Your feedback about last update

What I like

  1. The game is phenomenal, only have a few gripes

What I don’t like

  1. Why did we change the battle pass reward section…? The original was plain and simple, didn’t take up too much space and worked just fine. Please don’t become the devs that implement BIG, SHINY UI for absolutely no reason. I absolutely hate the layout of the new rewards tracker.

  2. Please stop with the pay-to-win squads… I bought Berlin access so I have the 2 pay-to-win squads and only use them when absolutely necessary. The people who regularly use them are generally toxic kids looking for cheap ways to win. If you destroy this game with pay to win squads, you’re going to kill it faster than Gaijin killed Crossout.

What I don’t understand

  1. Why is AI still able to pick me off from across the map?

  2. I don’t know how it hasn’t been addressed, but I know a while ago you made the shots of semi-auto rifles less predictable… I have a daily-growing pile of clips where I’m barely moving/standing still and shots are dead center of the cheat or back and not hitting… this SERIOUSLY needs to be addressed. It would actually balance the AIs ability to snap to targets. The lack of consistency in shots hitting is getting realllllllly old

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What I like:

  1. Change to time it takes to cap a point in invasion games in Berlin. As small of a change that is, it’s effects are quite evident.

  2. Increase of reinforcements for the attacking team.

  3. Reduction of time to capture points in Assault mode.

  4. Changes to the bots. Although the manner in which they get some kills is questionable.

What I don’t like:

  1. The change to battle pass tasks UI in the home tab. It’s takes too much space on the screen now.

  2. Removal of ability to see upcoming battle pass tasks after the daily limit is over. Seriously guys!?

  3. Giving out fully upgraded end game vehicles through battle pass. If you do, atleast make it fair for both sides. When it comes to balance, it’s 1 step forward and 2 backward still after a year of input from the players.

  4. I find the ‘+ points’ indication after tank kills and such very unnecessary.

  5. AI getting stuck a lot.

  6. Imo Assault was introduced a bit too early in Berlin.

  7. Tank commander being the default view for tanks. Would love to see it be a thing that can set up by the players.

What is difficult to understand:

  1. T-50 in battle pass. What were you guys thinking? Yeah, let’s make every other tank in the campaign irrelevant, sounds like a fine ass idea.

Only 100 hours pfft !! i got more than 400 and can say your demands are less than average !
Bots will get improved tweaked more over time as devs have announced will also use more cover !
Grenades are not useless they have way longer range and less clumsy than explosive pack !
Agree with the mission goal… having the same objective on all maps is really lame and boring !

Maybe one day they will add mechinsed squads with apcs and towed stuff…but so far is magic hammer time !
Actually good idea for Omaha beach but that happens allready as good axis players put Czech hedgehog on the road !
Why make barbed wire too much op , you want realism ?! … how about soldier gets killed on barbed wire and then other solders can step on him to jump over like in movies !

Locking doors for what , you want to lock up your squad so it doesnt get killed !!. no point
Most bunkers had ventilation that works even when top hatch is jammed !

What you like
Tank upgrade (even tho it will take time for players to adjust to new setting and keys but overall better)
New maps even recycled and mods are allways good !
Bug fixes are allways good but some ancient ones still havent been fixed !
Now in the weapons upgrade menu, you can select upgrading for parts or for upgrade orders.
This is really important as ive lost weapon upgrade order when wanting to upgrade with parts i had !
The names of players who deserted the battle are now highlighted in strikethrough font in the debriefing window. allways good to know how many deserters then bots you wore playing vs !

What you don’t like
Overwhelming nerfhammer on Soviets in Berlin that makes germans now wining easy !
The interface displaying current tasks, battle pass and achievements on the main screen has been updated. Did kindergarden kids designed this ?.. please more yellow color, hell why not even pink and purple !

Before and after Nerfs of “OP” things is extreme to the full , to the point of “overpowered” becomes useless and ignored ! example Radio squads, Mortars etc etc !

What is not too easy to understand
Performance on locations with a large number of aircraft has been improved. debatable and dependable of rig you are playing on !.. For me its more offten fps drop from 60 to 20-30 …

What you like

  • The ability to control the turret and gun of the tank from the commander’s seat without getting out of the hatch (available only on tanks with commander’s view devices in the direction of the gun) has been added.
    Long Needed and Thank you.

  • The depth of the trenches in Berlin and Normandy locations has been adjusted to allow for more convenient firing.

Finally, I am not getting headshoted that easily. :slight_smile:

What you don’t like

  • The commander position is now considered a priority, and players will occupy it first. Commander optics allow for the most efficient control of the vehicle’s movement. Crew members will take their positions in the following order: driver, commander (if not occupied), gunner. If a player enters the vehicle, AI-soldiers will move from the commander position. If only two crew members remain, an AI-soldier will occupy the driver position, leaving the gunner position free and available to be swapped.

I think the Gunner should have been first, but I understand the intention here.

  • There are still no buckets for the Russian and German tanks. How can you live without a bucket?

What is not too easy to understand
Everything is clear.

When you upgrade it with spare parts for tank customization, you should be able to “mount” an ammo box, grenade box, or a medkit box on the back, where infantry can resupply if needed(limited number of resupply of course). If the tank burns down, the resupply usage will be limited. Also, the tanks with the Commander’s cupola mount machine gun should have the option to remove it and use it on the battlefield. Overall, more customization options for all the tanks, or skins(available to be purchased with spare parts only)
Image for an example

Pls we need a KBM support on PS5!!! :küssendes_herz:

Hi, why is it part of the same forum stream, it takes ages to scroll to bottom to add new feedback?

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What I like:
Rebalance of Berlin, much better now, axis have a chance.
Summer event - New Vehicles

What I don’t like:
Berlin plane premiums are a bit lacking, I prefer the summer recon bomber!
PzIII HE seems bugged as no explosion despite near enemy troops? Even head on sometimes in gunner view
AI troops still get stuck in Berlin but better since last update

Don’t understand:
Proper incentive to play particular campaigns according to people Moscow Soviets OP with T50, US op with Jumbo in Normandy, Berlin better imho

Please add Tiger 1 last comment!

Gentle reminder:

What I don’t like:
I m not allowed to have more than 4 soldiers on my premium squads. Making them inferior on the campaign.

Once a player reached the last campaign level, xp boosts mean nothing.

We want a tech tree to upgrade our premium squads with more soldiers exacly like non premium squads.

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What I like -
Added balance to Russian lasers.

What I dont like - the seemingly directionless way forward this game is being coded

What I dont understand

  • how you havent addressed AI yet
  • how you nerfed the hell out of artillery to the point of uselessness, but bombers are still playing their own solo games. The only counter to a bomber is another plane. AA is useless on planes and only used against infantry. Bombers can flatten the entire play field with impunity then suicide when they get bored or the plane gets broken. Then once every two minutes they get to wipe the battlefield with no useful warning. Once the bombs drop you are dead, cannot be outrun, taking cover or laying prone doesn’t work (unlike IRL)
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What I don’t like:

  • secretly nerf the VG 1-5 without writing in the patch. Now VG 1-5 only has 8.8 damage when fully upgraded, the same as M1 carbine. It’s ironic that 7.92 * 33 Kurz finally does the same damage as .30 carbine. If that’s the same case with Stg44 nobody would spend silver orders on it.

  • About two months nothing for Normandie and Moscow. It’s temporarily no problem, because you have Berlin at this time. But think of the future. It’s not a way to keep the game alive. Another game (BF2042) that was confirmed to have bots in would be released in Ocotober. So at least give us a roadmap or something.

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WTF is up with the useless stupid push for tankers to go to a USELESS position in the tank automatically? so now if i have two tankers left one will occupy a useless seat by default? And if I die as a tanker they will auto jump into the MOST USELESS SEAT in the tank?!

Also where is the planes nerf? Wtf are you guys smoking up there?


What I don’t like is the game becomes to boring to play. I love the Normandy part, because of the D-day but I rarely get to play that map. It’s always giving the same two maps.

  • There is no line to hold, it’s gibberish from realistic aspect, so it’s hard to distinguish friendly vs enemy players in one player mode.

Last Updates…

Planes fixed? or they still kill the complete Team with 1 Bomb Run?

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You will no longer be able to set up mobile rally points in attics if they may result in soldiers spawning within solid objects.

! this one is huge! i can recall the number of times some one as done it and only made our team weak.

AI changes are always a plus in my eyes!
this one in special:

this is huge for squad gameplay! having to cicle from soldier to soldier was always a pain! Huge improvement here!
this looks so much better:

gentle reminder:

Consider Reworking Premium squads To have upgrades exacly like non-premium counterparts.

still the same i m afraid.


That means we have to wait for the real major update(with new leves) for at least another two weeks

we will never know when…

Love all fixes and improvements, but… I don’t like the new bright orange color for campaign progress bar, it sort of hurts my eyes when I look at it, really it is too intense, I would like it to be the old yellow color.

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Awesome update

  • Played Airfield with the variable paths. Felt nice to assault the other side as well. Opened up a lot more tactics. Really cool addition that will increase replayablility by a lot. Hope you will add this for other maps soon as well.
  • The wheel that makes you choose certain soldiers is really nice.
  • New campaign windows look really good.
  • Better ai responce time and prio on closer targets seems really good.


  • In Normandy the US still has the P38G fighter counting as an attacker when the P38J in the same squad/pilot is a fighter plane in game. It is a fighter and blocks the spawning of the attacker plane. Could you have a look at this please, it brings some annoying balance issues with it and is confusing. Not knowing if the fighter you select in the selection screen is actually a fighter in game is a bit weird.

I just recently unlocked the PPD (large drum) after playing the german smg’s for a while and I am sickened by it. The fact that I can wipe out entire squads without even reloading is just as insane as the fact that I can do it from a distance. With an smg with the fire rate of a A-10.