Your feedback about last update

What I like: fixes. Always a good sign.

What I dislike : premium squads are still inferior to non premium squads and still don’t have techtrees to upgrade them.

Still no stg44:(



what i like:

  • new path invasion maps

what i don’t like:

  • the m1 carbine upgrade change since it already wasn’t an amazing gun, i would still use it, but now it will always do less damage than the grease gun and thompson

what i like:
-changes, bug fixes
-you can break glass when jumping through a window

Extra info:
Still no plane nerf
There is too much bloom (bad visibility)
Explosions cause fps drops/low fps

The turret bug being fixed is a big hurrah !

For the new paths, can we see them like you did the 1st time ?

So, um, i’ve just noticed for Berlin (at least), some soldiers got new helmet camo covers.


But that’s a W-SS camo on a Whermacht dude :frowning:

There is problem with destroyed armor vehicles and their hit model. You want to shoot from cover behind them, you clearly aim away from tank like 30cm and yet your shots are hitting invisible wall around those tanks. Happens regularly. So there is much bigger invisible model around visible model. That needs attention.


What is not easy to understand:

Why change the vehicle markers?

It made a lot of sense to allow people to report a tank position and update it as long as they wish. It gave a feeling of combat dynamic that the markers could still be valid or the vehicle has moved slightly.

Now instead with moving markers, we lose the combat dynamic feeling and instead have the unrealistic challenge of a whole enemy team being 100% aware of the exact position an incoming tank has when it moves into line of sight. Its almost like a legal wall hack instead of the good dynamics we had in place before.
Also it takes away all challenge for vehicle pilots, who no longer have to look carefully but instead can drop bombs focusing only on an icon.

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  • A dedicated hotkey to cheer. “Press [I] to ‘URA’.”
  • Mostly bolt-action rifles (at least early in the campaigns). Love how different it feels from typical run-and-gun type shooters.
  • Squad order hotwheel, especially the “Request ammo” order as a Gunner. Love getting an extra magazine from a squaddie after burning through my ammo. But I would like to use this command before going to 0/0 rounds. Maybe allow it starting at half-empty?
  • Bayonets on the Mosin M44, wish more guns had them. It feels amazing to empty the clip then charge instead of hiding to reload.
  • Most of the Berlin maps. Really good mix of close-quarters and at-range combat. Love how intense the Invasions always are, especially the maps that start with the bridge crossing.
  • How my War Thunder tanker skills translate to tank-on-tank combat lol.
  • Rally points. I like that they’re easy to destroy, that you don’t need Engineer upgrades to build them, that they have reasonable placement limits. Would be nice if they were a little quicker to build, though.

Not a fan of:

  • Most Conquest maps. The 5-pointer in Berlin and the beachside village in Normandy are pretty good, but the rest are kinda frustrating. But I think it’s mostly because I hate that standard territory control gamemode.
  • How tanky a lot of the planes feel (at least when I’m shooting at them). It feels like I can empty my entire machine gun belt into a Stuka without even damaging a control surface. Maybe it’s just my War Thunder experience not translating well, but when I head-on a 109 in my IL-2-37 and nail that sucker with 37mm HE cannon shells and he just shrugs it off, I feel cheated.
  • That Normandy Allies get the Jumbo but Axis don’t get a Tiger or Panther.
  • AT and AA cannons don’t auto-destroy old ones when building a new one, like rally points. Even if it’s already been blown up, or is 3 Invasion capture points backwards.
  • The short draw distance while flying. I can’t see anything from the cockpit until I’m at treetop level. When flying in Lone Fighter, I simply guessed where to put my rockets. I like tanks better anyway :confused:

Would like to see in future updates:

  • Radiomen having an option to call in a “creeping barrage” instead of the classic Gaijin “randomly inside the circle” artillery. Maybe make it a late squad upgrade and map it to [8] by default.
  • Mortars having smoke rounds. Maybe press [U] to swap between HE and smoke, and only carry 2 or 3 of them. When I have to choose between smoke grenades or explosion pack, I’m getting that boom bundle every time, so it’d be nice to have more options for smoke.
  • The ability to craft silver orders out of bronze orders, and gold out of silver.
  • Pacific Theater campaign, sometime after 1.0 release probably. Would likely have to skip tanks, but it’d be unique if there were three times as many planes instead of armored vehicles.
  • Invasion of France campaign. Maybe Dunkirk? Really wanna drive a Char B1 against Pz.2’s.
  • Engineers get a huge speed boost to deconstructing their own structures.
  • More squad orders, such as “Throw smoke there” or “Fire mortar on this point”.
  • More gamemodes besides Conquest or Invasion. Like in War Thunder naval combat, where each side fights for control of two points, and when they hold them, a third point appears; capture that third point for an instant win. Similar to Conquest but was always more intense than standard 3-point capture. Or like Hardpoint from the newer Call of Duty games, where there’s one capture point, but it changes locations around the map every minute or so. Same king-of-the-hill objective, but since it moves around, the match is a lot more active. Or search and destroy, where one team defends objectives from the other; at Normandy, the Axis protect casemates from Allies who have to get inside and take a while to plant an explosive. Or capture the flag, where the flag is a truckload of supplies. Or escorting AI vehicles from one end of the map to the other.
  • Invasion progress points having more variety than just “capture the point.” I’m thinking of Insurgency: Sanstorm, where a typical PvE mission would involve capturing a point, then defending it from a counterattack, then destroying a weapons cache at the next point… It was similar in structure to Invasion, but more varied in approach.
  • Different announcer voices for the different factions and campaigns.

what I like:

  • changes, bug fixes, especially the turret bug

what I don’t like:

  • Still no Stg44. And the hit damage of 7.92 Kurz is still far from being realistic, how could it only does more 10% hit damage while having 600J more muzzle energy.

when can we get next major update? we want to play level27-29 in berlin

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What I like:
Turret bug fixed, thank you
New Gold weapons, but G43 seems the obvious choice, in Berlin.
New mission / map and routes, always great to stop fatigue.
New national narrator option

What I don’t like:
Sometimes you spawn in a squad and unable to see rest of squad on HUD, until you swap to someone else. Not always occuring - on Ps5
No KV1, IS2 and Tiger yet, still waiting…
Bazooka and StG not in game (all these were in Alpha)
No nation specific engineer emplacements or guns as yet, was told placeholders back in CBT, why are we not seeing M2 50 cal, Bofors or similar yet (except Russian AT, German pak)
Plane damage models seem a bit off for some planes, I run out of ammo in my p51 and make a ju88 smoke for him to survive
No gunners in planes as yet, although mentioned on last patch notes.
Tank spotting following is a bit op I think, may need tweaking, if we assume LOS is maintained then spot could persist and move perhaps? (Binocular level / upgrade maybe?)
No counter to Jumbo yet, see above re tanks.

What I don’t understand:
Unable to spot in tanks without changing position on ps5
Cannot quick chat in planes requesting a target marker
No news or peaks at Tunisia yet, hoping be very different from what we have more vehicle focused perhaps?
Lastly AA guns, if manned by more than one person, then perhaps a rotation speed boost or something, still not sufficient to counter.

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I like these - I don’t remember anyone suggesting them before. (Too bad it’s not a suggestion thread and probably I should not have answered either, but I don’t want them go unnoticed. :slight_smile: ) Nice collection, thanks!


What I like:

  • the surprise factor when I attacked the usual, but now empty building with full force, just to realize the alternating invasion paths and that all the others are fighting 50 meters away :slight_smile:

What I don’t like:

  • some strange lighting artifacts since the updates

Can’t decide whether moving vehicle markers are good or bad. Seems un-WW2ish, but convenient.

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My Feedback related to the up to the

a missed a couple of these, and now i’ll give my own feedback about them:


-Fixed major bugs
such as, tank firing despite was still reloading,

-new UI and interface elements. i really like them. odd for a world war two, but nontheless they look amazing. love the animations as well. ( improvement to the campaign window, battlepass, and general menu interface ),

-Added a pie-menu to select the soldier you are swapping to during a battle (by long pressing the ‘change soldier’ button). this one, is surely a welcome one :smiley: still a bit clunky, but nontheless, fully functional as many people requested.

-commander functions for tanks
the newer commander ability to guide the main weapon of the tank ( if a gunner is present ) initially i didn’t liked it. but the more i play with it, the more i understand how usefull it is. Kudo :stuck_out_tongue:

-general tweaks about capture points ( in terms of capturing, or cesaing ) as well for respawns. those do not go unoticed for me.

-battlepass tweak making it more user friendly.

-new vehicle gold orders
this new feature it’s amazing. i really like it.

-new gold soldiers & weapons

-grenades not exploding instantly when someone has been killed or downed
( resulting in the call of duty most known perk :joy: )

-ally soldiers not respawning faster than axis soldiers
like it used to happen for many months…

-20 mm he on infantry fix.
thank god. ( i mean, thank you devs )

-new paths for invasions
perhaps now that i think about it, i made a feedback about this one, not sure though. but still, it’s a great addition that makes the game alot different and somewhat, changes every time. a needed feature of the most. in swamp river over normandy, it truly shines not attacking the same objective over and over.

-ai improvements
( one step closer to the long journey )

-fixed unintentional bug of leaving aiming mode when operating mortars

-mortars no longer be able to refill endleslly rounds

-new invasions ( fortified district, " Moat ", and the normandy ones )

-new contrast for in-game battle messages ( such as, capturing A, Loosing B, " we are winning " yada yada yada. )

-all the “”“smaller”"" fixes which i can’t mention all of them, because there are many. but i’m glad of their presence.

-narrator feature

-new war cry and others voice lines addition what weren’t present before

-new outfit changes for some units over berlin

-fixed vehicles limit number

What i DON’T LIKE:

well, unlike the others time, this time i have less, i promised:

-the commander sit is now a priority when entering in a tank
this, in a combat scenario, this feature " gets in the way " taking it too long. and sometimes, may results in your death.
my Panther in berlin is damaged, and there is not alot of cover. so, i try to positin my self somewhere safe, repair my tank, and if i have dead crew members, the character that i’m controlling decides to go in the commander sit rather than the gunner. which in the meanwhile, i can get overrunned by enemy tanks quite quickly. i’m not a huge fan of it.

-Commander’s Observation Points
this one… still hurts me. so many assets that are usefull being pratically impossible to use.
i’ll explain better, there is no free visual ( like perhaps in the planes ) where i have a free visual, and i can watch all the observation points without wasting time or suffer of understanding when trying to switch.
it takes too much time to watch them all.

-VG 1-5, & M1 Carbine Nerfs
those ones, really upset me. there are many others to talk about, but i’ll be quick for a point that i would like to make.
i’ll start by saying that i don’t see, nor understand why those changes has to be made.

the VG 1-5, getting nerfed of it’s stastic… i can somewhat understand it. but limit it to the assaulters?
above all class, the assaulters? why?! wasn’t it better to radio operators, enginners, or perhaps, mortars?

and the m1 carbine. i digged in the forum, english and russian side. i haven’t saw a single thread regarding the m1 carbine that asked to be nerfed. quite the opposite indeed.
the m1 carbine was pourly performing due to it’s high recoil, and low damage.

now, from occasional weapons, has become striclty close quarter.
but than, what’s the point of having close quarter weapons if are so unconsistent? take as example shotguns, those have been truly nerfed to the ground.

so, i don’t think you applied a tweak on the m1 carbine based on players feedback.

-Fg 42 & M2 weapons still untouched
so, the thing that makes me even more dumbfounded/amazed,

is that you made the VG 1-5 limited to assaulters over berlin for a semi automatic weapon that was pretty common during the end of ww2, but the FG in normandy AND berlin is given to basically the majority of classes.

logic behind?

but that’s basically it. i got more, but i’m giving it time.

What is Not Easy To Understand:

-Priorities of the team due to lack of communication

-nerfs decisions of the weapons that no one asked for, based on what?

-what happened to the 251/10?

-why the germans got models changes ( in berlin ) but across all campaigns the paratroopers still get the same different uniforms with the normal helmet isntead of the supposed para helmet?
not that cosmetics matters that much at this stage of the game, but than why change randomly some, and not the most requested one?

In Conclusion:

cheers. that’s all from me for today.
mostly okish so far. but still to many questions.


They are not as powerful as you may imagine really. Maybe according to statistics, they don’t really do more kills than M1/G43. In CRSED FG42 is also classified as semi-auto, while AK103, STg44, M4A1 are classified as AUTO, why? Because FG42(assuming no perk, no upgrade) doesn’t really have the ability to controllably fire automatically unless in extremely close distances. This has been pointed out MANY TIMES by those who have used them.

i don’t care.

the should not be present in large quantity for everyone.

otherwise, why can’t we run with mp40s on all troopers? or why can’t i run grenade launcher on all classes?.

exept they do

you see, assumptions for balance weapons especially when upgraded is no good.

and, not to “flex” my capability, but it’s not that hard to controll the recoil.

if you do, that’s something different.

no, and i use them, and those are still powerfull.

it’s basically a bar.

than why not all americans can equip bars?


and above all, just because you don’t find them powerfull, or you are fine with them where they are, doesn’t make them any less good of what they actually are.

objectively speaking, having 9 troopers made of fgs isn’t the same thing of troopers made of g43.

especially if we consider berlin and normandy enivorment.


Why? Becaue RECOIL MATTERS. It’s something that every “FG/M2 is OPnist” has missed out(or just intentionally ignore ). Recoil per second of Bar A2 is 340, while FG42 if 587.5. A huge difference is you understand what I mean.

What you like:

  • AI has some great improvements in overall smarts and tactics
  • Airfield map with flyable planes
  • Gun models

What you don’t like

  • The AI doesn’t know when to sit still. Even when laying down, sniping, they just keep getting up and wandering around, giving away my position. Also the fact you can order your soldiers to guard a capzone and then walk away as far as you like. But you can not tell them to stay behind a certain corner, because if you walk too far they just start following again.
  • Premium squads. Especially with the premium skills they have.

  • You can not see your soldier’s skills ingame, so sometimes im still guessing wether im gonna throw this grenade on target or a mile behind him. Or if i’m gonna be able to get up after getting shot quickly or very slowly. Maybe just a small grenade or hand-logo for grenade throwing skill and a cross with a clock around your health bar or something like that?

What is not too easy to understand

  • All clear
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I forgot to add, please let AI climb over sandbags, I think this was fixed previously?

Also enemy tank turret view bug might be back, according to some.

Love this game, Berlin is becoming my fav for either side!

Exept, you have bipods?

Recoil ain’t that much of a trouble if you can compensate for it, and / or use bipod…

Please give us real sound for bf109

Too many bf109s, the later ones have no bombs at all, so why use? (Berlin)

AA is awful, not even allied version in game, I thought this was placeholder? For how long please?

Some idea when next dev blog or twitch update will be too.

Great job do far, wanna buy some more premium vehicles, need more content please.