Your feedback about last update

so submachine Guns go to Troopers.

Even @GhostintheSmoke agrees with us that it’s a whale gun as his own anecdote says f2p only has a handful of them at most compared to full stomping squads of them
All battle rifles/assault rifles should be locked to a class instead of for everyone.

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Nope. Assault Rifles go to the same people that submachine guns go to.


hold on let me think think this for while

Take your time

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smgs go to support units like pioneers, while assaulters get " automatic OHKO guns, but to make it balanced, they wont be allowed to pick the 35HP bonus perk, just like MG gunners.

so the balance would be:
boltaction and semi auto: more soldiers in your squad and 35HP bonus perk
MGs Snipers and assaultrifles: less soldier in your squad no 35HP bonus perk
SMGs: for support units +35HP bonus perk

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I suppose thats fair.


yea everyone get a loadout

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I’m sorry but I’m gonna call BS on that. Get a screenshot of a fully decked out squad of maxed out FG 42s. I’m sure that is extremely rare + lucky player who only mains Germany.

Btw I am not a Germany main. I only have maxed Germany in Normandy only every other campaign Germany is level 1. The reason I’m debating this is for diversity and class balance across the board. I don’t own a single premium squad the only thing I’ve bought is premium time. and the battle pass.

Rifles are very accurate and on hit down as well so it’s who ever hit’s their target first really FG 42 vs a Rifle at Long range I’d actually prefer a rifle. If you want mainly bolt action gameplay just go play Moscow Campaign that is basically mostly bolt actions.

implying them not being fully maxed out makes em less op… get tf out you shinny craving main


I don’t see the issue with those guns. They are awful in full auto and you better bring ammo boxes or you’re out in like 2 sec. I play them almoust exclusivly semi auto. Runing and guning is impossible on full auto on those guns. maybe if you’re like 3 m away full auto might work, but takes longer to switch than just physicly tap every shot like i do with Gewer 43, SVT 40 and so on.

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›Say he bought them
Stopped reading there


What the hell do they do with their SMG’s then?

I’d still prefer a Beretta or MP40 on my assaulter anyway so FG 42 would be pointless.

100% agree

I think there is a big misconception with people who haven’t actually used an FG 42 about how accurate FGs are in full auto.

Like you said 95% of the time you don’t use full auto unless your going into an objective you have to clear and you know there’s like 2 people you want to kill at the cost of a lot of ammo.

›Huge miscocenption
Yeah sure buddy, we totally haven’t used the shit out of it… let alone common sense something you seem to lack in large quantities, if al this isn’t cause ypou are bad at the game and want to get an up on the others i higly advize to move on something that is not WW2 where everyone is running with full automatic rifle and intermidiete caliber guns

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I have no problems getting first place or top 3 consistently in other campaigns. I am far from maxed out in all campaigns. I’m just calling out inaccuracies in the above comments.

If you removed the FG 42 that would be a shame but it’s not gonna significantly change my playstyle or performance because like I said I don’t main Germany nor do I need this gun to do well.

Why the personal attack - 314 is the one showing you selective/ inaccurate stats why don’t you use your common sense and stop being a simp.

You aren’t calling out inncuracies you just want to have overpowered line ups for the sake of it even if what you are good which i find hard to believe

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Pick one or the other. Up to personal taste. And actually balanced.

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Since the ammo was nerfed it’s about ballanced with all the other sides. You can get it by just playing the game and nothing is “realistic” in this game and just insulting people for their opinion is a sign of lacking intellect. I just don’t think it’s the problem you make it out to be. A lot of guns in this game were never given to theese units, yet you can give them to almoust everybody (M1 carbine for example). Some of the units in the game never were near a battle of the campain they are part of.

I didn’t show any inaccurate stats lmfao
Even stock it will at the very least down in a single shot out to ~80+ meters which is a further distance than you’re typically going to be engaging people
With a 20 round mag
With the capability of full auto in CQC
On every

That is broken and should be changed or the game will genuinely just suffer the continuous power creep. All battle rifles/assault rifles should be restricted to a single class and the only reason people pick the FG-42 specifically is that it is the most powerful out of all of them because its counterparts in the US and Soviet tree are fucking dogshit in comparison.