Your feedback about last update

Lock the FG-42 and AVS to engineer II in Berlin
Having everyone run around with a low recoiil battle rifle is unrealistic and extremely unbalanced.
Nevermind that the AVS is dogshit in every way and in no way a counterpart to it. Both were made in extremely small amounts and wouldn’t have been in Berlin in any actual number.
AVS not at all actually.


Originally posted on Reddit, posting here as well.

I have just started Berlin, not many battles but enough to understand some critical issues that have to be fixed ASAP .

Let’s start with the worst of them all:

  • Invasion point capping times should be increased , there is no way around this.
    There’s no time to even build rallies that we already have to retreat. Sometimes I had trouble even reaching it in the first place. There is no time at all to set a defense. We really need you to look into this.
    I have both Moscow and Normandy Axis maxxed out and I have never felt so frustrated before, everything is just going so fast that we keep jumping from one point to another without achieving anything, and of course most of the times (80% for me) it ends up with a loss.

  • Spawns are way too close to each other , we already know how tanks one shot each other directly at the spawn. This is honestly ridiculous.

  • AI? it’s almost useless , since with all the rubble and buildings they constantly end up on barbed wire, they split up, they lose time just pointing at enemies or giving up their positions and getting themselves mowed down, and it’s rare that they reach their designated position unscathed.
    Best thing (for all campaigns) should be adding a command, that when activated, when they are following you, makes the AI travel along the same exact path that the player just took , kind of they memorize what the player did and repeat.
    Why that? Because the route that a human takes will always be more secure than what the current AI can choose to reach the player.
    Also, since Berlin it’s almost all Urban, it should be time to teach the AI to actually stay inside certain buildings, or better, rooms, and know how to get past player-made items.

This game is based on commanding a Squad. With the release of this campaign we are seeing how much the AI needs a rework, to actually be called “squad”. For now they are a serious burden, I wish I could leave them 100m away from me so to use them as extra lives.
I believe this isn’t the mindset you want players to develop.
Please set AI improvement as a priority. It’s one of the pillars on which this game is built. Make them useful, make them take cover, make them take safe paths!

  • Now last, but probably the most important issue in-game, something that affects all campaigns.
    How to balance the player base evenly between the two fighting factions so that one team doesn’t get filled with useless bots leading to inevitable defeat and frustration?
    My idea (and I think something similar should really be implemented if we want to keep this game alive) , should be to incentivize the players on playing on the faction that statistically has less players.
    Which incentive? XP boosts for every battle played as the neglected faction.

Let me explain it better with an example; here’s a way you can implement this in-game (this could also be automated):
1- Today statistics will show you guys that 70% of players were playing US and 30% were playing Germany .
2- Gather the final results at the end of the day, and the next day give Germans a 10% XP boost (roughly) for the whole day so more players will switch to them.
Not a huge XP boost though, since we just need a small piece of the other faction’s player base to migrate to the other one.
3- Again, at the end of the day gather the results and give the faction with less players the previous day, the 10% XP boost.
4- Make some adjustments over time so that we can find the correct amount of XP incentive until the player base is balanced.
5- Rinse and repeat until the end of times.

This is a rough idea but please consider making something similar, since the only way you can progress in this game is by grinding.
And, To grid faster you have to win to get a boost on XP.
But if the player base of the faction that the player is using is already low on “manpower”, then this would result in:
1- the player, getting less XP, ending up in losing interest in the game, due to the imbalance and constant losses.
2- the opposite faction just playing mostly against AI and not having an actual challenge.
This method will perfectly work as a daily boost / reward AND as a mean to balance the player base in the mean time, so that battles will be more balanced.

This could also be compared to the 25% daily XP Reward that War Thunder had in it’s early days, except here, it is actually a tool to balance teams.

(On a personal note. I believe, except some cases ( Jumbo, I’m looking at you ) that the equipment given to every faction is pretty much balanced if you know how to use it and have a human team backing you up. Example: In Moscow, Soviets have the PPD but Germans anyway get a good counter at lvl 20, the MG34. I played as Axis.
What REALLY makes a difference is if a team is filled with bots or real players! So again, balancing the player base is a must .)

With this I might have presented the worst issues and, in my honest opinion, and some valid solutions.
Regarding to Berlin, Invasion Point Capping time should be the priority on the Fix List.
I have been very disappointed honestly, I won’t be playing Berlin for a while.

I hope with all my heart that this reaches the dev team, I am not seeing a bright future for the game if these issues don’t get somehow fixed. I also really hope my suggestions are actually feasible.

Thanks for reading until here.


Don’t know what’s happened but it now feels like I’m playing on a server full of cheats! The aim on the bots is ridiculous. I get shot when hiding in a bush before I’ve even fired a shot! not very realistic? Also the planes bombing is ruining this game. Saw a player with over 200 kills just doing bombing runs. There’s no balance and not enough defense against planes. Put some anti aircraft guns scateered about the map or something? This game is in danger of becoming a pilot only game.

At the beginning it was great seemed a lot different than the other campaigns I like that.

The maps are still different I like that.

Now, perhaps because more people have progressed down the campaign the planes are showing up as mentioned in the previous post - so now its starting to be like Normandy where your constantly being bombarded by planes.

Also, I think attention should be given to the map and spawn points especially the maps where one side is attacking and the other defending. As soon as a point is taking it seems the default spawns are instantly updated and moved forward. The problem is that when ya spawn in on those after the previous point is taken your now basically at many times spawning and dying the enemy knows where these points are and light them up.

This is what should happen imo when the next point is taken - AT FIRST instantly NOTHING HAPPENS then the ENEMY gets the message to Move to the next point. THE SPAWNS DO NOT UPDATE YET !!! Then after awhile the map goes dark or becomes the grey area for the enemy so that if they have not moved the grey area kills them. THEN after about 15 to 25 seconds to make sure all the enemy lingering behind have been killed - NOW the new default spawns should show up.

It should be left to the engineers and good tactics to keep the momentum going when a point is taken and in time the map should update with new spawns being where then enemy does not easily have line of sight into them.

All maps currently have no go zones for the other team. Maps where there are for example 3 objectives and the map never changes the Default spawns are NOT in enemy territory right ???

so then Why with assault maps (the maps where one side attacks and the other defends) should they be structured in such a way that a default spawn exists where an enemy can be …

Lone Fighters was better before, revert changes and stop ruining perfectly fine stuff. Now it’s unplayable, boring and unneeded.

Then I’d just want the decorations on Panther G from Battle Pass to have its decorations removed. why did they add that from War Thunder? They look ridiculous cause of how they are positioned, don’t fit in at all. Whole tank is ruined for me. Would it be that hard to make new that actually fit? right now they clipped in like stuff sticking out through things and half way on rails and stuff like that. I just hope they remove them please and later on make Vehicles with pre set options for customization. War Thunders Vehicle customization is pure poop.

Bad: The bug where the enemy’s turret rotation appears differently on your client is still not fixed. When I play Germans T-34s will sometimes appear to have their turrets turned from me, deflecting my shots, while one-shotting me at the same time.

Screenshot (26)

2021_06_20_14_39_03__19020.clog (21.3 MB)


As stated on patch notes :

“All participants of the Battle for Berlin CBT will get a special forum badge award.”

So far I only have enlisted_cbt and enlisted tester.

Will it ever come? Yeah I did play berlin since they anounced it… -(alpha and 1st closed beta test with premium squad)

Also, with the new battlepass, there is a new poster. But. I lost my enlisted veteran poster (not that I care much but it was a nice collective to have.) care to see into it!?

Please change the bolting animation for the VG-2
It is extremely jarring
Otherwise love the gun, thanks for adding the proper model

Also thank you for removing most of the half buried barbed wire littered around Berlin a few patches back, that’s a really nice change. Just wish my bots would stop running around the ones on the streets lmao.

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Basic idea of the game is good. End of good news. Squads- control system doesn’t work. Defend this area is the only command- even when you point the camera into the sky. The command rose doesn’t work/appear. Squads get in the way, block your shot and get you killed. Other than that the only thing they’re good for is running around like headless chickens and getting themselves killed. Getting out of rivers can be impossible at times - soldiers get stuck on the bank whilst others gallop past. Respawn infront of an enemy who just killed you and/or facing the wrong way.- that’s lame. Tanks- the control system when a tank gets hit is a complete shambles. I want to get out of the tank not be held up by a pointless screen whilst the rest of my crew gets killed. There is a definate bias in favour of the russians here- a T60 came take multiple direct hits from a PZ3 without suffering any effect and the one shot kill the pz. The mini map is not helpful/ unclear. The same can be said of the promotion and upgrade system. Other than that there’s a lot that’s good about it. The basic gameplay, detail, graphics etc are fine.

What you like

*Panther is a great tank.

What you don’t like

*Stug IV’s frontal armor is even weaker than Panther, even starter T-34-85 DT can penetrate it easily. While for SU-85, it’s not possible to penetrate it with current axis tanks, so how are these 2 equivalent?

Also Berlin axis side has way too much BOTs compared to Allies, making it impossible to enjoy the gameplay.

What is not too easy to understand

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They are defintely not the end-game rifle, dude. Soviets would get AVT40 in the future, with a german counter(which would also be counter to Johnson LMG in Normandie I guess) unlocked at the same time. Considering both campaigns have 40+ levels and you unlock AVS36 at a relatively early stage, it’s not hard to find it out

I never said they were end game rifles.
Giving FGs to everyone is broken as shit and extremely unbalanced simple as.
I’d argue giving everyone the AVS is as well (which it would be if it didn’t have completely insane recoil).

Imagine the reeeeing when everybody gets an StG44 :joy:

I’m in favour of those being restricted to a class too
Making the game just a OHK full auto shitfest is going to kill it or at the very least really fuck on new player retention in the long run


Ofc you are
Meanwhile the Soviets can run a million people with 70mag PPDs with lazer accuracy from level 20, but you know the StG44 would be unbalanced :joy:

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PPDs are already restricted to at max four a squad.
FGs can be handed out to 9 man rifle teams
There is a massive difference between the two and arguing otherwise is extremely disingenuous
Nor does the PPD have the ability to OHK unless you shoot every single person in the face

I also never said I wanted slav assault rifles for everyone either, so don’t try to claim I did because I didn’t explicitly specify them when talking about a different weapon.

  1. you can run 2 ass squads with PPDs/PPsh which both are superior in an assault rifle in a urban map
  2. the 7.92mm kurz doesnt OHK at least now in Enlisted

Yes you can run 2 assault squads with 8 PPDs, PPSh, or PPS in total
You can run every squad with nearly entirely FG-42s

And yes it does OHK unless you have shit aim

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wasn’t stg locked to the assaulter class in the first berlin alpha test?

You are the Germany needs FG-42 for everyone to counter the BAR level of player