Your feedback about last update

steam version actually has better fps than launcher version for me and that is amazing definitely gonna give positive review for this

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What you like

  • overall gameplay

What you don’t like

  • you claim to have made the AI squad members better and smarter but they have ABSOLUTELY GOTTEN MORE AND MORE WORTHLESS WITH EVERY UPDATE YOU DO.

What is not too easy to understand

  • how are people with weapons way higher than BR 1-3 still getting into matches for BR 1-3. But whenever I try it I am immediately thrown into BR IV or higher. Fix this. It’s completely unfair.
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Now it’s ±1
When there are not enough people, the previous mode will be maintained

seem like achievement got fix now nice

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Love the new +/- MM when enough players
Customization on premiums, APCs next please
New rocket squads are fun, but no specialists
The new Rhzev map

Don’t like:

The Soviet rocket tank and the Calliope rockets only seem to be working if you hit enemy, where is explosion radius?

Carrier based plane wheels still show down when bailing, even though raised in Pacific

Would like BR5 removed from Stalingrad

SAS troops and the Moroccans premiums still in shorts or same on Normandy

BR5 now very sweaty

Don’t understand:

New event grind, we should be able to do this whenever we want in the event window not cap to every two days.

No xp in Big Action mod as yet.

Keep up the great work :+1:

PS5 Plse add 2 extra gunners to LVT

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On air battele we keen having higher Br with fox 3 a real pain do something gaijin !!!

Hey! I love the game, I love what your studio is doing. I have a suggestion for a game mode. I have this vision of enlisted where You have kind of have like an annex mode. Where you can have up to 50 players fighting against AI In a huge battlefield mode To conquer an Entire region that is community based. You have a map where you can select where you want to Go depending on the needs of the war. I think it would be really cool to see extravagant epic battles you can choose to leave or jump into whenever you want. I would also like to see radios being used in that mode to contact other squads For either reinforcements or support. I do like the sandbox modes, but it definitely has potential for more.


there was a game back in the day called WWII ONLINE that was a true MMOFPS its just like you describe. they even had a community/world newspaper published each day describing the multiple fronts etc. This engine would be great with that concept.

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Mission expiration can be confusing, adding a simple counter would be awesome. Nothing to fancy, just count down the hours and mins, please.

Also, absolutely love all your art work and various battle scenes, you can tell time and effort is put into them. However, adding a way for us to collect, store and view them would be really cool. Maybe provide us with a Top secert "War Journal " to keep all the various art work. Could even add true to life pictures of the various vehicles or soldiers.

I highly disagree with nerfing artillery and the radio class…they have a unique support class that stood out from the others and they ruined it.

I wrote that 3 years ago.

much have changed since then.

don’t necropost


Blockquote i suggest that planes in japan will be already in the sky when i pick the vehicle squad just like the rest of the three factions because it"s annoying for me to fly a plane from the ground unless the plane was already at the ground like normandy…

The news about eco seen really good and definitely a good change.

love your new economy system good job !!!

That’s fine by me rank 5 players shouldn’t be able to seal club teams 2 ranks lower than them I’d rather have longer queues than be matched against players who can’t compete its not fair its not “fun”.

Ussr has a premium assaulter squad with 71 round smg at br3
They got the belt fed dp
Also U cant say I got a bias bcs I’m a Soviet main
Also I don’t think historicaly accurate uniforms are a big deal nor the reason ppl buy premium squads
Its not meant to be a Milsim

Probably just a visual bug/thing, and probably already mentioned, but I just noticed that all the pistols are rated at BRI, but have different prices.

This is likely to be confusing for newer players, and just needs the correct BR levels added.

The pic is from Germany, but it affects all factions.

Screenshot 2024-08-15 193929

Aside from that, I’m enjoying the new economy! :slight_smile:

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tried a couple of match on join any team and i am surprise that it give way more point then playing one side match (probably obvious) and i dont even have to stress since im not there to win which is nice

The gap between BR5 and BR3 weaponry is not that large. You’re exaggerating. The major difference will be magazine size, but if you hit your shots with your BR2 rifle, their magazine advantage will be nothing

i’m not exaggerating its hard facts I can body a rank 3 squad using an MG-34 pretty easily with a 1919a6 or Stinger to which a rank 3 squad really has no counter and its quite a different story with vehicles a rank 3 Sherman is not gonna be a match for a rank IV panther or rank 5 Tigers 1 and 2 with the tiger 1 you have a chance if he plays stupid.