Your feedback about last update

it would be enough once the bombs are depleted to retreat the plane and put a 60 second cooldawn before another player can use it, and punish the kamikaze by disabling blast damage if the plane crashes before the bombs explode


The academy is still a headache… Now when you click for example a 1 star unit, the non 1star trained units dont go red anymore… Quality of life taken away? I guess It’s okay that it shows what is assigned to which squad now… but it still needs a hell of a lot of work.

What is up with the X-box server Can’t log in ?!?!?!

  • The new system for the aircraft respawn has been disabled and will be reworked. It is now as it was before, specifically the team can only have 1 fighter and 1 attack aircraft on the battlefield.
  • A bug that caused large bushes to fall to the ground when interacting with a player has been fixed (PC only).

The fact the changes to aircraft respawn (which I’ve heard allowed TWO bombers) got into the game, making the bomber problem worse, only to be hotfixed out shortly after is concerning.

I just want changes to the big bombs. Is that really so much to ask? :frowning:


“Added camera shake when …”
No more camera shake please!! Or remove 250 bombs completely!


I like MG change but:

  • Why you didn’t improve bipods firstly? They are quite wonky. I hope it will be adressed in the next patch (like it was with tank view patches).
  • Why BAR is also afected by this change? BAR, FG42 and Chauchat should be excluded as they were meant to be used in a move so penalising them for that doesn’t make sense.

And I have no idea what happened with those plane numbers but I’m glad that it’s back. We don’t need more active planes in the battles.


I dont understand.
If you read the forum and the discord you know 100% certain that the majority of players would not like the update. Why would you implement it and then revoke it when you get the community says they dont like it. You knew this responce would happen.

This is really conserning to me, that means you guys actually do not understand the biggest issue this game has, which is aircraft spam. That there was even remotely a thought of adding a 2nd bomber to the game does not go in well with me. It tells me that we will have to wait for a nerf to the plane spam a long while because you as a development team are somewhere completely else than the community.


This. Please don’t nerf things BEFORE perfecting their mechanics…
… If not it’s akin opening a pandora box. I’m afraid that nerfing other things will become required to keep things “balanced” . We have all seen this in other games, it’s a never ending spiral once it starts. When something is nerfed improperly or hastily, then other things become much better as a result. Smgs for example. I don’t want to see a future smg nerf ONLY to compensate the fact lmgs might be less useful. So yeah. Perfect the bipod system to avoid that.

Rest of the update is ok.


They would add Suomi Kp31 for germany. It’s already in the folder.

Apparently Pe-3 now has bombs - which is an improvement IMO, but still lacks its historical 20mm cannon - which is pretty unforgiveable since adding that was necessary to make it an effective heavy fighter - only pre-production versions lacked it AFAIK.

What you like

  • Realism
  • maps are pretty well done, i like you can parkour nearly everywhere.
  • how tanks work

What you don’t like

  • how planes work, their bombs have a random killing range sometimes. there is a bug where a bomb thrown 100 meters away from me will kill one random squad mate and leave the rest, standing right next to said squad mate, alive.
  • the fact there is no balance between weapons. SMG, MG, bolts and semi autos are fine. Shotguns, pistols, AP mines make no sense. Pistols need to work like a hand semi auto smg since they are also 9mm. shotguns need to be useful aswell even if they get to be a little bit op. AP mines wont trigger half of the time, even with the soldiers stepping right on them. I use them to run faster through the battlefield.
  • AI doesnt need to be smarter, they need to be obedient. If i tell them to hold a point they need to hold the point and not just run around like headless chickens. There should be a button in alt menu to order them to crouch or crawl while staying still. there needs to be an option to give individual orders to ai. I set an example to explain this: you get your mortar squad, and you cant really see and mark where the enemy is. So i switch from the mortar guy to my sniper to tag where the eney is, so then i can actually start sending shells. Everytime i switch back to my mortar men, the other soldier goes back to position or near the guy im using. it makes you loose time. You could get the sniper to stay upstairs in a building while the rest of the squad is downstairs defending for example.

What is not too easy to understand

  • not easy to understand the engineer if you are a new player. The most useful character is being used as a trooper by new players. They need to get an in game tutorial showing how the rally point wins games and why. Tell them about the flanks and advantages of it. Teach them to throw an ammo box in certain positions and why it would be good. Have aswell some directions as how to properly use buildable defenses. it could be set in a tv militar propaganda form so it is a little bit funnier to watch.

Why LMG Nerf is Unrealistic and needs to be Revised
originally posted on Reddit

Here is a short WW2 Footage of a German soldier hip firing an MG34

Notice how well he can handle the first two short bursts. These, I presume are 3-4 round bursts.

The soldier can easily control the recoil and overall manages to keep the machine gun steady.

The situation changes with the third longer 5-6 round burst: the barrel starts tilting in various directions, especially upwards, and even if it doesn’t seem, that actually provokes a huge accuracy loss over distance.

So what did we learn today? LMGs have to be fired in short controlled bursts, yet this nerf screws up accuracy with the minimal movement of the player. The player has to be penalized only if he fires the LMG continuosly, in long bursts.

Only long bursts accuracy and dispersion should have been nerfed.

And on a side note:

  • It has to be noted that MGs were the only counter against PPDs and PPSHs for Germany in both Moscow and Berlin. Balance has been again broken, and it needs to get addressed in some way.

  • Bipods and LMGs are inseparable to make full use of the Machine Gun power, yet, we are missing an effective crucial bipod placement mechanic, that not always works due to the difficulty on mounting the guns in-game.


Yep after 500 Hours…
Hell let Loose getting closer and closer doesn’t matter if they mess it up now…

What you like

  • Added the ability to test a premium squad in Practice mode before purchase. → this is really super cool!
  • Added camera shake when a player breaks a window with their own body. → great effect, I like it!
  • Improved AI soldier behaivior. → always appreciated!
  • Changes to MGs → I fully agree and I don’t want to see running & gunning with MGs!
  • New missions and locations → always appreciated!

What you don’t like

  • nothing, latest patch is really great!

Suomi Kp31 when? We now have serious balance problems in Moscow. Apart from this, the update speed is also too slow. It’s insane not to give Moscow and Normandie new things for almost 3 months. If such a speed keeps it can hardly keep playerbase, let alone BF2042 is coming.

About LMGs firing on the move: rather than giving arbitrary RNG spread, why not applying a critical malus to recoil? It would have more or less the same effect, while looking more plausible.


-practice mode
-somewhat better AI (needs to get even better)

dont like:
-squad upgrades which require change orders (this one is really bad)
-it is impossible to win if your team doesnt have engineers to build rally points, but enemy does

Thank you for the correct-viev review!

1 Like

What i like:
Many of the small things bothering me have been addressed, such as AI diving out of trenches for no reason and small tweaks to improve invasions and capping in general, the plane spawn and increase to LMG recoil and decrease of stability from the shoulder is a huge thumbs up this update. Plus 20 points for mobile AT and smoking arty, good players are going to make great use of these.

What i dont like:
The imbalance in tanks from the latter two campaigns still hasnt been addressed, nor has the actual game breaking aspect of planes (their super overkill loadouts); while limiting the spawns is a plus this also serves to cripple players who actually hunted attackers like myself and without a buff to ground based AA/engineers, this problem is going to stay pretty much the same. While i appreciate the improvement to AI, their wonky targeting isnt being addressed, by this i mean how some will latch onto you from 250m away through half a forest and nail you, while other times a guy standing 5 feet away pops the entire squad one by one without anyone even turning to face him.

Still very miffed an open beta is so monetized, this is exactly what made War Thunder so frustrating for so long, devs keep adding new content and new money magnets but never fix whats broken, or fix the bare minimum to keep players’ hopes up. Devs need to take a huge breather, stop making and adding all this new stuff and focus on polishing and balancing what they already have, otherwise they may find themselves releasing Tunisia to a fraction of the player base they have now. Personal experience has left me incredibly unhappy whenever i try to play Normandy on account of the plane spamming and how just untested the maps feel sometimes. Berlin is some fun with the ruins to play around in but tanks boil down to camping in the corner outside of the enemy’s play area or getting OHKO’d 5 feet from your spawn, and the tier III tanks are downgrades to the Tier I free squad tanks ffs.
Enough rambling, this is a decent update that did some good and gets a thumbs up, but also gets a raised eyebrow for not addressing some of the other issues, some of which have been called out for a good bit of time now.