Your feedback about last update

I can click faster than the guns fire and i don’t need 20 rounds to shoot you 10 are more than enough. How often did a player miss 10 fucking rounds? Before you say it happens, I need video proof or I call BS.

And if you shoot 20 bullets full auto i want you in the enemy team every game. Your harmless unless I’m flying.

And even if they restrict it to stormtroopers, what stops me from stacking the 2 stormunits I get with decked out FG42s and a mg unit with mg 42s?

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No, you can’t and yeah you can totally not wipe out at least 2 squads when you get in a building in 1 second using full auto , not to mentioned the bipod fanctions with which you use the gun as an mg 42

i do and i wipe out entire invasion caps in a moments, not my fault you can’t use burst

no you get to spam a relaly good gun to the point it’s overpowered

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No I meant your 2 squad wipes with a single FG 42 you idiot.

You can’t even spell properly half the time. I dunno why I bother reading your drivel.

Lol I think your right XGeneralBlackyX. I’ll stop wasting my time.

Sent you an invite ingame if you want to squad up sometime. I think we’d make a good team.

Please , Consider giving extra slots for diferent types of soldiers on premium squads and or , the usage of the secondary weapon slot in them.

Good idea for the most part, except smgs for support units. I think it would be better for the game if they were limited to bolt/semi like the troopers. I’d imagine support only being the new meta for Russians and we’d see even more 71 round drum mag laser guns.

Please add Stg44 or its early variation(MKB42 or Mp43/1) in the next update which all german players have the lust for.

i liked that BOT,s got the AI a bit better, still more work to be done. we got a small improvement.

about guns, i don,t care. men take men using bolt action rifle.

keep good work Devs.

Please balance berlin, it’s pretty awful in it’s current state.

  • Awesome update to tanks, being able to control/fire the turret from the comander position but dont see the pen marker is a really nice way to balance it out 10/10.
  • New Battle task menu looks fancy.
  • Lot of other fixes, nice to see thank you for the update:)

Its nice to see something you suggested implemented. It’s even better to see that the devs listen to good ideas even if they appear invisible.



We read your feedback. :slight_smile:


" * The new mission “Ministry Garden (Assault)” has been added to the “Battle of Berlin” campaign."
In general assault missions arent fun for the assaulting team. I dont see how this one wont be an instant exit for USSR players


What you like

  • New skins

  • Assits now showing

What you don’t like

  • The hanger map is totally one side if you’re on the german side you’re stuffed

Airplanes can just team wipe you the second you spawn

Spawn killing is way too easy

Being behind a wall a grenade can go off and still kill you?!?!

Premium can just burn

Head glitch spots are a pain!!

Some plane bombs are just nukes…

What is not too easy to understand

  • The new Tank aiming system, it doesn’t go green anymore?!?!?!