Your feedback about last update

By what standards exactly?

They broke faster then other weapons - which was expected, and no real issue since they lasted long enough to get the shooter through his mission.

It was by today’s standards inaccurate, but so were even bolt action rifles.
5 MOA is terrible today, but normal for WW2.

In the end, what the FG42 is, is a semi auto 20 round magazine fed rifle that was capable of light MG fire.

It was according to many sources very light recoiling for 8mm Mauser, while being somewhat unwieldy for having a heavy magazin at the side of the gun.

To say they were mediocre couldn’t be further from the truth.

They were pretty much for their time insanely well engineered. The FGs are without a doubt among the most powerful small arms of the entire war.

They had almost half the weight of the BAR while having still less recoil. If that alone isn’t a miracle, what else is?


If they did that and put a BR to the pistols it would go against what they said when they did the merge. They didn’t want to put a battle rating on pistols so they could be used anywhere. What they need to do is just completely remove that BR1 tag from the weapons. This way they’re doing is they said they were going to do and they’re not locked to a BR. Pistols don’t have enough firepower to really be substantial enough within of a game changer within higher BR with the exception of the SMG pistol the Soviets have and a few others like the Colt Schwartz. Pistols like that are in short supply so you can’t equip them on everyone like you could say the Mauser C96.

We’re moving that tag would also remove the confusion without creating a confusing system where the weapons are locked.

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please fix anti kamikaze system. according to the description " Players who crash an undamaged aircraft will be prohibited from respawning with an aircraft for their next spawn"

Funny thing: that’s not how your system works. I fought an enemy plane (I-153) got heavily damaged but managed to kill him and his plane + killed ground infantry with bombs. However I crashed because of the damage (engine failed). Enemy plane user claimed the kill and I still get a penalty for this? This wasn’t a crash on purpose and my plane wasn’t undamaged. How it is possible that your system doesn’t recognize this? Haven’t you tested all possibilities for that system for weeks on the test servers?

killed enemy plane

killed also infantry


Premium camo customization
Suicide penalty, needs a teak here n there though
High server pop new matchmaking +/-1

Greyzone all game, add some kind of penalty to xp please
T20, Type Hei, As44- put me off playing BR5, now mainly play BR4, unless using my axis paras
Quick swapping of weapons between soldiers not working on Ps5
Don’t like tanks or vehicles not having commander binocs view, please add.

Don’t understand:
No progress on or capped Xp for Big Action custom
Soviet TD too high tier, makes them worthless
Stalingrad cap to 4, also increase Tunisia to BR4 (Tigers were in Tunisia)
Lost a lot of my GO weapons on my squads, why no search option?

Keep up the good work, just bought another premium to aupport Devs :+1:

After the update I dont know did I won the match against marshals and generals and I should be happy, or did I just won against a stack of privates and it was a waste of time. Rather bad update.

Remove the anti-kamikaze system because it broken and revert thr position of APC squad as vehicle and not infantry and finally remove the movement penalty for the federov MG to be competitive against the spam of FG-42 2

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I got completely destroyed today tail gone both wings gone still got the penalty.

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I really ask myself “how does nobody recognized & reported it on the test server”? :smiley:

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it’s probably bugged because it wasn’t doing this at the feature’s launch the last patch broke it.

Well it is a known issue