the compass, both in the ‘regular’ and ‘Lone fighters’ modes.
  • ability to see soldier’s squad in the accademy ( where they are currently located with the squad icon )
  • ability to try premium squads

( don’t know if these should be here, but technically it is an update. )

  • new teases of Motorized infantry
  • new tease of artillery smoke barrage
  • mobile anti tank gun

and last but not least:

  • The new system for the aircraft respawn has been disabled and will be reworked. It is now as it was before, specifically the team can only have 1 fighter and 1 attack aircraft on the battlefield.

what i don’t like:

  • Added display of capture points on the compass, both in the ‘regular’ and ‘Lone fighters’ modes.
    weather this is good, the compass is still small and unpraticall to use due to it’s position.
    ( and even during the alpha the compass at the center was better at the point where the compass was asked to be relocated there instead of moved )
  • The new system for the aircraft respawn has been disabled and will be reworked. It is now as it was before, specifically the team can only have 1 fighter and 1 attack aircraft on the battlefield.
    weather i like that it has been reverted, i do not like the idea behind it. someone in the team actually thought it was a good idea DESPITE all the major issues that planes already bringed. quite shady for me.

and i guess that’s all from me.
there’s quite a lot to talk about it, but we’ll see how thing goes.



Major crashes at the end of games in battle of Berlin campaign after latest update, playing squads on the ps5 as the axis forces.

Do this in bug report section


This is what i want to see in Enlisted.

What you like

  • The game is free and has great concept.

What you don’t like

  • The ui was removed from lone fighters mode, just pls add ui back, if the hardcore players like it(give them a new sperate game mode)
  • ai is stupid
  • too much grind

What is not too easy to understand

  • no issues

sinds laatste update kan ik in snipermode ,als ik lig niet meer schieten ,de beelden komen kriskras door mekaar en zie niets meer,en als ik gewond ben kan ik mij niet meer genezen ,idem beelden komen door mekaar de timer voor genezen tel niet af en ik ga dood ,heb laatste update van drivers gedaan zowel grafiche kaart als windows

Not sure if this was the last update, but something has changed. Others in my squad (AI) act terribly. I find a great sniping position and then they all wriggle round and over me like a barrel load of snakes, usually getting in the way of my aim and, of course, drawing attention to where I am. Wish there was a “take cover and stay still” order I could give. It has made the game almost unplayable for me.

Oops. FORUM broke

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It’s okay Keo, only like two people noticed. We’ll keep this a secret.

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I’m almost goes nut. Glad it’s a mistake

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Am I missing something or it’s a bug? The XP modifier works the same as before the update. In order to get the 1.5x XP modifier, you still need 5 badges.


Currently I have update problems with the xbox series x (not updated on 08/09/2021 at 18:20 server europe)

What you like

  • I like many of the QOL changes, such as the more realistic fragmentation for bombs, as well as more advanced control over your AI. Even despite the fact that they require some further tweaking before it’s perfect.

What you don’t like

  • A lack of new content for the already existing campaigns. This is honestly and by far my biggest issue with this update. Tunisia is nice, but to play it you need to drop 50 bucks and even then levelling isn’t even in yet. So basically we have nothing new to strive for. I can see a lot of the people I play were have either already quit or are about to because of the lack of new content for the existing campaigns. And tbh I was in the same boat, and was definitely going to use this update to kind off make up my mind.
    So overall just really disappointing that we’re going to have to wait another 3 months before those finally get some love. Yay!

What is not too easy to understand

  • Why the update was announced so late. The update literally came out before the announcement. Especially early on this game needs all the publicity and hype it can get. Yet it feels like the PR (or rather marketing I guess) department was eating out of their nose on this one. The QOL changes should’ve been hyped up much more.


Early feedback on CBT only
What I like:
New uniforms and maps, although performance is a bit shaky
New tanks great, new planes great but not used yet.
What I don’t like / confused
Smoke artillery finally figured out how to change it, I think it really seems a bit too much, I don’t know how the line of smoke works either. Can I do across whole map?
Artillery has driver but won’t move? Or is there a button to move it?
Axis get semi auto, allies get no semi automatic?
Why is garand in the campaign?

Only played an hour or so, but some guidance on new stuff would have been appreciated.

Can we give our squad members individual orders or is that not in this update?

Not tried bombs and diving for cover yet, or seen squad members climb over sandbags, that may be due to players or bots just running around with semis.

Not amazed or wowed but will give it time, I have faith in the devs!

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your CBT bundle is AWFUL


CBT bundle isnt even fun to play with. lol

bikes handle too weird , almost impossible to curve with them at any given speed , they just keep turning even tho i released A or D seconds ago…

played 1 match on tunisia and was bored mid match :expressionless:

my eyes did hurt coz of the light colours tho…

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Berlin 2.0 is real.
I guess this pretty sum up my thoughts about your latest sc… mean CBT.

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What you like

  • Tunis campaign!!

What you don’t like

  • The forced bundle for CBT.
    I won’t purchase the bundle at $80nzd. I’m not interested in both sides, I would just pickup one or the other depending on which side I primarily want to play. In addition to this, this appears to be one of the worst premium squads released, and don’t appear to have much use outside of access to the CBT.

I appreciate the devs not wanting to make premium squads OP, this I 100% get behind, but they have to be at least as good as standard squads. Heck, they could be standard squads but with an XP bonus. War Thunder did this with Talismans on tanks, I wouldn’t be opposed to something similar here.

What is not too easy to understand

I was happy to spend $40~50 NZD on the CBT entry and get a squad I may or may not use in the future. As it stands, I won’t and will wait for it to go free to play. A shame, as I want to support the devs as I enjoy the game, there is a limit though.

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Wouldn’t know because I haven’t been able to log in all day!! Everyone I know on xbox is getting the same client update message. You’ve been down for atleast 8 hours, why are we not getting any information or better yet just fix it already!