Your feedback about last update

You can do that with a great many guns, my friend

unfortunately there are some errors since the update to version
I noticed that you can no longer repair tanks and that the main menu shows the wrong pictures for the equipment.

Why the Premium Squads?
Speaking of Squads, the Berlin Defenders were a ragtag group with a few uniformed gentlemen. Yes, again, the Premium Squad M39 Squad has civilian clothing, but how about some SS uniforms mixed up with the regular?

I am just waiting for the better tank progression(able to buy a new tank with spare parts, or for Berlin Campaign, introduce a new tank squad. In Normandy, Germans have two tank squads, so what is the problem?

Graphics and Interface

  • Improved campaign window: added new progress indicator, squad cards, and weapons.
    Added a pie-menu to select the soldier you are swapping to during a battle (by long pressing the ‘change soldier’ button).

Oh man!! Thank you guys! :heart_eyes: You really brought in that idea , and it’s working pretty good :slight_smile:Thank you for listen my idea too (And all those players who also mentioned that Wheel idea).

Only one problem with that:

  • If you press ‘Z’ to change your soldier it’s change the soldier both way even, if you Hold the button or just Quick tap it. It would be better, if you just Quick tap the button, that is change the Soldeir, but if you push it and hold your finger on it, thats not changes until you move the cursor to the selected soldier.

Thank you all!


you can change it on the settings :

i already did right on my first playtest.


is this intended? mortars can refill the same times as a normal weapon. if so, cool , i can finnaly level the mortars again.
but, i already saw multiple mortars vs mortars in berlin :Z making the game kinda unfun (and yeah, i m bn part of it)

is this a bug?

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after a match we could over the mouse over soldiers or icons to see more details. right now i cant,

is my game fked up beyond repair or it is another bug?

  • What I… find truly sad and very hilarious

AI forgot how to climb anything… they are dumbest since alpha in terms of movement. I legit managed to build a sandbag circle and ordered AI to go in… AI decided to run around whole practice map and then got stuck on sandbags… (5 minutes later btw)

This made me cry out of amusement, but it is fun as long as it is only in practice mode. In matches… not so much.


  • What I don´t like
    AI is absolute trash now even at shooting. Previously, AI on rank III/IV could somewhat kill stuff and it was possible to utilize them.
    Not anymore… AI (even gunners) are now absolute trash that cannot kill anything at any distance.

AI improvement is always appreciated.

The wheel to select a squad soldier is really nice.

New paths in Invasion is great to add playability and new challenges. However without knowing which will be the next cap i find it difficult for defenders to be ready. Maybe it’s just me but i love playing engineer squad and building defenses in the next cap before the current cap is lost.
This allow defenders to at least absorb the 1st wave and get time to reorganize. After all, defenses are not OP. 1 bomb outside a building is often enough to destroy defenses inside…

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What I Like.

  • New Mission Fortified District (Invasion) and Variable Paths
    New Maps are always appreciated and this makes old maps feel like a brand new map even though it is using an existing asset. I especially enjoyed Fortified District Invasion.

  • Interface Changes
    The UI gets better and better. All of the changes here are appreciated. And I do mean all of them. From the Campaign menu improvements to the HUD messages being an option.

  • AI improvements
    The AI, to me, are what really makes this game unique. I feel that the AI should become better and better, without becoming better than a player. And these improvements seem to all be in that direction. Better AI, but certainly not superhuman.

What I don’t Like

  • Still can’t sort soldiers by class when managing soldiers for a squad.
    This is endlessly frustrating. The soldier management still feels clunky and annoying.

  • Still can’t manage soldiers for squads you aren’t using.
    I like to switch soldiers between squads and manage all of my squads. Should be a way to do this without shuffling your lineup around all the time.

  • Still no defensive armament for SB-2M
    It is very much not fair that you can’t do anything about enemy planes in your SB-2m While the Top End attacker for Germany (Stuka R2) can shoot you down AND kill just as many people with it’s bombs.

What is not easy to understand

  • Hitting the Aim button stops crawling.
    I guess some people like this. It’s just a lateral change. Neither an improvement nor a detriment. I would like to see it as an option.

I am really frustrated about this new change, whenever you die, you automatically are changed to next soldier, and it used to be good because straight away you are back in action, and can shoot back, but now, instead of gaining control straight away of next soldier, you’re presented on your screen with some dumb meniu to choose a soldier, and you are frozen in it, wgile u choose soldier by this horrible system, you and several other of yoyr alsoldiers are already dead! wtf is this?! who came up with this? I’m mashing whatever buttons to be released from this soldier choosing menu, circle, up, L1, whatever, but no matter how fast I mash I die, by enemy, and I’m lucky if anyone is alive of my squad by the time I gain control of someone. this is horrible, I lost games cuz of this nonsense. I am playing on console btw, ps5. idk how it is on pc. btw that meniu for soldier choosing after one of ur troops die is often glitching, like flashing and not letting you to gain control of soldiers, it’s very very very frustrating. Fuck!!!


I like the new invasion stile, but I still dream whit a massive invasion mode.
Thank you for add the wheel to change the soldier, I think that it can be better if add a small number on the squad members. And another good way to change between soldier can be using the keypad, it should be an option.

I didn’t like the new campaign window, i feel it so dark. Just delete the black bottom in the cards.

Good update.

Improvements include…
an improved interface that will make it easier to navigate the Campaign tab,

Shocking orange of XP bar against black bottom of cards is a little jarring. I realise it’s the same as the reworked Battle Pass, but the bars are longer in the campaign window and the general theme darker than the Battle Pass which makes it stand out more.

Using the left/right arrows leaves you looking at a gap between two cards. This is correct as per where you would have been for the last unlock XP wise, but looks generally unpolished.
If you are using the left/right arrows you should be centred on each card, as that is what you are doing flicking through the contents of each card, not looking at the XP bar (especially now it’s broken up into cards).

new cards which will help you manage squads and their weaponry

What, where? Can you elaborate, I see nothing new in this regard. Maybe me being blind.

and the ability to switch to any desired soldier of your squad, at any time, without cycling.

Great addition, much needed.

Players no longer need to stop crawling when they want to aim. Aiming will automatically stop the crawling cycle.

This a horrible addition especially when prone sniping and you want to readjust. You now need to drop your aim, move and then re-aim.
It was better before, where your aim would drop if you moved and then automatically re-aim once you stopped moving.

The last update ( was great.

I really liked the addition of a new Invasion map for the Moscow campaign, which is my favorite campaign, but which was lacking some cool and unique invasion maps like Normandy. I was about to write a suggestion thread for a new Invasion map for Moscow and I was going to suggest adapting the Fortified District map for it (the map has a great “Winter Fighting” atmosphere which is perfect for the Moscow Campaign). To come and see this already implemented is just awesome.

Another thing that I liked was the attic spawn fix, which will do a lot to prevent the ‘bot-cage spawn’ practice. This was an issue the community had pointed out and it feels so good to see the developers actually listen to it and give such attention.

Things like this, and the fact that I have been playing for over 2 months now and didn’t have a single crash or significant bug, in an open beta, really puts several game companies to shame and makes one really values this game. It is a lot of fun and very well-made.

It was not mentioned in any of the update logs but some issues that I was having (G43 accuracy & >90% chance of queuing as Germans - and then, of losing - when selecting join any on NA servers) seem to have been fixed.

What I don’t like is that some much needed fixes haven’t been implemented yet.

Like the red-dot warning appearing in the map a full 25 seconds before enemy artillery hits (due to the delays added) which makes it impossible for bots and any competent player to get killed by artillery, making functionally obsolete in game.

And the complete lack of an end-game chat. I feel a physical need to say “gg” after a good match and, most of the time, I can’t! This would also add much-needed human contact in a game full of bots, and is basic sportsmanship.


The circle to select the soldiers that you need IMMEDIATELY tactically costs me 1-2 seconds on the Playstation console, which is enough for me to be shot.
I want an option to turn this off.
Before that, it was much more tactical to assign your team correctly.
I knew exactly where which soldier was at which point, all my squads were tactically arranged, including the soldiers one after the other …

Airplanes were also patched or destroy the still whole teams in one run (20 men + -) ??

what i like:

Realistic atmosphere and gameplay are fused
I can’t wait for halftrack to appear in the game. I’m looking forward to it! !!

What I Don’t Like:

Lack of compensation for engineers.
If a squad spawns at rally points, you should get at least 80 points instead of 15.
Engineers are treated like volunteers and are uncomfortable.
Plz In a hurry you fix the plane damage model.

What it’s not easy to understand:

Show the car on the map that no one is in. Finding an abandoned car is difficult.

Hey. You can unbind “soldier selection menu”, in controls - squad.image


Thanks, cause for a Console this is absolute death.

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What I like:
The new invasion winter map is awesome
Squad wheel, seems to work well overall, it still changes my soldier, but now I have to close wheel if happy with choice.
Ai buffs great, but they need to climb sandbags please.

What I don’t like:
The premium Soviet plane, in game squad selection window, the graphics are white sometimes, but when actually flying it, it looks fine.
I am still unable to ask for targets or ammo from team, asking for targets in planes using quick chat not working.
No engineer nation specific weapons yet
AA gun really too slow, have to pre-aim to be effective (still only axis AA)

What I don’t understand:
No option to view ping, sometimes servers seem laggy and it’s not my connection, I end up being inactive and leaving and rejoining another.

T50 in Battle pass makes T50 level 29 obsolete.

Sometimes bombs don’t seem to whistle and indicate direction, so you don’t know where to run, it would be good to dive and take cover!

Great work overall though! :+1:


athough they still not smart enough, i can fell they are folowing me better, and surviving more.

good work boys!!!.

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I like the new radial menu for solder switching. I would have preferred a more direct approach, like assigning F-keys to every single soldier, but that obviously doesn’t work on console.

I had the chance to try the new version of Airfield. Quite nice, I got to explore some areas I had never visited before. Not groundbreaking but cool.

I haven’t played enough yet to reach a verdict about AI. But I have noticed they don’t shoot in the air all the time any more, which is good.