Your feedback about last update

Firstly, Normandie is full of grass(of course you know that) and the bipod system in this game is shit? Secondly, Bar is OBJECTIVELY much better than FG42I. If you can control a FG42 to the extent that I can control a Bar, you should prove it at least by making a video otherwise it’s not even a little convincing. If not, your argument that FG42I = Bar fails. If you make another argument that recoil plays no role in game playing, then you can make another video to prove that you get the average same kills when using guns with different recoils(like AVS36 vs PPsh). Otherwise, it fails again.
By the way, it’s surprised to me that you don’t even know that what really makes FG42 and M2 OP is that they are highly effective when used by bots(which indiciates that you actually don’t have enough experiences in playing Normandie, although you have reached a relatively high level. It’s an unpleasant word but it’s a fact), not by yourselves. Most time I killed by a M2 is from a M2 used by a bot, not a real player. Real players always prefer Bar and Thompson.

What you don’t like:

Cap time difference in berlin is too big. Maps where germans attack caps are really fast while soviet captures are really slow
Plane bombs are too powerful

hardly debatable.

perhaps could be defined as unconsistent like 50% of the things in this game, and when it works, does the job.

yes, but actually, not so much.

you see, BAR is more for Offencive, weather the Fg42 is a Bar, but for defencive ( depicted by the devs due to their " nerfs " and “”“elevated Recoil”"", which i guess it makes sense. because germany in 70% of the maps defends instead of attack. )
so no, the FG is not objectively worse. it’s just used differently.

and at the same time, in CQC is still devastating no matter your recoil. damage is even better.

you see, i can, and i will.

but what makes me a bit… unease. is that you can’t see that for your self. as you play germany more ( i think ) than me.

and the fact that you cannot recognize it, i don’t know what to tell you.

( can’t right now because i’m enjoying a lovely vacation of one week ).

i’m about to reach the PPsh if that counts.

but, there, it’s not matter of recoil. but damage.

you see, recoil doesn’t matter that much when you have selective fire if you can’t controll it.
and at the end of the day, it matters how you get the job done instead of controlling the recoil.
( which as i still claim, can be done by both ).

nope, BOTs with FGs are NOT OP.

crazy, right?

but that’s the reality.

if you compare MG42/34 bots compared to Fg or even bolt actions bots, you lack of judgement and do not recognize that well your surroundings.
just telling you.

well, just because of a your assumption, i’m quite sure it’s not a fact if you allow me.

as i’m raising through the ranks with the americans, that is the current meta.

and i’m somewhat close to reach the M2 as well, but i don’t think in what you are trying to imply.

but i’m still stating from what i can see on a daily, Fg are still dominant. no matter how many nerfs you want to apply to them.

so, for the own good of the game, as MANY suggest, it’s either gonna ( or more like, SHOULD ) be restricted, or nerfed to the ground at the point where no one is gonna use them. ( kinda like m1 carbines after unlocking the m1 garand ).

Then I can say the knife is not objectively worse than 250kg. Just used differently. I can use a knife to kill everybody in a room, but 250kg sometimes, cannot(but 500lb can I don’t know why).

Still, I can get the job done with my hax or knife. This argument doesn’t work. Because Bar also has semiauto. I think we are comparing FG42 and Bar.

Or they are actually all bots?

Or you just forget to change to full-auto for them. Bots are trash with semiauto, no matter which weapon. Experienced players know that. And bots can use FG42 like an Stg44 in full-auto. I saw a bot killed 12 once. And killing 5 or 6 for bots is everyday life(bots are definitely better than me when armed with FG42).

Which doesn’t change anything. High-rank players would bring 3 assaulter squads which have 5 soldiers with full-auto by default. Since bots are too easy to die from almost anything, don’t think you would have a chance to use that two Gewehr 43 if you have 5 full-auto weapons in your squads.

Like I said, what matters here is not MG or FG, it’s about wether it’s a full-auto weapon. Bots with M2 can kill 30+ in total, I have screeshots from others who play allies. But bots with SMGs cannot. Because they are coded not to fire unless in a extremly close range.

Okay, but it seems that you also don’t know for attackers any respawn costs 12 tickets, no matter how many soldiers your squad have. Evidence here: Is it possible to learn this new power? - #12 by 30101451
If you don’t believe you can test a sniper squad with 3 Kar98k sniper and a trooper squad with 9 FG42 costs the same ticket.

Efficent = OP ?

And, no, semi auto bots are not “trash”.

Perhaps they could work on some buff over the distance. But the ones that really are problematic, are bots with smgs.

Experienced, or not. Thats what you should look at.

Exept, German smgs have low damage, and I don’t think I have to explain you how different a squad full of smgs be different compared to a squad of full fgs.


The fact that players or bots with fgs in large quantities should not be a thing.

And speaking about the m2, I don’t see many people talking about like they do on the fg :woman_shrugging:t3:


why changing nickname?

Wtf is now up to 4 vehicles at same time per side…
And up to 2 attackers?
And we only have ~10humans per side. So that’s 40% of players can use vehicles simultaneously.
BTW, I’m back.

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was it a funny gulag?

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What you like

  • Improvement of AI is always welcome

What you don’t like

  • Why nerfing ALL light machine guns? I thought we need to nerf only German LMGs… They have extremely low recoils in spite of they have very high fire rate. Surely MG34&42 should have historical great RoF, but they should also have high recoils.

What is not too easy to understand

  • N/A

You changed the ammount of planes in the air. 2 attackers and 2 fighters can be up in the air at the same time.

I think that must be the dumbest change I have seen in this game.

Your entire community keeps asking you to nerf planes, people are leaving beacause planes are to strong and it takes the fun out of the game.

Instead of listening to the playerbase you have doubled the ammount of planes. I completely do not understand the logic behind it and it WILL break your game.

Im out untill it is fixed.


I gladly use planes with no regrets, and yet even I think that allowing 2 attackers per side simultaneously is a bad idea.

From my experience on both sides in Normandy, there will be simply NO CHANCE for infantry on either side to do ANYTHING relevant (nor pleasant), if two attackers are allowed to coordinate and spam carpet bombing runs every 30 seconds.

Finally! Academy page can shown which soldier is at which squad (at some level)

But still… We need different icons, or at least add I/II/III to different tier of squads.

In this update, the vertical recoil of all LMGs has been increased and the ADS speed has been slowed down, but the increased recoil only applies to the German MG34 and MG42, and the ADS speed should be applied to guns that weigh more than 10kg in historical

More CAS is not a good change and will further push loads of players away
Like the MG changes though\

Hell the biggest reason I stopped playing was CAS and MG spam, fix one and make the other loads worse. I could deal with MG spam by shooting them and getting decently rewarded for it, but sitting in my Yak or 109 all match to keep CAS shitters out of the air gimps tf out of my rewards. And while I don’t care about the grind, my monkey brain likes seeing big numbers when I do work lol


Good work with lmg but 4 plane per side (2 figther + 2 CAS) is a bad move is impossibile play squad now BOOM BOOM BOOM its a michael bay movie now and yes is a shit of explosion revert the plane to 2 per side

bad LMG changes, was the only aspect where germany was superior, most of the forum is USA biased so they like thi unbalance.

4 planes seems a bit too much


This new update nerfs dispersion, accuracy and recoil for all LMGs in a way that the player could use them in a more realistical way, thus meaning, while being prone and with a Bipod in place.

So in this update, the Bipod becomes an essential item for every gunner player out there. Then where’s our improved Bipod placement mechanic??
All gunners will have a hard time until we can place our bipods faster and in more comfortable positions/lines of fire. Please work on that.

Can’t say I’m happy with the plane update, even though you are already working on bomb damage (and hopefully the plane cycling issue too).

But yet again, this was implemented too soon, you should have fixed the bombs first, and only THEN allowing 2 aircrafts of the same type up in the sky!

I don’t understand why crucial steps are being skipped, please implement things in the correct order next time.

I hope this will be useful.


I fully agree with your point.

I personally only use planes to level up, and try not to use them once I reached max level, so I don’t get bored from plane spam. But with two aircraft of the same type, that would force me to play P47 to “counter CAS” and hunt planes…

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Is the camera spamming around glitching in “Lone Fighters” not a priority? A little annoying to not be able to click anywhere on death as the camera is going nuts, annoying sounds as it pans and spins nonstop…

Just remove the option to reload ammo. You lose more games when teammates refill ammo than if people bomb once and free up the space for a teammate.