Your feedback about last update

I believe it was, but I can’t remember for certain.

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Now contrary to the normal 7.92 the kurz as far as i know doesnt OHK. It is an artificially nerf i guess

Oh look the famous weirdo you curses all day and reeeing about fixing the academy exploit :joy:

It does the same damage as semi-autos and LMGs which OHK already
The StG did 8 as far as I remember which when fully upgraded would put it over 10 which is enough to OHK but the chance to down is pretty high in Berlin too.

You were simply wrong is all :man_shrugging:
That’s not a bad thing.

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We had that discussion in another thread and people arguing that the kurz deosnt OHK. But yeah i might be wrong since i havent test it myself :thinking:

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Anything above 10 damage has a good chance to one hit kill since 10 is the base HP of a soldier
It’s why Semi-Autos in Moscow CBT were dogshit and not worth using until they upped the damage.
They came at 8 and upgraded to like 10-11 and were only worth using if they were maxed out


It was, but FG was locked for gunners too (as it should be). So sadly we can’t use first alpha tests as determinant.

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FG 42 and their equivalent leveled weapons give the ability of other classes such as bombers and troopers to compete in more situations against assaulter and gunner classes. Which as Germany is defender in most invasion maps is usually the class you will often bump into quite often.

I understand people argue it’s for historical accuracy and they were only given to paratroopers etc but in game it’s just gonna ruin class gun diversity and balance.

Besides it wouldn’t be that useful on an engineer squad who can build an AA gun or LMG emplacement and mow down squads using those instead.

Wow so make Germany the best all rounders and hold their hand so their non-trooper classes are just as powerful as the Soviet/US specialized assaulters and gunners.
That’s your solution?
Correct me if I interpreted that wrong, but that’s just leading to more handholding for one side.


You should have showed the full stats.

Above 10 metres it’s 9.8 damage which is not on hit kill unless their damaged and used a med pack. It takes 2 shot’s to down an enemy over 10 metres as your HP bar is 10 to down and 10 to kill in downed state. Under 10 metres yes its 12 damage but still takes 2 shot’s to kill or 1 shot to down an opponent which is exactly the same as G43.

So it’s not OHK unless your hitting only head and neck shots.

Actual in game LMGs do more damage at all ranges than FG42.

That’s not fully upgraded
And it only begins to drop below 10 at almost 100m unupgraded

So it’s still a OHK at the ranges that matter

What is wrong with you

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No. Every nation will and should have this sort of gun.

I hear that M2 is underpowered by comparison to the FG 42 but I hope they will get something equivalent or better than that gun in future campaign levels.

I only play Germany in Normandy where I’m maxed out on that nation but I would say that now I’m maxing out US side I don’t remember ever having a problem being killed by FG 42s in game constantly as they are pretty rare.

That ruins the diversity of weapons you see and skews the balance horribly.

It’s actually because the people using them are dogshit and its their crutch they shouldn’t have. I managed to outfight some guy last night with my nagant revolver lmfao.

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Dude how many fully upgraded FGs do you think people have?

They’re so rare from bronze orders! I have zero maxed out and a maybe 2 that are 5/6 stars so the damage numbers are accurate for the majority of players.

12 damage is not OHK its OH down. 9.8 is not OHK it would still take 1 more shot to down. - These are facts

How naive are you?
I know several people who’ve paypigged entire squads of them to max star on the forum alone.
If we were going by pure f2p players you’d be 100% right, but in reality not everyone is f2p and German players are the biggest paypiggies around who also need a crutch.

It’s broken and retarded to have everyone with assault rifles, simple as
Have a good day, dude


Where is your proof of that? So far most of what you’ve said is inaccurate. You cant buy them maxed out either.

In reality it isn’t that big of an issue as you are trying to make it sound because most people don’t have maxed out FG42s even if they did you could still kill them using most other weapons in 1 to 2 shots.

So your solutuion is to nerf F2P players in the ground to get to whales? Seems like you go for the wrong end. If you nerf F2P gunns to get to whales you will kill the playerbase even more since they will be significantly weaker than whales, which exist on all side of all campains. Seems like you are just angry at axis players. Did they hand you your ass one too many times?

I never said you could buy them maxed out lmao
No, even go ask in the discord and I know at least Kraav or whatever his name is will post his fireteams full of them. Starapple here did it as well.

They don’t yet and it’s paving the way for more spastic power creep later on which as more people reach it organically will murder new player retention because they’ll just get outright shit on starting out and not want to play.

That’s the dumbest fucking thing I’ve read this week. “It’s not OP since you can still kill them”


Doing so would actually be helping the playerbase overall since whales and no lifers wouldn’t absolutely shit on all newcomers, but by all means keep going


Except the FG-42 and the like are practically Whale guns, as you only really see them with whales.

For the millionth time, Lock the FG-42, M2, STG-44, AVS-36, ALL OF THEM, to ASSAULTERS. ONLY. The problem with them is the entire squads of full auto guns. No nerfs needed. Just a slight tweak