Your feedback about last update

Since the last update ( there has been a massive performance hit on my game… my PC is lower end but could run at bare minimum settings just fine, now it’s unplayable at around 5 FPS or less :frowning:

Update resolved my issue, thanks!

They’re like FG rifles with 30 round magazines
Theoretically, each magazine can kill at least 10 people
I think this is acceptable
Rather than having a bunch of lunatics with full-powered automatic weapons firing tracer bullets everywhere

As a defender I really like this map
Because I can run to the tank’s spawn point with a katana and use anti-tank rocket barrels to make them enthusiastic (physics)

If I remember correctly the defender’s boundary is on the side of the building near the beach.
Most of the time the monkeys will head straight from the beach and fill the trenches with corpses
Normal players will try to flank from 2 sides
But if there are not enough people, it will still be impossible to invade effectively.

As far as results are concerned
I think this should be a monkey vs. newbie question
There are too many of these pests and sandbags

I think the Soviet Union is strong enough
They have the biggest tank guns and the widest range of aircraft
Although their automatic rifles do not have much advantage
But the performance of submachine guns is much higher than that of other camps
Not to mention what they got from Germany and the United States

Hi, @Keofox !!

From one Japanese player there are some opinions:

What you like

  • Lots of Japanese weapons!
  • Excellent custom game modding!

What you don’t like

What is not too easy to understand

  • Put Chi-Ha on premium, and Chi-Ha new turret on event vehicle.
    Let’s imagine that all T-34 tanks or M4 Sherman tanks were implemented as premium or event vehicle, and only T-34-100 or Calliope can be researchable: you will feel something went wrong.
    For most of Japanese players, the most symbolic Japanese tank is Type 97 medium tank “Chi-Ha” so in-game way is very disappointing. (Ha-go and Te-Ke etc. are not as famous as Chi-Ha in Japan.)

I would be very happy if you could fix them. Thanks!


They could add chi-ha without heat and with tan camouflage in the tech tree. They did the same thing in old moscow campaign with panzer 4 e premium having heat and cool skin

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Since the last update I have had problems with antipersonnel mines, when I select the mine it comes from the ground to my hand. This is the animation that is currently on.
There are also problems with TNT when selecting it it goes directly to the explosion switch and not to the explosive material, it is annoying because getting close to a tank is a matter of seconds

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Another extremely annoying visual bug that was introduced a few releases ago where the paratrooper create disappears during the fall just prior to its parachute deployment was not corrected during this latest release.

Yet another extremely annoying bug relating to paratroopers has to do with the AI parachutes opening extremely early and making every paratrooper squad float down like feathers from the sky. They’re all sitting ducks. This bug absolutely needs to be fixed.

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for tiger 2 if i play soviet tank using IS2 and new tank i just always remember that tiger2 “cheek” is the weak spot so if you hit that then you should be good (it how i kill tiger 2 in my IS2 tbh)


I kind of disagree, the SMG is good but they lack semi-automatics, Bazooka is stil worse than crazy GrB rocket anti tank rifle and German tanks are better on lower BR. I dont think Sovjets are worse, but to complain that SU is to strong on low BR is a bit rediculous
On higher BR bazooka does not matter. But even here i dislike the narative that Sovjets are overpowered, I play both Japan, Sovjet and Germany on high BR and personaly, Germans arent worse than Sovjets, this is just a dumb narative the community has been dreaming up.

I guess the use of the bazooka is just a matter of skill.

I don’t know what you want to complain about
They can even destroy No. 4 with 45MM
Are you using a T28?

I’ve never seen anyone new use it effectively
There are even fewer people who can use it to snipe from a distance.

Semi-automatic weapons really lack variety
But their automatic weapons more than make up for this.
Is it possible that you only use manual or semi-automatic fighting? No wonder you were beaten so badly.

Have you ever seen their replicas and rental aircraft?
Level 2 mini 188 (100X6)
Level 2 Super IAR (100X2 250X1)
Level 3 mini P47 equipped with anti-tank machine gun (Rocket X4 100X4 23MM machine gun)

What does the Level 3 Soviet Union still lack?
Nuclear warhead?

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I like all the improvements especially the A.I. Improvements thanks for listening

what? I never said i have a hard time using a bazooka, i said i prefered the GrB. And also, your saying a bazooka requeres skill, well so does the GrB, you say that yourself. Im also not saying the Sovjets tanks are bad, im saying their worse than their German counterpart. Your also saying im using manual or semi automatic fire. Dude, what are you talking about? then you insult me for losing? Im confused because i told you i play all factions, so what are you talking about? Am i losing as Sovjets or Germans? My point is that with both factions i win an equal amound.

If your talking specificly BR III, well I did not mention BR III. Butttttttt i think Sovjet were mabe a bit to strong. With recent balance chances I do not think this is the case as much anymore. But i was also not talking about BR III but BR II and V. In both cases Sovjets have some reall things going for them but the Germans to. I dislike this idea that Sovjets beeing so strong. Yes their strong, and on city maps were tanks become useless they become possibly the best faction in the game. But their not ‘overpowered’. I play both BR II and BR V Germans and I beat the Sovjets on the regular. Its a matter of player skill that determines the outcome of battles.

So I was just thinking, could we get all the maps avaliable for practice plus the ones we already have? So that then we can learn teh map layout and be able to stratigise. But other than that the update is pretty good.


I play on xbox so I dont know if this is already a thing on pc, but I still want it on xbox.

I have always dreamed of this idea, for the same reasons


All proposed changes coming to game and recently implemented.

Rocket radioman, Supply drop (but should not stop normal artillery)

LMG deployment fixed


HE and Bombs seem to be dud sometimes.

Soviet rocket tank, needs near direct hit to kill, it has become useless.

Hurricane with 40mm cannons is a gimmick, doesn’t pen anything even at BR2

Still no xp for custom mods like Big Action

No xp bonus for playing any team

Customization related:
SAS, Moroccan, Paratrooper (Kirali) have very little or no customization options.
Premiums can’t be customized

Don’t understand:

Reinforcement pack- have all the squads but 115th and 78th not struck out??? Just want to buy vehicles.

Axis have BR4 TD, Soviets don’t, su85 still BR5?

I feel like we arent appreciating enough that MGs are actually working well now.

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i mean it is really nice especially when using MG100 since that thing spray everywhere unless you mount