Your feedback about last update

Except an M1 carbine doesnt fire at full auto and can mow down multiple squads in quick succession. Thats why the Assault rifles need to be locked to the troops that already carry full auto submachine guns.

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Lol. I’m not going say more on this topic of the FG42.

Like I said - I’m not a German main. I don’t have a problem vs it I think it’s a nice gun but not OP.

On an Engineer squad I think it would be useless as I usually build AA guns and they wreck infantry and can get multi kills at any range. I’m not going to go assault mode with a bunch of engineers that’s a stupid idea IMO as I could just use an assault squad for that which would be better.

If you have a big problem with it and you think it’s ruining your games then go play Moscow where it doesn’t exist or change your tactics or something.

If you play first person shooters for long enough semiauto is basicly full auto. Just spam the trigger.

But it isnt the same.

yes spaming the trigger i actualy hit my shots you are right.

The issue isn’t YOU doing it, so you don’t need to defend yourself.
It’s that others do and are fully willing to ruin the game for others with it and MG dropshotting and shit like that.
Not everyone does, but the ones who do ruin it for everyone involved.
I can easily outplay them, but not everyone is able to or wants to. No one wants to sweat 100% of the time because little Piotr and Timmy think its fun to run all OP squads after grinding non-stop or just charging their debit card.
Not everyone plays with proper sportsmanship and just enjoy being a dick gameplay wise.

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Well I never said I’m better than the rest. All i say is semiauto weapons are as effective if not more than fullauto rifles especialy with the insane recoil on those guns. It just puts the semiauto weapons in the FG42s place. The dropshotting is an actual issue tho.


Maybe just maybe take out the 150% faster droping.

TBH dude my main gripe with the game right now is not the gunplay.

I have more of an issues with plane spamming bombs in Normandy on both sides. I think there should be a take cover mechanic introduced to reduce the damage or something.

Also I don’t like the new “realistic” tank scopes. Feels horrible to drive tanks now and incentivises tanks camping far from the action which is boring AF.

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Hey people have a style of play right.

For me the guns are fine as it is too. My biggest issue are grievers in lone fighter.

I agree with everything you’ve just posted as well
All of these are issues that must be addressed if the game wants to make it out of infancy

Well I’m doing it too, but it is crazy strong right now. A nerf to dropshoting accuracy or a slower drop animation woulden’t hurt.

Like plane bombs absolutely ruin infantry combat for everyone in the game. Maybe like take cover in a building/ trenches reduces or blocks most of the damage. Lie down gives you some reduced damage if it’s not on top of you.

It’s complicated to fix though I’m hoping the nerf isn’t too harsh but it’s not good place right now, especially Normandy which is why I don’t play there much at the moment.

Tanks I used to love for the tank on tank combat etc push with the team, take out enemy tanks etc. My team mates would use me as mobile cover and push with me. I can barely see where I’m driving now it’s really bad with the new scopes. It’s like playing the game looking through a toilet roll tube :sweat_smile:

Have you noticed especially in Berlin how insane the XP is if you’re playing the objective and get a bunch of kills on the cap points?

I’m getting games with like 38K + XP! With no premium squads used.

  1. Nice work with the academic with a stealth change which makes 2 tier X and 1 tier Y soldiers giving a random one back instead of a tier X back (as it was until now) and thus making the tooltip in the academic which says that you ll get back a tier X back a total scam.
  2. nice instant closing a post , the moment a mod answers to my post cause i guess you dont want to discuss this silent change anymore

No, it’s not really it should be resticted to a class instead of being widely available, all the ammo nerf does is reduce the problem and make people who were watching history channel “documentaries” seethe, also saying that this and that gun wasn’t used in that unit is intelectually dishonest when comparing the most uniconic obscure and inj short supply shit and making them the meta and accessible to everybody

lol… imagine comparing spamming the mouse to actual hold down auto

it is OP when it’s available to all classes, i have seen and done wonders with it to the point the gun feel just wrong and dirty in the way it’s impelemented and it’s going to hurt the game by just having new people face it call the game broken and bail out and again all i see is a bunch of Mr. Michael_Wittman_Gamings cry them selves out in the forums none stop saying that Gemrnay suffers and that they need 20/80 ammo as a default form an OP gun that is available to everyone to counter the BAR an LMG that comes in the maximum of 3 per squad, can’t you see the issue? Personally i use it only inm the egnineer 2 squad out of pure disgust and use the other rifles for the rest and i have the stockpile of the unsed fg’s conserved for upgrades

Restricting that gun will not change anything. The Gewer 43 putts out the exact same amount of bullets with the same exact damage profile if you shoot it as fast as you can. If you need more than 10 bullets to kill 3 or 4 dudes you need to work on your aim. The only thing it would channge is the name of the gun you will complain about, because anyone worth a shit doesen’t need a full auto gun.

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