Your feedback about last update

Not sure what u did, but Im getting WAY more punished by american tanks than before. Seems a bit wierd since they are faster also?

Anyway, biggest problem with the game so far is the matchmaking. Im tired of being top player every god damned game, while my team is like camping in gray zone or just camping really far back with tanks.

Also, it should max inf squads so some1 HAS to take a tank, cause if no1 in ur team has a tank, ur forced to go tank urself just so your team dont lose.

The game itself is fine, its more the playerbase, skill level of said playerbase(or lack of).
I would play way more if I didnt get matched with noobs every game. Its like I can just derp around, play melee or whatever and still end up on the top of the scoreboard.

Maybe make a more indepth tutorial or atleast try to match some good players in the bunch. Right now Im always a few thousand points above the next player, and when I look at the scoreboard usually it says 0 spawnpoints built by every teammate. Like I can contribute with the spawnpoint, but they dont even know how to spawn on it/dont want to.

Also Im wondering if Battle of Berlin is fuked for the germans? Not many games are won by the germans, lemme tell you that!

Also, the germans seem to have a disadvantage in every campaign.

I play them in battle for berlin, getting sqaushed most of the time while doing LOADS of work.

In normady its better, but still a bit hard for the germans except D-day.

I play russian in Moscow and usually win. Makes me feel the germans are in a bad spot generally. It used to feel like allied inf was better except MG’s, but german tanks were better, now I feel american tanks are better and the inf. Im not sure, but just general feelings.

What you like:
Maps are generrally well designed ans atmospheric
Guns feel like they should ( mostly )
What i dont like:
Drilling feels like hitting someone with a wet noodle, and seems to only kill in one hit when almost in melee distance
Maps still have very little to no spawn protection against bombers, leading to a lot of spawnbombing
Matchmaking feels very imbalanced, at least in Battle for Berlin. I often get games where the german team doesnt seem to know what an objective is and plays like its their first day, meanwhile the Allies Have a team with 2 experienced pilots and tankers, and seemingly infinite artillery. These games typically have the worst spawnbombing as one side literaly cannot counter it. Maybe in the future matchmaking could take into account what kind of squads each team has access to?

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because nobody is playing berlin as Axis its sad

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I don’t know if someone already said this but… I don’t understand why I can not to get ammo from an ammunition box for a gun that I picked up from a fallen soldier of my team.
I mean, you only can to get ammo for your own gun. That isn’t realistic because it’s supposed to that an allied ammo box has all the types of bullets for the guns of your team.

It is loggic you can’t to reammo an enemy gun, but not for a allied one.

The changes to Lone Fighters’ interface are horrible. Revert those.

Infantry is still workable but vehicles have been affected the most by those. Not knowing what happened to your vehicle when it suddenly stops working is not the way to go. One thing is making a game more realistic, the other is cutting off all QoL and feeback features that are essential to its flow. Add the same changes to Squads and you’ll see the same effect: players leaving, long queues…but there won’t be bot fillers because those exist only on LF.

Enlisted is already “hardcore” by today’s standards, since it features actual “hardcore” mechanics: short TTK, stamina, slower paced less forgiving combat, actual weapon recoil, no 3d or minimap spotting sticking on enemies, sluggish vehicles…to name a few. It does not need to have its interface removed to become a better realistic or “hardcore” experience. It was already perfectly balanced in that regard.

Put some delay between bomber spawning or nerf the 250 kg bombs , especially their range and ability to kill you trough 2 floors and roofs and other covers, or you can keep your irritating game to yourself. This me being polite!

Just want to pile on and say the TOS shotgun is useless now too. They over nerfed the shotguns.

Radial dial for choosing soldiers is very poor on console (ps5) it’s much slower and cumbersome than what was in place before. It’s very much a wheel of death at the moment.

I like the ruined building fighting .
I also like the lend lease stuff for the Russians good stuff .
Berlin is a very good city map over all with few issues. .
Some balance changes have been nice too

Lack of late war weapons for both sides such as the stg44 and RPG1 and panzershreck . And m1bazooka and other variants

I also don’t like the non ruind building combat to much the chokepoints are a bit much there isn’t enough options for movement .

I don’t like the map rotation if there even is one .

Some of the choices for Tanks and weapons such as no is2 no isu152 . And there’s no tigers a bit odd when there’s destroyed one’s in the battle. And that goes for all campaigns

The addition of more/different ordinance would of been nice too even if it’s just a different visual moddle

I also don’t like the lack of certain tanks like the kv1 for Moscow .


Some of the routs to take while attacking arnt to clear and defensive positions aswell for Berlin .
The interface could use a bit of a tidey up some folders prehaps it’s very messy and gets confusing

Also the consistency of explosives is odd as a lot of these explosives will hurt you from a lot further away and will kill you from both closer and further historically. And what imean by inconsistency is say the sherman 75 he . It’s very difficult to judge the capabilities of that round .
Also the aiming for tanks is a little difficult. bit odd to understand mabey some historically accurate sights would be nice but that may come in time . Also the penetration indicator is unusual if it’s green is it damage possible or penetration possible it is unclear.

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There is a option to change it back in settings

I have a problem with the SVT 40 that is given when the radio operators are unlocked in the Battle of Berlin. It has too few magazines. Each magazine has 10 bullets, and the rifle comes with 3 magazines, so after 3 reloads you’re out of ammo. I think that 80 or 90, 8 or 9 magazines which will more appropriate

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Yeah I didn’t know It was changed that you spawn in the commander seat, as normally I would spawn in the gunner seat

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Dankeschön für die Deutsche Synchronization Finally :heart_eyes:

feedback about the update

( i’ll start with a bit of context ), i’m sorry if i couldn’t provide an in depth feedback because i haven’t played that much up until recent weeks, and i’ll make this feedback over the last 6/7 updates in one. i know, next time won’t do the same, promised.)

What i Like:

  • pratice field ( /gamemode ) has been improved and added the majority of what i and others have suggested :smiley:
  • Artillery nerfs, thanks, it’s not an explosive spam as before anymore.
  • mortars can no longer refill ammonutions from ammo boxes, thanks as well for this one.
  • new battlepass graphics and interface
  • new campaign interface
  • new battlepass vehicles tickets
  • restored characters after that particular issue where most of the faces were changed.
  • Operation Summer Event
  • Lone Fighter Hardcore
  • new campaign levels
  • new paths invasion ( can’t wait to see more for others maps as well, but generally, it’s very refreashing to fight in different locations of the same map we used to know )
  • new change appearance order ( although, i wished to be less randomic, but that’s ok )
  • all bug fixes and hot fixes
  • some suggestions actually becomed reality from various feedbacks
  • new types of premium squads instead of the same and bland 4man fully automatic.
  • new cosmetics for tanks along side decals and camouflages.

What i don’t like:

  • excessive bloom and fog ( explained better by our former member @sfh0525 and now @115489946 i believe? )
    DEV! What's wrong with your mind? Why add fog to Berlin maps? Also abuse of Bloom
  • AI being dumber when it comes in path findings by the recent update ( ) which also has been showed better by , because it’s like the alpha all over again. where bots take panoramic paths ( way longer than needed ) ending up being food for the crows ( dead ). this threads speak for it self:
    Hahahaha, NO! ( of @108878963 ) or even this clip: Please allow AI to climb over obstacles again - #2 by 22408305 ( by @22408305 )
  • Operation Summer Rewards Being Disconnected between each other.
    don’t get me wrong, personally i apreciate the effort, and bring something very unique on the table for enlisted, while somewhat link it to war thunder 8 for the FW 180 ) really amazing and unexpected. but what i didn’t liked was, it’s that rewards are only tied for one faction or another. which it was a nice effort as well to drive people on other campaigns, but i don’t think it worked that much :frowning: ( correct me if i’m wrong ).
  • " Promised " Ai Behavior Command Orders.
    where the hell are those from Devblog n1 ?!?!
  • battlepass vehicles being… different. now, i don’t wanna be the one that " spit " on the plate that it eats, but buying the battlepass, and grind it for the golden vehicle orders, it’s somewhat disappoiting. like, fully upgraded vehicles? that’s totally cool. but why the panther is the only vehicle that has a unique camouflage, insignas, and decorations?

the t50 lacks of decorations and insignas,
the t34-85 lacks of camouflage and decorations.
the PZ IV H lacks of decals, decorations and even sideskirt camouflage…
and lastly, the m8 lacks of camouflage and decorations…

those are not all the same. you proved multiple times that you know how to make nice cosmetics, and many others thing. it just setted me a bit off. but it’s just a smaller detail that i hope it’s going to be fixed.

what is not easy to understand:

  • recently, the tank models seems that got " nerfed ". was that intentional or a bug?
    like, t34s 85s, penning frontally panthers, jumbos being penned frontally by pumas?
    if so, i’m glad you did. so to the very least, it’s somewhat balanced.

  • why the 251/10 has been removed from the training mode?

in conclusion:

thanks for hearing me out, and keep the game updated.
there’s a long road ahead of all of us. but nontheless, don’t keep it down.


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Ammo refill boxes still not refilling ammo no matter the squad or gun, the dial goes round and the ammo box disappears but the weapon is still empty.

I like to report a bug I just got in enlisted. I was switch between my sniper soldier and my trooper when it glished on the selection wheel and I could not get out of it or chose soldier till someone kill my hole squad

Once again… Picture in the devblog for something that isn’t in the game/was removed.

This time the Panther F.

We continue to read this topic carefully. Thanks for your feedback.